匯入rhel4 mysql5.5到rhel4 mysql5.1


1,mysql -uroot -p123456 -hcapitek1

2,create database yisile;

3,use yisile;

4,source /mysql/data/mysql/export_yisile_table.sql #匯入表結構,這裡的sql源於mysqldump從源資料庫mysql5.5的匯出檔案

5,source /mysql/data/mysql/export_yisile_data.sql #匯入表資料



  匯入建表sql到rhel4 mysql5.1
ERROR 1231 (42000): Variable 'character_set_client' can't be set to the value of 'NULL'
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '[root@localhost /]' at line 1
mysql> show tables;#查詢匯入的表結構及表總數

| Tables_in_yisile             |
| arti_article                 |
| arti_article_attachment      |
| auxi_config                  |
| auxi_msg                     |
| auxi_msg_ctg                 |
| cms_admin                    |
| cms_admin_channel            |
| cms_article_topic            |
| cms_channel                  |
| cms_channel_attchment        |
| cms_chnl_model               |
| cms_chnl_model_item          |
| cms_comment                  |
| cms_config                   |
| cms_content_ctg              |
| cms_member                   |
| cms_member_group             |
| cms_recommend_group          |
| cms_recommend_item           |
| cms_topic                    |
| core_admin                   |
| core_admin_function          |
| core_admin_role              |
| core_attachment              |
| core_function                |
| core_global                  |
| core_member                  |
| core_private_msg             |
| core_private_msg_text        |
| core_role                    |
| core_role_function           |
| core_tpl_solution            |
| core_user                    |
| core_user_role               |
| core_website                 |
| down_download                |
| down_download_attachment     |
| down_type                    |
| fname                        |
| qa_answer                    |
| qa_composition               |
| qa_composition_favorites     |
| qa_composition_pingyue       |
| qa_composition_property      |
| qa_course                    |
| qa_grade                     |
| qa_grade_compositionproperty |
| qa_grade_course              |
| qa_question                  |
| qa_question_favorites        |
| vote_item                    |
| vote_record                  |
| vote_topic                   |
| yisile_channel               |
| yisile_command               |
| yisile_courseware            |
| yisile_courseware_comment    |
| yisile_courseware_type       |
| yisile_courseware_vote       |
| yisile_member_translist      |
| yisile_membergroup_permi     |
| yisile_members_verify        |
| yisile_notice                |
| yisile_notice_type           |
| yisile_permission            |
| yisile_teacher               |
| yisile_teacher_grade_course  |
| yisile_user_apply            |
| yisile_virtual_currency_rule |
69 rows in set (0.00 sec)


mysql> select table_name,table_rows from tables where table_schema='yisile';#檢視yisile資料庫所有表的表名及表記錄數
| table_name                   | table_rows |
| arti_article                 |       5272 |
| arti_article_attachment      |       1323 |
| auxi_config                  |         12 |
| auxi_msg                     |          3 |
| auxi_msg_ctg                 |          2 |
| cms_admin                    |         76 |
| cms_admin_channel            |       2401 |
| cms_article_topic            |         59 |
| cms_channel                  |        289 |
| cms_channel_attchment        |          0 |
| cms_chnl_model               |          5 |
| cms_chnl_model_item          |        500 |
| cms_comment                  |         19 |
| cms_config                   |         12 |
| cms_content_ctg              |          5 |
| cms_member                   |        661 |
| cms_member_group             |          4 |
| cms_recommend_group          |          0 |
| cms_recommend_item           |          0 |
| cms_topic                    |         10 |
| core_admin                   |         76 |
| core_admin_function          |          0 |
| core_admin_role              |        105 |
| core_attachment              |      14902 |
| core_function                |        117 |
| core_global                  |          1 |
| core_member                  |       1027 |
| core_private_msg             |          0 |
| core_private_msg_text        |          0 |
| core_role                    |          5 |
| core_role_function           |        208 |
| core_tpl_solution            |         88 |
| core_user                    |          0 |
| core_user_role               |          0 |
| core_website                 |         11 |
| down_download                |      13926 |
| down_download_attachment     |          3 |
| down_type                    |         30 |
| fname                        |          0 |
| qa_answer                    |       1990 |
| qa_composition               |        129 |
| qa_composition_favorites     |          0 |
| qa_composition_pingyue       |        189 |
| qa_composition_property      |          8 |
| qa_course                    |          9 |
| qa_grade                     |         10 |
| qa_grade_compositionproperty |          0 |
| qa_grade_course              |         63 |
| qa_question                  |       1763 |
| qa_question_favorites        |          0 |
| vote_item                    |          5 |
| vote_record                  |          0 |
| vote_topic                   |          1 |
| yisile_channel               |          8 |
| yisile_command               |          3 |
| yisile_courseware            |         33 |
| yisile_courseware_comment    |         33 |
| yisile_courseware_type       |          0 |
| yisile_courseware_vote       |          1 |
| yisile_member_translist      |       3957 |
| yisile_membergroup_permi     |          7 |
| yisile_members_verify        |        649 |
| yisile_notice                |          0 |
| yisile_notice_type           |          0 |
| yisile_permission            |          9 |
| yisile_teacher               |          2 |
| yisile_teacher_grade_course  |          0 |
| yisile_user_apply            |         33 |
| yisile_virtual_currency_rule |          4 |
69 rows in set, 26 warnings (0.16 sec)


