Although in marketing terms the IBM 1401 had been an outstanding success, inside
IBM there was a mishmash of incompatible product lines that threatened its
dominance of the industry. Many IBM insiders felt that this problem could be resolved
only by producing a “compatible” range of computers, all having the same
architecture and running the same software.
雖然在IBM 1401的銷售上成績斐然,可是IBM內部各產品線互不相容,缺乏統一規劃的混亂局面正在侵蝕其行業統治地位。很多IBM內部人員都認為,解決困局的唯一辦法,是生產一種“相容”的系列機型,把機器的架構以及上面執行的軟體都統一起來。
In 1960 IBM was producing no fewer than seven different computer models—
some machines for scientific users, others for data-processing customers; some large
machines, some small, and some in between. In manufacturing terms IBM was
getting precious little benefit from its enormous scale. By simultaneously manufacturing
seven different computer models, IBM was being run almost as a federation
of small companies instead of an integrated whole. Each computer model had a
dedicated marketing force trained to sell into the niche that computer occupied,
but these specialized sales forces were unable to move easily from one machine or
market niche to another. Each computer model required a dedicated production
line and its own specialized electronic components. Indeed, IBM had an inventory
of no fewer than 2,500 different circuit modules for its computers. Peripherals also
presented a problem, since hundreds of peripheral controllers were required so that
any peripheral could be attached to any processor.
All this has to be compared with IBM’s punched-card products, where a single
range of machines (the 400 series accounting machines) satisfied all its customers.
The resulting rationalization of production processes and standardization of components
had reduced manufacturing costs to such an extent that IBM had no effective
competition in punched-card machines at all.
The biggest problem, however, was not in hardware but in software. Because
the number of software packages IBM offered to its customers was constantly increasing,
the proliferation of computer models created a nasty gearing effect: given
m different computer models, each requiring n different software packages, a total
of m × n programs had to be developed and supported. This was a combinatorial
explosion that threatened to overwhelm IBM at some point in the not-too-distant
然則硬體還不是最大的問題,軟體才是。由於IBM提供給客戶的軟體包數目持續在增加,劇增的機型種類引發了難以承受的放大效應:假設有m種不同型號的計算機,各需要n種不同的軟體包,那麼一共需要開發和維護m × n種程式。恐怕用不了多長時間,IBM就會被這樣的“組合爆炸”所壓垮。
Just as great a problem was that of the software written by IBM’s customers. Because
computers were so narrowly targeted at a specific market niche, it was not
possible for a company to expand its computer system in size by more than a factor
of about two without changing to a different computer model. If this was done,
then all the user’s applications had to be reprogrammed. This often caused horrendous
organizational disruption during the changeover period. Indeed, reprogramming
could be more costly than the new computer itself. As IBM appreciated only
too well, once a company had decided to switch computer models, it could look at
computers from all manufacturers—not just those made by IBM.
All these factors suggested that IBM would sooner rather than later have to embrace
the compatible-family concept. But in IBM’s case this would be particularly
challenging technically because of the wide spectrum of its customers in terms of
size and applications. A compatible series would have to satisfy all of IBM’s existing
customers, from the very smallest to the very largest, as well as both its scientific
and commercial customers. And the new machine would have to be compatible
throughout the product range, so that programs written on one machine would execute
on any other—more slowly on the small machines, certainly, but they would
have to run without any reprogramming at all.
The decision to produce a compatible family was not so clear-cut as it appears in
hindsight, and there was a great deal of agonizing at IBM. For one thing, it was by
no means clear that compatibility to the extent proposed was technically feasible.
And even if it were, it was feared that the cost of achieving compatibility might add
so much to the cost of each machine that it would not be competitive in the marketplace.
Another complication was that there were factions within IBM that favored
consolidating its current success by building on its existing machines. The
1401 faction, for example, wanted to make more powerful versions of the machine.
These people thought it was sheer madness for IBM to think of abandoning its
most successful product ever. If IBM dropped the 1401, they argued, thousands of
disaffected users would be left open to competitors. Another faction inside IBM favored,
and had partially designed, a new range—to be known as the 8000 series—
to replace IBM’s large 7000 series machines.
But it was the software problem that was to determine product strategy, and by
late 1960 the tide was beginning to turn toward the radical solution. Not one of
IBM’s computers could run the programs of another, and if IBM was to introduce
more computer models, then, as a top executive stated, “we are going to wind up
with chaos, even more chaos than we have today.” For the next several months
planners and engineers began to explore the technical and managerial problems of
specifying the new range and of coordinating the fifteen to twenty computer development
groups within IBM to achieve it. Progress was slow, not least because those
involved in the discussions had other responsibilities or preferred other solutions—
and the compatible-family concept was still no more than a possibility that might
or might not see the light of day.
