與oracle10g data guard(dg)緊密關聯的相關檢視
Table 16-1 Views That Are Pertinent to Data Guard Configurations
View | Database | Description |
Logical only |
Contains information about the activity of a logical standby database. It can be used to determine the cause of failures that occur when SQL Apply is applying redo to a logical standby database. |
Logical only |
Displays the history of switchovers and failovers for logical standby databases in a Data Guard configuration. It does this by showing the complete sequence of redo log streams processed or created on the local system, across all role transitions. (After a role transition, a new log stream is started and the log stream sequence number is incremented by the new primary database.) |
Logical only |
Shows the log files registered for logical standby databases. |
Logical only |
Identifies tables that have no primary and no non-null unique indexes. |
Logical only |
Contains the list of parameters used by SQL Apply. |
Logical only |
Lists the tables that will be skipped by SQL Apply. |
Logical only |
Lists the skip settings chosen. |
Logical only |
Identifies the schemas and tables (and columns in those tables) that contain unsupported data types. Use this view when you are preparing to create a logical standby database. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Describes all of the destinations in the Data Guard configuration, including each destination's current value, mode, and status. Note: The information in this view does not persist across an instance shutdown. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Displays runtime and configuration information for the archived redo log destinations. Note: The information in this view does not persist across an instance shutdown. |
Physical and logical |
Displays information to help you identify a gap in the archived redo log files. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Displays archive redo log information from the control file, including names of the archived redo log files. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Provides database information from the control file. Includes information about fast-start failover (available only with the Data Guard broker). |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Displays information about all database incarnations. Oracle Database creates a new incarnation whenever a database is opened with the RESETLOGS option. Records about the current and the previous incarnation are also contained in the V$DATABASE view. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Provides datafile information from the control file. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Lists the unique database names defined with the DB_UNIQUE_NAME and LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG initialization parameters. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Displays how much redo data generated by the primary database is not yet available on the standby database, showing how much redo data could be lost if the primary database were to crash at the time you queried this view. You can query this view on any instance of a standby database in a Data Guard configuration. If you query this view on a primary database, then the column values are cleared. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Displays and records events that would typically be triggered by any message to the alert log or server process trace files. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Contains log file information from the online redo log files. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Contains information about the online redo log files and standby redo log files. |
Primary, physical, and logical |
Contains log history information from the control file. |
Logical only |
Provides dynamic information about what is happening with SQL Apply. This view is very helpful when you are diagnosing performance problems during SQL Apply on the logical standby database, and it can be helpful for other problems. |
Logical only |
Displays the progress of SQL Apply on the logical standby database. |
Logical only |
Consolidates information from the V$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS and V$LOGSTDBY_STATS views about the running state of SQL Apply and the logical standby database. |
Logical only |
Displays LogMiner statistics, current state, and status information for a logical standby database during SQL Apply. If SQL Apply is not running, the values for the statistics are cleared. |
Logical only |
Displays information about all active transactions being processed by SQL Apply on the logical standby database. |
Physical only |
Displays current status information for Oracle database processes related to physical standby databases. Note: The information in this view does not persist across an instance shutdown. |
Physical and logical |
Contains log file information from the standby redo log files. |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/9240380/viewspace-626468/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 19 Oracle Data Guard 相關檢視Oracle
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