



Issuing Commands in Many Panes Simultaneously P100

Every once in a while, you might need to execute the same command in multiple panes. You might
need to run the same update script on two servers, for example. You can do this easily with tmux.
Using the command set-window-option synchronize-panes on, anything you type in one pane will be
immediately broadcast to the other panes in the current session. Once you've issued the command,
you can turn it off with set-window-option synchronize-panes off.

To make this easier to do, you can map this to  PREFIX   CTRL - s , like this:

# shortcut for synchronize-panes toggle
bind C-s set-window-option synchronize-panes
--//這樣可以實現開關功能.按PREFIX(可以自己定義預設ctrl+b) +  CTRL+s.

By not specifying the off or on option, the synchronize-panes command acts as a toggle. While this isn't
something you'll use very often, it's amazingly handy when you need it.

--//還可以看 [20170711]關於tmux共享會話問題.txt
--session 1 :
$ tmux new-session -s groupedsession

--session 2 :
$ tmux new-session -t groupedsession -s mysession

--//這樣session 1 連線使用
$ tmux attach -t groupedsession
--//這樣session 2 連線使用
$ tmux attach -t mysession

--//這樣約定好那些視窗session 1使用,那些視窗session 2使用,就不存在衝突了.


--//session 1:
# tty

--//session 2:
# tty

# script /dev/null | tee -a /dev/pts/7

--//這樣在session 2上的操作會顯示在session 1的介面上.

--//session 1:
# cd /home/oracle
# pwd

--//session 2:
# cd /tmp
# pwd

--//你可以發現session 2 的執行結果在session 1上顯示,在session 1上而實際上當前的目錄還是/home/oracle:

--//session 2上的顯示如下:

[root@xxxdg4 IP=100.78 /home/oracle 10]# cd /tmp
[root@xxxdg4 IP=100.78 /tmp 16]# pwd
[root@xxxdg4 IP=100.78 /tmp 17]# pwd

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-2145426/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
