



W3C於2017年12月14日釋出了HTML規範5.2更新版本,並官方建議使用者使用。此次更新增加了dialog標籤等新功能、棄用了HTML外掛系統等原有功能,並整合了其他W3C委員會的進展,如對支付請求API(Payment Request API)和演示API(Presentation API)的支援。


新版本的規範在iframe標籤上新增了一些重要屬性用於支援新的JavaScript API。其新增了allowpaymentrequest屬性以允許iframe控制支付請求API的訪問。這也意味著嵌入了第三方內容的頁面能夠控制該第三方內容是否可向使用者請求獲取支付憑證,進而讓可嵌入的購物車工具可以利用新的API。來自Forrester的Brendan Miller闡述了支付請求API所帶來的好處,他說:










該版本的HTML規範還提供了對ES6 JavaScript模組的官方支援。大多數瀏覽器已經實現了這一功能。從Safari 10.1、Chrome 61、Edge 16開始都已提供支援,Firefox則需要開啟特定的功能開關。






檢視英文原文:W3C Releases HTML 5.2 As Official Recommendation


\ and inline behavior can be blocked a priori by a Content Security Policy. These tools allow developers more flexibility in locking down what resources their web applications are allowed to load, mitigating the damage possible from cross-site scripting attacks. To learn how to begin using CSP to protect their applications, developers can find guides and documentation on MDM.


This version of the HTML specification provides official support for ES6 JavaScript Modules. Most browsers have already implemented this functionality, with support in Safari since version 10.1, Chrome since version 61, and Edge since version 16. Firefox provides support behind a feature flag.


HTML 5.2 is the second major revision to the HTML5 specification, following up on a 2014 W3C commitment to release revisions to the specification roughly once a year. It includes substantial cleanup and bug fixes, major security updates, integration of progress from other committees, and other work to keep the spec up to date with the way the web is being used in the wild. Developers wanting to see everything that has changed can consult the changelog published as a part of the specification.


Interested developers can read all about these changes and much more in the official HTML 5.2 recommendation. The committee has already started work on the HTML 5.3 specification, releasing a working draft at the same time as the HTML 5.2 recommendation was released.