mysql> use yisile;
Database changed
mysql> select * from down_type;#好像是有亂碼
|           1 |          1 | ????????    | ????????    |       10 |           0 |
|           2 |          1 | ????????    | ????????    |       10 |           0 |
|           3 |          1 | ???????     | ???????     |       10 |           0 |
|           9 |          2 | ?????       | ?????       |       10 |           0 |
|          10 |          2 | ??????      | ??????      |       10 |           0 |
|          11 |          2 | ?????       | ?????       |       10 |           0 |
|          12 |          2 | ?????       | ?????       |       10 |           0 |
|          13 |          2 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          15 |          2 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          16 |          2 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          17 |          3 | ??????      | ??????      |       10 |           0 |
|          18 |          3 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          19 |          3 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          20 |          3 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          21 |          3 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          22 |          3 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          23 |          3 | ?????       | ?????       |       10 |           0 |
|          24 |          3 | ????        | ????        |       10 |           0 |
|          25 |          3 | ????        | ????        |       10 |           0 |
|          26 |          4 | ??????      | ??????      |       10 |           0 |
|          27 |          4 | ??????(???) | ??????(???) |       10 |           0 |
|          28 |          4 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          29 |          4 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          30 |          4 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          31 |          4 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          32 |          4 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
|          33 |          4 | ?????       | ?????       |       10 |           0 |
|          34 |          4 | ????        | ????        |       10 |           0 |
|          35 |          4 | ????        | ????        |       10 |           0 |
|          36 |          4 | ???         | ???         |       10 |           0 |
30 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from yisile_user_apply;
| USER_ID | CMS_MEMBER_ID | USER_NAME | SEX | MOBILE      | GRIDE | COURSE | SCHOOL_NAME | SCHOOL_PHONE  | SCHOOL_ADDRESS                  | NOTES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     | APPLY_TIME          | STATE |
|       1 |           130 | ????      |   1 | 15937369622 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 0373-8427951  | ???????????????                 | ????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 2010-05-17 15:10:17 |     0 |
|       2 |           594 | ?         |   1 | 13466360312 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ??????????????????31??????4?    | ??????????????16????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????111                                                                                                                                       | 2010-05-18 10:37:16 |     0 |
|       3 |           133 | ????????  |   0 | 15910904960 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 010-65136513  | ????????????????                | ????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 2010-05-18 10:50:06 |     2 |
|       4 |           596 | ?????     |   0 | 15863935278 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0539-4291273  | ????????????                    | ??????????????1963??10??6???????????47?????????????????????1984??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2008?????????????????????????????????????????????                                | 2010-05-18 15:05:41 |     0 |
|       5 |           598 | ?????     |   0 | 13482960755 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0319-8651134  | ??????????????                  | ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????!                                                                                                                                                              | 2010-05-18 21:00:37 |     2 |
|       6 |           603 | ????      |   1 | 13833107489 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ??????????????????              | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                            | 2010-05-19 10:58:39 |     0 |
|       7 |           604 | ?????     |   1 | 13833107489 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ??????????????????31?           | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                 | 2010-05-19 11:37:46 |     0 |
|       8 |           606 | ???       |   1 | 13466360312 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ?????????????????               | ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                        | 2010-05-19 14:49:19 |     0 |
|       9 |           607 | ???       |   1 | 13466360312 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ?????????????????31?            | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????~~~???????????????                                                                                                                                                          | 2010-05-19 15:09:02 |     0 |
|      10 |           608 | ???       |   1 | 13466360312 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ?????????????????31?            | ????????????????????????????6????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                 | 2010-05-19 15:20:37 |     0 |
|      11 |           598 | ?????     |   0 | 13482960755 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0319-8651134  | ??????????????                  | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                | 2010-05-20 13:06:14 |     0 |
|      12 |           598 | ?????     |   0 | 13482960755 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0319-8651134  | ??????????????                  | ????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 2010-05-24 09:08:58 |     0 |