In order to resolve the compatible-family debate rapidly, in October 1961
T. Vincent Learson, Tom Watson Jr.’s second-in-command at IBM, established
the SPREAD task group, consisting of IBM’s thirteen most senior engineering,
software, and marketing managers. SPREAD was a contrived acronym that stood
for Systems, Programming, Review, Engineering, And Development, but which
was really meant to connote the broad scope of the challenge in establishing an
overall plan for IBM’s future data-processing products. Progress was slow and, after
a month, Learson, an archetypal IBM vice president, became impatient for a year’s end
decision. In early November he banished the entire task group to a motel in
Connecticut, where it would not be distracted by day-to-day concerns, with “orders
not to come back until they had agreed.”
為了儘快了斷圍繞相容系列的爭執,1961年10月,Tom Watson Jr.在IBM的左右手——T. Vincent Learson招集公司內13名資歷最深厚的工程、軟體、市場經理,組建了SPREAD專責工作組。組名“SPREAD”由“Systems, Programming, Research, Engineering, And Development”這幾個單詞的首字母構成,雖然拼湊的意味明顯,但其中系統、程式設計、研究、工程、開發等用詞,實際上反映了IBM在為其未來資料處理產品制定一份總體規劃的時候,所面臨的挑戰是大範圍、大跨度的。工作組依舊遲緩的進展在一個月後耗盡了Learson的耐心,這位垂範後來者的IBM副總裁決意在新年到來之前得出結論。於是在11月初,整個工作組被“流放”到了康涅狄格州的一家汽車旅館以隔絕日常事項的干擾,他們從Learson那裡得到的命令是“不達成一致不許回來”。
【原文SPREAD的全稱“Systems, Programming, Review, Engineering, And Development”疑有誤,查包括來源於IBM自身的多份資料,“Review”處均作“Research”。】
The eighty-page SPREAD Report, dated 28 December 1961, was completed on
virtually the last working day of the year. It recommended the creation of a socalled
New Product Line that was to consist of a range of compatible computers to
replace all of IBM’s existing computers. On 4 January the SPREAD Report was
presented to Watson Jr., Learson, and the rest of IBM’s top management. The
scope of the report was breathtaking—as was the expense of making it a reality. For
example, the software alone would cost an estimated $125 million—at a time when
IBM spent just $10 million a year on all its programming activities. Learson
recalled that there was little enthusiasm for the New Product Line at the meeting:
80頁篇幅的“SPREAD報告書”上標記了完成日期,1961年12月28日,幾乎是該年度的最後一個工作日。報告中建議開設一條“新產品線”,以該產品線中的一系列相容機型來取代IBM現有的全部機型。SPREAD報告書在次年的1月4日被呈報給Watson Jr.和Learson為首的IBM最高管理層。這份報告書有著驚人的巨集大視野,而將之付諸實現所需的花費也是同樣驚人的。例如僅軟體的部分就預計花費1.25億美元,而當時IBM一年中所有程式設計活動的開銷才不過1千萬美元。Learson回憶,“新產品線”計劃在會上幾乎得不到積極的響應:
The problem was, they thought it was too grandiose. . . . The job just looked too big to the marketing people, the financial people, and the engineers. Everyone recognized it was a gigantic task that would mean all our resources were tied up in one project—and we knew that for a long time we wouldn’t be getting anything out of it.
But Watson and Learson recognized that to carry on in the same old way was even
more dangerous. They closed the meeting with the words, “All right, we’ll do it.”
Implementation of the New Product Line got under way in the spring of 1962.
Considerable emphasis was placed on commercial secrecy. For example, the project
was blandly known as NPL (for New Product Line), and each of the five planned
processors had a misleading code number—101, 250, 315, 400, and 501—that
gave no hint of a unified product line and in some cases was identical to the model
numbers of competitive machines from other manufacturers; even if the code numbers
leaked, they would merely confuse the competition.
“新產品線”的實現工作於1962年的春季發軔。保守業務上的祕密成了重中之重。例如,該專案被毫不起眼地命名為“NPL”(即New Product Line/新產品線的縮寫),而規劃中的五款處理器的數字序號也都做了手腳,它們分別被編號為101、250、315、400和501,從序號上完全看不出統屬於同一條產品線,有的序號甚至與其他廠商的競爭機型完全一致。這樣,就算序號被洩露出去,也只會讓競爭對手迷惑不已。
The New Product Line was one of the largest civilian R&D projects ever undertaken.
Until the early 1980s, when the company began to loosen up somewhat, the
story of its development was shrouded in secrecy. Only one writer succeeded in getting
past the barrier of IBM’s press corps, the Fortune journalist Tom Wise. He
coined the phrase “IBM’s $5 billion gamble” and wrote “not even the Manhattan
Project which produced the atomic bomb in World War II cost so much”; this
sounded like hyperbole at the time, but Wise’s estimate was about right. Wise reported
that one of the senior managers “was only half joking when he said: ‘We
called this project “You bet your company.”’” It is said that IBM rather liked the
swashbuckling image that Wise conveyed, but when his articles went on to recount
in detail the chaotic and irrational decision-making processes at IBM, Watson Jr.
