oracle performance tuning效能優化學習系列(三)_補一
SQL> select * from v$session_event;
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1 rdbms ipc message 7649 7645 1258986 164.59 301 12589857340 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
2 DIAG idle wait 12590 12590 1258725 99.98 103 12587251013 3176176482 2723168908 6 Idle
3 rdbms ipc message 6457 6446 1249450 193.5 302 12494495599 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
3 Disk file operations I/O 2 0 6 2.98 3 59604 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
3 control file sequential read 11375 0 3421 0.3 71 34210037 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
3 control file parallel write 4161 0 5880 1.41 38 58798816 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
4 rdbms ipc message 15950 15948 1258810 78.92 269 12588097781 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
4 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.06 0 623 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
4 events in waitclass Other 1 0 0 0.04 0 356 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
6 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.02 0 201 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
6 class slave wait 1 0 0 0 0 0 1055154682 2723168908 6 Idle
6 db file sequential read 77 0 53 0.69 3 533423 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
6 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait 453 0 1254745 2769.86 2802 12547448366 1830121438 2723168908 6 Idle
6 events in waitclass Other 324 0 1 0 0 5005 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
8 log file sync 1 0 0 0.06 0 611 1328744198 3386400367 5 Commit
8 db file sequential read 10 0 20 2.05 6 204848 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
8 db file scattered read 1 0 2 1.79 2 17936 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
8 virtual circuit wait 2 0 0 0.02 0 373 2900469894 2000153315 7 Network
8 SQL*Net message to client 120 0 0 0 0 556 2067390145 2000153315 7 Network
8 SQL*Net message from client 237 0 193957 818.38 61509 1939569644 1421975091 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8 events in waitclass Other 1 1 0 0 0 2 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
9 virtual circuit wait 66 0 2 0.03 0 23058 2900469894 2000153315 7 Network
9 SQL*Net message to client 128 0 0 0 0 517 2067390145 2000153315 7 Network
9 SQL*Net message from client 221 0 196288 888.18 114423 1962875625 1421975091 2723168908 6 Idle
9 SQL*Net break/reset to client 2 0 0 0 0 13 1963888671 4217450380 1 Application
10 class slave wait 1 0 0 0.02 0 163 1055154682 2723168908 6 Idle
10 Space Manager: slave idle wait 49 49 24499 499.97 500 244986051 2942611488 2723168908 6 Idle
12 events in waitclass Other 36 34 1 0.03 1 12457 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
41 Disk file operations I/O 27 0 2 0.08 1 21773 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 os thread startup 1 0 2 2.05 2 20496 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
41 control file sequential read 111 0 28 0.25 4 281846 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
41 control file parallel write 19 0 4 0.2 1 38528 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
41 read by other session 53 0 18 0.35 2 183950 3056446529 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 log file sync 2 0 0 0.07 0 1381 1328744198 3386400367 5 Commit
41 db file sequential read 1112 0 556 0.5 10 5562958 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 db file scattered read 11 0 5 0.41 2 45035 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 db file parallel read 14 0 19 1.37 6 191867 834992820 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 direct path read 9 0 21 2.33 7 209763 3926164927 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 cursor: pin S wait on X 1 0 1 0.77 1 7652 1729366244 3875070507 4 Concurrency
41 SQL*Net message to client 6 0 0 0 0 13 2067390145 2000153315 7 Network
41 SQL*Net message from client 5 0 960 192.03 960 9601665 1421975091 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
41 events in waitclass Other 13 4 78 5.97 40 776191 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
42 DIAG idle wait 12590 12590 1259158 100.01 102 12591579142 3176176482 2723168908 6 Idle
43 rdbms ipc message 7651 7647 1258994 164.55 302 12589936965 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
43 events in waitclass Other 2 0 0 0.01 0 176 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
44 Disk file operations I/O 22 0 1 0.05 0 11599 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 os thread startup 1 0 2 2.07 2 20739 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
44 db file sequential read 81 0 79 0.97 6 789129 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 db file scattered read 39 0 42 1.08 3 419508 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 db file parallel read 15 0 130 8.64 18 1296526 834992820 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 smon timer 48 41 1243239 25900.8 30002 12432385714 1403232821 2723168908 6 Idle
44 events in waitclass Other 2 0 0 0.04 0 716 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
45 rdbms ipc message 7442 7442 1227666 164.96 301 12276663319 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
