I used to be able to type with my real mac keyboard after launching the iPhone Simulator. Typing with the on-screen simulator keyboard is just horrible when testing with large amounts of text.
No matter what I do, I can't get my keyboard to type anymore inside the simulator. Even if I have "Simulate Hardware Keyboard" switched ON, it just won't type anything. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is there no way to type using the real keyboard anymore?
Try trashing the iPhone Simulator preferences file. When my iPhone Simulator stopped responding to keystrokes, this fixed it.
Quit the simulator.
Go to ~/Library/Preferences
Drop "com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist" to the trash.
Try launching you iPhone app in the simulator again.
啟動模擬器,在需要輸入文字的地方,敲擊 mac 下的真實鍵盤,但是模擬器上沒有任何輸出。google 一下,得到解決辦法:
進入 ~/Library/Preferences
刪除 "com.apple.iphonesimulator.plist"