was livid and “issued a memorandum suggesting that the appearance of the piece
should serve as a lesson to everyone in the company to remain uncommunicative
and present a unified front to the public, keeping internal differences behind closed
“新產品線”專案的龐大規模在民用研發的歷史上絕無僅有。專案的開發情況一直作為公司的祕密被嚴格地保護著,直到二十世紀八十年代初期才有所鬆動。期間只有一位記者成功地穿越了IBM的外宣防線,他就是《財富》(Fortune)雜誌的Tom Wise。“IBM的五十億豪賭”這個說法即出自Tom Wise,他寫道,“就連第二次世界大戰中研製原子彈的曼哈頓工程也不曾耗費如此巨資”。“五十億”美元實際上是一個比較準確的估算數字,然而在當時看起來彷彿作者的誇張修辭。報導中提到IBM的一位高階經理“半開玩笑地說:‘這個專案我們叫它“拿公司當賭注”專案。’”。據說IBM很欣賞Wise一系列報導所塑造的傳奇冒險形象,只是當報導開始詳細描寫公司內部混亂而不理性的決策過程之後,Watson Jr.大為震怒,他“簽發了一份備忘錄,認為出現這樣的報導,公司上下所有人都應當吸取教訓,學會保持沉默,並且對外展現一致的口徑,把內部分歧關在門後”。
The logistics of the research program were awesome. Of the five planned computer
models, the three largest were to be developed at IBM’s main design facility in
Poughkeepsie, New York, the smallest in its Endicott facility in upstate New York,
and the fifth machine in its Hursley Development Laboratories in England. Simply
keeping the machine designs compatible between the geographically separate design
groups was a major problem. Extensive telecommunications facilities were used to
keep the development groups coordinated, including two permanently leased
transatlantic lines—an unprecedented expense in civilian R&D projects at the time.
In New York hundreds and eventually thousands of programmers worked on the
software for the New Product Line.
All told, direct R&D came to around $500 million. But ten times as much
again was needed for implementation—to tool up the factories, retrain marketing
staff, and re-equip field engineers. One of the major costs was for building up a capability
in semiconductor manufacturing, in which IBM had previously been
weak. Tom Watson Jr., who had to cajole his board of directors into sanctioning
the expenditure, recalled:
直接的研發投入合計在5億美元上下,到實際做出產品來,則還需要十倍的投入——用於配置工廠裝置,複訓市場人員,以及現場工程師的整備。其中很大的一筆經費被用來加強IBM一度薄弱的半導體產能。Tom Watson Jr.半哄半騙地讓董事會核准了該項經費,他回憶道:
Ordinary plants in those days cost about forty dollars per square foot. In the integrated circuit plant, which had to be kept dust free and looked more like a surgical ward than a factory floor, the cost was over one hundred and fifty dollars. I could hardly believe the bills that were coming through, and I wasn’t the only one who was shocked. The board gave me a terrible time about the costs. “Are you really sure you need all this?” they’d say. “Have you gotten competitive bids? We don’t want these factories to be luxurious.”
This investment put IBM into the position of being the world’s largest manufacturer
of semiconductors.
By late 1963, with development at full momentum, top management began to
turn its thoughts to the product launch. The compatible range had now been
dubbed System/360, a name “betokening all points of the compass” and suggesting
the universal applicability of the machines. The announcement strategy was
fraught with difficulty. One option was to make a big splash by announcing the entire
series at once, but this carried the risk that customers would cancel their orders
for existing products and IBM would be left with nothing to sell until the new
range came on stream. A safer and more conventional strategy would be to announce
one machine at a time over a period of a couple of years. This would enable
the switch from the old machines to the new to be achieved much more gently, and
it was, in effect, how IBM had managed the transition from its old punched-card
machines to computers in the 1950s.
However, all internal debate about the announcement strategy effectively ceased
in December 1963 when Honeywell announced its model 200 computer. The
Honeywell 200 was the first machine to challenge IBM by aggressively using the
concept of IBM compatibility. The Honeywell computer was compatible with
IBM’s model 1401, but by using more up-to-date semiconductor technology it was
able to achieve a price/performance superiority of as much as a factor of four. Because
the machine was compatible with the 1401, it was possible for one of IBM’s
customers to return an existing rented machine to IBM and acquire a more powerful
model from Honeywell for the same cost—or a machine of the same power for
a lesser cost. Honeywell 200s could run IBM programs without reprogramming
and, using a provocatively named “liberator” program, could speed up existing
1401 programs to make full use of the Honeywell 200’s power.
圍繞釋出策略的內部爭執在1963年12月,Honeywell釋出其200型計算機的一刻全部失去了意義。Honeywell 200機型是第一臺主動打出“IBM相容”的旗號來挑戰IBM的機器。Honeywell的機型相容IBM 1401,因為使用了更先進的半導體技術,其效能價格比可高出3倍之多。出現這樣一臺相容1401的機型,意味著IBM的客戶可以退回租用中的IBM機器,轉而從Honeywell用同樣的價錢得到一臺效能更強的機器,或者用更低的價錢的到一臺效能相同的機器。Honeywell 200可不經重新程式設計直接執行IBM程式,1401程式經過故意取名為“解放者”(Liberator)的軟體工具轉換後,即可充分發揮Honeywell 200的速度優勢。
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