45 os thread startup 15 0 29 1.95 3 292122 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
81 pmon timer 4319 4197 1259030 291.51 302 12590303085 3539483025 2723168908 6 Idle
81 os thread startup 1 0 2 1.84 2 18389 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
82 rdbms ipc message 7652 7648 1258985 164.53 302 12589854199 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
82 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.06 0 573 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
82 os thread startup 1 0 1 0.53 1 5303 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
82 db file sequential read 9 0 4 0.47 3 42676 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
82 events in waitclass Other 4 0 0 0.01 0 438 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
83 rdbms ipc message 7646 7640 1258526 164.6 301 12585258675 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
83 Disk file operations I/O 24 0 34 1.4 3 336619 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
83 control file sequential read 19 0 6 0.32 3 60526 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
83 db file parallel write 1745 0 357 0.2 4 3572205 1620694733 4108307767 9 System I/O
83 direct path read 20 0 1 0.03 0 5250 3926164927 1740759767 8 User I/O
83 events in waitclass Other 1 0 0 0.01 0 101 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
84 rdbms ipc message 10 8 1086303 108630.28 180001 10863027585 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
84 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.06 0 561 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
84 db file sequential read 2 0 8 4.02 7 80304 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
86 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.02 0 219 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
86 os thread startup 2 0 18 8.78 17 175538 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
86 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait 601 449 1255780 2089.48 2802 12557796750 989870553 2723168908 6 Idle
86 events in waitclass Other 2 0 1 0.42 0 8353 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
87 rdbms ipc message 3586 3567 1256609 350.42 502 12566087088 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
87 Disk file operations I/O 3 0 0 0.02 0 500 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
87 os thread startup 56 0 86 1.53 3 859588 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
87 control file sequential read 460 0 119 0.26 13 1188056 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
87 db file sequential read 38 0 33 0.86 3 326260 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
87 events in waitclass Other 3 0 1 0.28 1 8540 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
122 rdbms ipc message 7755 7628 1258994 162.35 302 12589935444 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
122 events in waitclass Other 13 0 0 0.01 0 1163 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
123 rdbms ipc message 8430 7605 1258858 149.33 303 12588584775 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
123 Disk file operations I/O 31 0 6 0.21 1 64395 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
123 control file sequential read 32 0 7 0.23 4 74222 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 control file parallel write 16 0 2 0.12 0 19318 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 log file sequential read 8 0 0 0.06 0 4870 549236675 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 log file single write 8 0 1 0.16 0 12584 215477332 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 log file parallel write 985 0 95 0.1 15 947295 3999721902 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 direct path read 1 0 0 0.03 0 298 3926164927 1740759767 8 User I/O
123 direct path write 1 0 0 0.05 0 494 885859547 1740759767 8 User I/O
123 events in waitclass Other 26 0 0 0.01 0 1615 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
124 Parameter File I/O 64 0 9 0.14 2 89132 1179235204 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 rdbms ipc message 7570 7561 1257769 166.15 301 12577688957 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
124 Disk file operations I/O 21 0 4 0.21 2 43337 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 os thread startup 48 0 95 1.97 16 947500 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
124 control file sequential read 336 0 218 0.65 6 2182202 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
124 control file parallel write 188 0 23 0.12 0 227743 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
124 read by other session 22 0 9 0.4 1 88288 3056446529 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 db file sequential read 540 0 332 0.62 8 3324372 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 db file scattered read 3 0 2 0.81 2 24358 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 JS coord start wait 1 1 49 49.11 49 491062 2190647165 4166625743 3 Administrative
124 events in waitclass Other 3 0 2 0.58 1 17396 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
127 class slave wait 1 0 0 0 0 32 1055154682 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
128 events in waitclass Other 23 0 2 0.09 1 21341 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
