

定位系統效能瓶頸的時候要多利用資料以及統計資訊等資源而不要過多的依賴自己以前積累的經驗想當然。因為今天的系統已經變的非常複雜,效能分析的一些浮淺的規則不容易產生。oracle效能改進方法論定義的是一種工作的方法而不是一組權威性的規則。在定位效能瓶頸的時候,最好的規則就是沒有規則(With bottleneck detection, the only rule is that there are no rules!The best performance engineers use the data provided and think laterally to determine performance problems.)


The Oracle performance improvement method can be applied until performance goals are met or deemed impossible. This process is highly iterative, and it is inevitable that some investigations will be made that have little impact on the performance of the system. It takes time and experience to develop the necessary skills to accurately pinpoint critical bottlenecks in a timely manner. However, prior experience can sometimes work against the experienced engineer who neglects to use the data and statistics available to him. It is this type of behavior that encourages database tuning by myth and folklore. This is a very risky, expensive, and unlikely to succeed method of database tuning.

Today's systems are so different and complex that hard and fast rules for performance analysis cannot be made. In essence, the Oracle performance improvement method defines a way of working, but not a definitive set of rules. With bottleneck detection, the only rule is that there are no rules! The best performance engineers use the data provided and think laterally to determine performance problems

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