


Legacy init.ora Parameter Files

Now that you know what these legacy database parameter files are and where to get more

details about the valid parameters that you can set, the last thing you need to know is where to

find them on disk. The naming convention for this file by default is

init$ORACLE_SID.ora (Unix environment variable)

init%ORACLE_SID%.ora (Windows environment variable)

and by default it will be found in

$ORACLE_HOME/dbs (Unix)


It should be noted that the parameter file does not have to be in any particular location.

When starting an instance, you may use the pfile=filename option to the startup command.

This is most useful when you would like to try out different init.ora parameters on your database

to see the effects of having different settings.

SQL>startup pfile=pfilename.ora;

Server Parameter Files (SPFILEs)

The naming convention for this file by default is

spfile$ORACLE_SID.ora (Unix environment variable)

spfile%ORACLE_SID%.ora (Windows environment variable)


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