|      13 |           633 | ???       |   1 | 13611343434 | ??    | ???    | NULL        | 010-51518682  | ??????                          | ??????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 2010-05-24 11:19:29 |     0 |
|      14 |           646 | ?????     |   1 | 13120296168 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-62303126  | ??????                          | ??????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 2010-06-02 15:56:10 |     2 |
|      15 |           649 | ?????     |   0 | 13797402607 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0730-3543321  |  ??????????????????             | ????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 2010-06-03 07:25:04 |     0 |
|      16 |           651 | ??????    |   0 | 13553152009 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 0531-84682123 | ????????????????????            | 2005?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                 | 2010-06-03 09:08:00 |     0 |
|      17 |           651 | ??????    |   0 | 13553152009 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 0531-84682123 | ????????????????????            | 2005???????????????????????????????????????????2009???????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                | 2010-06-03 11:13:06 |     2 |
|      18 |           655 | ????      |   0 | 18922831897 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 0755-5621604  | ????????????????????            | ??????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                        | 2010-06-03 16:17:02 |     0 |
|      19 |           658 | ?????     |   0 | 13406786552 | ???   | ??     | NULL        | 0534-3224839  | ??????????????????              | ??????????????????????????????flash??????                                                                                                                                                                                                | 2010-06-03 22:49:20 |     0 |
|      20 |           659 | ?????     |   1 | 15033492599 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 0315-7766028  | ?????????????????????????       | ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                       | 2010-06-04 08:14:51 |     0 |
|      21 |           663 | ???       |   1 | 13102645552 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 0345-3688774  | ???????????????                 | ????????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                  | 2010-06-05 08:08:36 |     2 |
|      22 |           672 | ?????     |   0 | 13932029580 | ???   | ?????? | NULL        | 0310-2330685  | ?????????????17???????????      | ??????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 2010-06-06 08:22:05 |     0 |
|      23 |           675 | ???       |   0 | 15237932879 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0379-66641530 | ??????????????????????????????? | ??????????????????????????????????????????????29??                                                                                                                                                                                        | 2010-06-06 09:44:06 |     0 |
|      24 |           677 | ???????   |   0 | 15849618230 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0476-5221292  | ???????????????????????         | 1992???????????????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                               | 2010-06-07 09:32:17 |     0 |
|      25 |           681 | ???       |   1 | 13898955424 | ??    | ???    | NULL        | 0429-5848507  | ???????????????????????         | ???????????????????????????????                                                                                                                                                                                                          | 2010-06-08 09:14:21 |     0 |
|      26 |           690 | ??????    |   0 | 13460351968 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0371-62181356 | ???????????                     | ??????????????????????????????28???????????????????????????????????????????????????12???????????????????????????5????????100??????????????????????????????????                                                                            | 2010-06-09 07:11:05 |     0 |
|      27 |           126 | ??        |   0 | 15010997389 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-6933698   | sdsdfsdf                        | dsfsdfdsfsdf                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | 2010-06-09 16:40:05 |     2 |
|      28 |           730 | ??????    |   0 | 13234646677 | ???   | ??     | NULL        | 0452-5833620  | ??????????????????              | ??????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 2010-06-13 07:46:07 |     0 |
|      29 |           718 | ??        |   1 | 13941299910 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 0412-3204165  | ???????????????????????         | ?? ??? ??????78??10???1997??8???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

                                                                                                         | 2010-06-13 11:04:21 |     0 |
|      30 |           750 | ???       |   0 | 13466360312 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ?????????4?                     | ????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  | 2010-06-17 11:53:37 |     0 |
|      31 |           751 | ?????     |   1 | 13466360312 | ????  | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ?????????4?                     | ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? | 2010-06-17 15:00:37 |     0 |
|      32 |           753 | ?????     |   0 | 13466360312 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-51562198  | ???????????????4?               | ??????????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                | 2010-06-17 16:37:41 |     0 |
|      33 |           126 | ???       |   1 | 15010997389 | ???   | ???    | NULL        | 010-1000000   | ??????                          | ??????                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    | 2010-06-17 17:39:49 |     0 |
33 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select * from cms_config;

公司的rhel4 mysql5.5資料是匯入進來了,如何去驗證資料呢?




來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/9240380/viewspace-665688/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
