This article explain how to generate HANGANALYZE trace files to diagnostic database HANG issues.
When a database has a severe performance response time, the cause of the problem can be a HANG.
Using HANGANALYZE trace files you can determine whether an Oracle process is blocking other processes,
before starting a performance analysis.
Caution: HANGANALYZE run at levels higher that 3 may generate a huge number of trace files for large systems.
Do not use levels higher than 3 without discussing their effects with Oracle Support.
Use the following set of commands to generate HANGANALYZE trace files.
1- Using SQL*Plus connect as "INTERNAL" (Oracle8i) or "/ AS SYSDBA" (Oracle9i)
2- Execute the following commands:
SQL> oradebug hanganalyze 3
... Wait at least 1 minutes to give time to identify process state changes.
SQL> oradebug hanganalyze 3
3- Open a separate SQL session and immediately generate a system state dump.
$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
oradebug setmypid
oradebug unlimit
oradebug dump systemstate 266
wait 90 seconds
oradebug dump systemstate 266
wait 90 seconds
oradebug dump systemstate 266
Note: Starting with Oracle 9.2 HANGANALYZE can generate HANGANALYZE cluster wide.
Using this feature you can generate session dependencies to all the sessions
connected to all the instances of the RAC cluster. Use the following set of commands
to generate a RAC cluster wide HANGANALYZE:
1- Using SQL*Plus connect as "/ AS SYSDBA"
2- Execute the following commands:
SQL> oradebug setmypid
SQL> oradebug setinst all
SQL> oradebug -g def hanganalyze 3
... Wait at least 1 minutes to give time to identify process state changes.
SQL> oradebug -g def hanganalyze 3
Due to BUG 1427041 running HANGANALYZE may terminate the instance
This is fixed in
----------------- Note:215858.1 - Interpreting HANGANALYZE trace files to diagnose hanging and performance problems
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/23135684/viewspace-662007/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- [oradebug命令學習1]Using ORADEBUG Utility
- hanganalyze 學習
- [oradebug命令學習2]How to Use Oradebug to Get Trace File Name and Location
- [oradebug命令學習3]How to Enable SQL_TRACE for Another Session Using OradebugSQLSession
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- 使用oradebug dump hanganalyze 分析oracle hang系列二Oracle
- 使用oradebug dump hanganalyze 分析oracle hang系列三Oracle
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