在redhat 5.8下安裝11gR2在安裝grid時報錯:INS-32026
客戶這兒redhat 5.8下安裝11gR2在安裝grid時報錯:INS-32026]The Software Location specified should not be under Oracle base location.
CAUSE: Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster installation will assign root ownership to all parent directories of clusterware software location. As a result, all named directories in the software location path will acquire root ownership. This may create problems for subsequent installations into the same Oracle base.
ACTION: Specify software location outside of Oracle base.
CAUSE: Grid Infrastructure for a Cluster installation will assign root ownership to all parent directories of clusterware software location. As a result, all named directories in the software location path will acquire root ownership. This may create problems for subsequent installations into the same Oracle base.
ACTION: Specify software location outside of Oracle base.
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