

psrinfo -pv  --顯示物理處理器個數與相關的虛擬處下器個數
isainfo  -v   --32bit或者64bit處理器

hostid --顯示硬體主機id
bash-3.00# showrev
Hostname: rac1
Hostid: 4951b0c
Release: 5.10
Kernel architecture: i86pc
Application architecture: i386
Hardware provider:
Kernel version: SunOS 5.10 Generic_139556-08

bash-3.00# prtconf
System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  i86pc
Memory size: 800 Megabytes

cat /etc/motd ---裡面就是每次使用者登陸的提示資訊


■ /etc/nodename
■ /etc/hostname.*interface
■ /etc/inet/hosts
■ /etc/inet/ipnodes-僅適用於Solaris 10 的某些發行版。


bash-3.00# localeadm -a ceu -d /product     --新增對應的語言環境
Log file is /var/sadm/install/logs/localeadmin_install.2009-01-21

locale/region name is ceu
Adding packages for Central Europe (ceu)

Region ceu will be installed.
Warning! The directory specified does not exist
Please enter the path to this image/disk, or enter 'q' to quit:
 (if this image is on CD-ROM, please mount the disk and give the path to the CD-ROM drive e.g. /cdrom/cdrom0)
 > q
bash-3.00# localeadm -r ceu  --刪除語言環境
Log file is /var/sadm/install/logs/localeadmin_uninstall.2009-01-21

locale/region name is ceu
Removing packages for Central Europe (ceu)

Region ceu is not fully installed on this machine. Exiting

bash-3.00# localeadm -l   --檢視語言環境
Checking for installed packages. This could take a while.

Checking for Australasia region (aua)
(c_solaris packages)

Not all packages found (1 out of 3).

Checking for Central America region (cam)
(c_solaris packages)

Not all packages found (1 out of 3).

Checking for Central Europe region (ceu)
(c_solaris packages)

Not all packages found (1 out of 3).

Checking for Eastern Europe region (eeu)
(c_solaris packages)

Not all packages found (1 out of 3).

Checking for Middle East region (mea)
(c_solaris packages)

Not all packages found (1 out of 3).

Checking for Northern Africa region (naf)
(c_solaris packages)

|^Cbash-3.00# localeadm -q ceu  --檢視指定的語言環境

locale/region name is ceu
Checking for Central Europe region (ceu)
(c_solaris packages)

Not all packages found (1 out of 3).

The Central Europe region (ceu) is not installed on this system


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