SQL> select * from v$session_event;
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
1 rdbms ipc message 7649 7645 1258986 164.59 301 12589857340 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
2 DIAG idle wait 12590 12590 1258725 99.98 103 12587251013 3176176482 2723168908 6 Idle
3 rdbms ipc message 6457 6446 1249450 193.5 302 12494495599 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
3 Disk file operations I/O 2 0 6 2.98 3 59604 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
3 control file sequential read 11375 0 3421 0.3 71 34210037 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
3 control file parallel write 4161 0 5880 1.41 38 58798816 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
4 rdbms ipc message 15950 15948 1258810 78.92 269 12588097781 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
4 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.06 0 623 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
4 events in waitclass Other 1 0 0 0.04 0 356 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
6 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.02 0 201 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
6 class slave wait 1 0 0 0 0 0 1055154682 2723168908 6 Idle
6 db file sequential read 77 0 53 0.69 3 533423 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
6 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait 453 0 1254745 2769.86 2802 12547448366 1830121438 2723168908 6 Idle
6 events in waitclass Other 324 0 1 0 0 5005 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
8 log file sync 1 0 0 0.06 0 611 1328744198 3386400367 5 Commit
8 db file sequential read 10 0 20 2.05 6 204848 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
8 db file scattered read 1 0 2 1.79 2 17936 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
8 virtual circuit wait 2 0 0 0.02 0 373 2900469894 2000153315 7 Network
8 SQL*Net message to client 120 0 0 0 0 556 2067390145 2000153315 7 Network
8 SQL*Net message from client 237 0 193957 818.38 61509 1939569644 1421975091 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
8 events in waitclass Other 1 1 0 0 0 2 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
9 virtual circuit wait 66 0 2 0.03 0 23058 2900469894 2000153315 7 Network
9 SQL*Net message to client 128 0 0 0 0 517 2067390145 2000153315 7 Network
9 SQL*Net message from client 221 0 196288 888.18 114423 1962875625 1421975091 2723168908 6 Idle
9 SQL*Net break/reset to client 2 0 0 0 0 13 1963888671 4217450380 1 Application
10 class slave wait 1 0 0 0.02 0 163 1055154682 2723168908 6 Idle
10 Space Manager: slave idle wait 49 49 24499 499.97 500 244986051 2942611488 2723168908 6 Idle
12 events in waitclass Other 36 34 1 0.03 1 12457 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
41 Disk file operations I/O 27 0 2 0.08 1 21773 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 os thread startup 1 0 2 2.05 2 20496 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
41 control file sequential read 111 0 28 0.25 4 281846 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
41 control file parallel write 19 0 4 0.2 1 38528 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
41 read by other session 53 0 18 0.35 2 183950 3056446529 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 log file sync 2 0 0 0.07 0 1381 1328744198 3386400367 5 Commit
41 db file sequential read 1112 0 556 0.5 10 5562958 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 db file scattered read 11 0 5 0.41 2 45035 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 db file parallel read 14 0 19 1.37 6 191867 834992820 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 direct path read 9 0 21 2.33 7 209763 3926164927 1740759767 8 User I/O
41 cursor: pin S wait on X 1 0 1 0.77 1 7652 1729366244 3875070507 4 Concurrency
41 SQL*Net message to client 6 0 0 0 0 13 2067390145 2000153315 7 Network
41 SQL*Net message from client 5 0 960 192.03 960 9601665 1421975091 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
41 events in waitclass Other 13 4 78 5.97 40 776191 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
42 DIAG idle wait 12590 12590 1259158 100.01 102 12591579142 3176176482 2723168908 6 Idle
43 rdbms ipc message 7651 7647 1258994 164.55 302 12589936965 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
43 events in waitclass Other 2 0 0 0.01 0 176 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
44 Disk file operations I/O 22 0 1 0.05 0 11599 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 os thread startup 1 0 2 2.07 2 20739 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
44 db file sequential read 81 0 79 0.97 6 789129 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 db file scattered read 39 0 42 1.08 3 419508 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 db file parallel read 15 0 130 8.64 18 1296526 834992820 1740759767 8 User I/O
44 smon timer 48 41 1243239 25900.8 30002 12432385714 1403232821 2723168908 6 Idle
44 events in waitclass Other 2 0 0 0.04 0 716 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
45 rdbms ipc message 7442 7442 1227666 164.96 301 12276663319 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
