restore database報錯ora-19573

ORA-19573: cannot obtain string enqueue for datafile string
O*gd.E`;^/ka9240380Cause: The file access enqueue could not be obtained for a file specified in a backup, copy or restore operation.
2_s(K&m"[r~9240380If the enqueue type shown is 'shared', then the file is the input file for a backup or copy. If the type is 'exclusive',ITPUB個人空間ly0X#Bm/l/_
 then the file is the output file for a datafile copy or restore which is attempting to overwrite the currently
,p]3l }mG9240380 active version of that file - in this case, the file must be offline or the database must be closed.
UB6j`\Dh:r9240380 If the type is 'read-only', then you are attempting to back up or copy this file while the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.

綜述而言:執行rman restore database,須先令資料庫shutdown immediate
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