Oracle 並行相關的初始化引數
下面是實際Oracle RAC環境下,Oracle並行引數的設定,我們將優先討論這些引數:
Property | Description |
Parameter type | Boolean |
Default value | true |
Modifiable | ALTER SYSTEM |
Range of values | true | false |
PARALLEL_ADAPTIVE_MULTI_USER, when set to true, enables an adaptive algorithm designed to improve performance in multiuser environments that use parallel execution. The algorithm automatically reduces the requested degree of parallelism based on the system load at query startup time. The effective degree of parallelism is based on the default degree of parallelism, or the degree from the table or hints, divided by a reduction factor.
The algorithm assumes that the system has been tuned for optimal performance in a single-user environment.
Tables and hints use the default degree of parallelism.
Property | Description |
Parameter type | Integer |
Default value | PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU * CPU_COUNT * concurrent_parallel_users * 5 |
Modifiable | ALTER SYSTEM |
Range of values | 0 to 3600 |
Oracle RAC | Multiple instances can have different values. |
This parameter applies to parallel execution in exclusive mode as well as in a Real Application Clusters environment.
PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS specifies the maximum number of parallel execution processes and parallel recovery processes for an instance. As demand increases, Oracle Database increases the number of processes from the number created at instance startup up to this value.
In the formula, the value assigned to concurrent_parallel_users running at the default degree of parallelism on an instance is dependent on the memory management setting. If automatic memory management is disabled (manual mode), then the value of concurrent_parallel_users is 1. If PGA automatic memory management is enabled, then the value of concurrent_parallel_users is 2. If global memory management or SGA memory target is used in addition to PGA automatic memory management, then the value of concurrent_parallel_users is 4.
If you set this parameter too low, then some queries may not have a parallel execution process available to them during query processing. If you set it too high, then memory resource shortages may occur during peak periods, which can degrade performance.
Property | Description |
Parameter type | Integer |
Default value | 0 |
Modifiable | ALTER SYSTEM |
Range of values | 0 to value of PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS |
Oracle RAC | Multiple instances can have different values. |
This parameter applies to parallel execution in exclusive mode as well as in a Real Application Clusters environment.
PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS specifies the minimum number of parallel execution processes for the instance. This value is the number of parallel execution processes Oracle creates when the instance is started.
Property | Description |
Parameter type | Integer |
Default value | Operating system-dependent, usually 2 |
Modifiable | ALTER SYSTEM |
Range of values | Any nonzero number |
This parameter applies to parallel execution in exclusive mode as well as in a Real Application Clusters environment.
PARALLEL_THREADS_PER_CPU specifies the default degree of parallelism for the instance and determines the parallel adaptive and load balancing algorithms. The parameter describes the number of parallel execution processes or threads that a CPU can handle during parallel execution.
The default is platform-dependent and is adequate in most cases. You should decrease the value of this parameter if the machine appears to be overloaded when a representative parallel query is executed. You should increase the value if the system is I/O bound.
- 確保監控活動並行伺服器程式的數量並計算要應用於 PARALLEL_MIN_SERVERS 的平均值。可透過以下操作完成:
Select * from v$pq_syssstat;
Then: Get/save the value for row "Servers Highwater"
- 根據您的硬體情況最佳化 PARALLEL_MAX_SERVERS的值。最開始可以使用 (2 * ( 2 個執行緒 ) *(CPU_COUNT)) = 4 x CPU 計算,然後使用測試資料對更高的值重複測試。
- 考慮設定 FAST_START_PARALLEL_ROLLBACK。此引數可確定將有多少個程式用於事務恢復(在 redo 應用後執行)。為了確保在出現計劃外故障後仍能獲得高效的工作負載,最佳化事務恢復顯得非常重要。只要系統不大量佔用 CPU,最佳實踐是將此引數設定為值“HIGH”。這會導致 Oracle 使用四倍於 CPU 個數 (4 X cpu_count) 的並行程式進行事務恢復。此引數的預設值是“LOW”,或兩倍的 CPU 計數 (2 X cpu_count)。
- 對於 11gR2 之前的版本,將 PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE 從預設值(通常為 2048)增加到 8192。對於基於資料倉儲的系統(透過 PQ 傳輸大量資料),可以將其設定的更高。在版本 11gR2 中,PARALLEL_EXECUTION_MESSAGE_SIZE 的預設值是 16K,經證明,該值在大多數情況下都能夠滿足要求。
參考文章:《RAC 和 Oracle Clusterware 最佳實踐和初學者指南(平臺無關部分) [ID 1526083.1]》
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