45 os thread startup 15 0 29 1.95 3 292122 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
81 pmon timer 4319 4197 1259030 291.51 302 12590303085 3539483025 2723168908 6 Idle
81 os thread startup 1 0 2 1.84 2 18389 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
82 rdbms ipc message 7652 7648 1258985 164.53 302 12589854199 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
82 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.06 0 573 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
82 os thread startup 1 0 1 0.53 1 5303 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
82 db file sequential read 9 0 4 0.47 3 42676 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
82 events in waitclass Other 4 0 0 0.01 0 438 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
83 rdbms ipc message 7646 7640 1258526 164.6 301 12585258675 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
83 Disk file operations I/O 24 0 34 1.4 3 336619 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
83 control file sequential read 19 0 6 0.32 3 60526 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
83 db file parallel write 1745 0 357 0.2 4 3572205 1620694733 4108307767 9 System I/O
83 direct path read 20 0 1 0.03 0 5250 3926164927 1740759767 8 User I/O
83 events in waitclass Other 1 0 0 0.01 0 101 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
84 rdbms ipc message 10 8 1086303 108630.28 180001 10863027585 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
84 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.06 0 561 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
84 db file sequential read 2 0 8 4.02 7 80304 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
86 Disk file operations I/O 1 0 0 0.02 0 219 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
86 os thread startup 2 0 18 8.78 17 175538 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
86 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait 601 449 1255780 2089.48 2802 12557796750 989870553 2723168908 6 Idle
86 events in waitclass Other 2 0 1 0.42 0 8353 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
87 rdbms ipc message 3586 3567 1256609 350.42 502 12566087088 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
87 Disk file operations I/O 3 0 0 0.02 0 500 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
87 os thread startup 56 0 86 1.53 3 859588 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
87 control file sequential read 460 0 119 0.26 13 1188056 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
87 db file sequential read 38 0 33 0.86 3 326260 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
87 events in waitclass Other 3 0 1 0.28 1 8540 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
122 rdbms ipc message 7755 7628 1258994 162.35 302 12589935444 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
122 events in waitclass Other 13 0 0 0.01 0 1163 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
123 rdbms ipc message 8430 7605 1258858 149.33 303 12588584775 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
123 Disk file operations I/O 31 0 6 0.21 1 64395 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
123 control file sequential read 32 0 7 0.23 4 74222 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 control file parallel write 16 0 2 0.12 0 19318 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 log file sequential read 8 0 0 0.06 0 4870 549236675 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 log file single write 8 0 1 0.16 0 12584 215477332 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 log file parallel write 985 0 95 0.1 15 947295 3999721902 4108307767 9 System I/O
123 direct path read 1 0 0 0.03 0 298 3926164927 1740759767 8 User I/O
123 direct path write 1 0 0 0.05 0 494 885859547 1740759767 8 User I/O
123 events in waitclass Other 26 0 0 0.01 0 1615 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
124 Parameter File I/O 64 0 9 0.14 2 89132 1179235204 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 rdbms ipc message 7570 7561 1257769 166.15 301 12577688957 866018717 2723168908 6 Idle
124 Disk file operations I/O 21 0 4 0.21 2 43337 166678035 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 os thread startup 48 0 95 1.97 16 947500 86156091 3875070507 4 Concurrency
124 control file sequential read 336 0 218 0.65 6 2182202 3213517201 4108307767 9 System I/O
124 control file parallel write 188 0 23 0.12 0 227743 4078387448 4108307767 9 System I/O
124 read by other session 22 0 9 0.4 1 88288 3056446529 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 db file sequential read 540 0 332 0.62 8 3324372 2652584166 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 db file scattered read 3 0 2 0.81 2 24358 506183215 1740759767 8 User I/O
124 JS coord start wait 1 1 49 49.11 49 491062 2190647165 4166625743 3 Administrative
124 events in waitclass Other 3 0 2 0.58 1 17396 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
127 class slave wait 1 0 0 0 0 32 1055154682 2723168908 6 Idle
---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- ------------ ---------- ----------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
128 events in waitclass Other 23 0 2 0.09 1 21341 1736664284 1893977003 0 Other
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