solaris 10_bash_快捷命令_彙集
CTRL 鍵相關的快捷鍵:
Ctrl + a - Jump to the start of the line
Ctrl + b - Move back a char
Ctrl + c - Terminate the command //用的最多了吧?
Ctrl + d - Delete from under the cursor
Ctrl + e - Jump to the end of the line
Ctrl + f - Move forward a char
Ctrl + k - Delete to EOL
Ctrl + l - Clear the screen //清屏,類似 clear 命令
Ctrl + r - Search the history backwards //查詢歷史命令
Ctrl + R - Search the history backwards with multi occurrence
Ctrl + u - Delete backward from cursor // 密碼輸入錯誤的時候比較有用
Ctrl + xx - Move between EOL and current cursor position
Ctrl + x @ - Show possible hostname completions
Ctrl + z - Suspend/ Stop the command補充:
Ctrl + h - 刪除當前字元Ctrl + w - 刪除最後輸入的單詞
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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