




SCOTT@test> @ver
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

SCOTT@test> select * from dept ;
    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
---------- -------------- -------------
        10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS1
        30 SALES          CHICAGO
        40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON
        50 aaa            bbb
        60 cc             aaa
        70 aaaa           BBBB

7 rows selected.

SCOTT@test> select segment_name,header_file,header_block from dba_segments where owner=user and segment_name='PK_DEPT';

-------------------- ----------- ------------
PK_DEPT                        4          130

-- pk_dept的root節點在4,131,透過bbed觀察:

BBED> set dba 4,131
        DBA             0x01000083 (16777347 4,131)

BBED> p kd_off
sb2 kd_off[0]                               @132      8032
sb2 kd_off[1]                               @134      0
sb2 kd_off[2]                               @136      8021
sb2 kd_off[3]                               @138      8010
sb2 kd_off[4]                               @140      7999
sb2 kd_off[5]                               @142      7988
sb2 kd_off[6]                               @144      7955


p *kd_off[6]
x /rn
p *kd_off[5]
x /rn
p *kd_off[4]
x /rn
p *kd_off[3]
x /rn
p *kd_off[2]
x /rn
p *kd_off[1]
x /rn
p *kd_off[0]
x /rn

p *kd_off[6]
ub1 rowdata[37]                             @8055     0x00 <== 與上面儲存資訊偏移100.以下也是一樣.

x /rn
rowdata[37]                                 @8055
flag@8055:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8056:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x84  0x00  0x00
data key:
col    0[2] @8064: 50


p *kd_off[5]
ub1 rowdata[70]                             @8088     0x00

x /rn
rowdata[70]                                 @8088
flag@8088:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8089:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x83  0x00  0x04
data key:
col    0[2] @8097: 40

p *kd_off[4]
ub1 rowdata[81]                             @8099     0x00

x /rn
rowdata[81]                                 @8099
flag@8099:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8100:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x83  0x00  0x03
data key:
col    0[2] @8108: 30

p *kd_off[3]
ub1 rowdata[92]                             @8110     0x00

x /rn
rowdata[92]                                 @8110
flag@8110:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8111:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x83  0x00  0x02
data key:
col    0[2] @8119: 20

p *kd_off[2]
ub1 rowdata[103]                            @8121     0x00

x /rn
rowdata[103]                                @8121
flag@8121:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8122:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x83  0x00  0x01
data key: col    0[2] @8130: 10

p *kd_off[1]
ub1 kdxcolev                                @100      0x00

x /rn
kdxle.kdxlexco.kdxcolev                     @100
BBED-00210: no row at this offset

p *kd_off[0]
ub1 pad                                     @8132     0x00

BBED> x /rn
pad                                         @8132
flag@8132:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8133:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00  0x00
data key:
BBED-00210: no row at this offset


--想起以前寫的一篇"[20111223]索引鍵值在B tree索引塊中的順序.txt"


BBED> dump /v offset 146 count 2
File: /u01/app/oracle11g/oradata/test/users01.dbf (4)
Block: 131                                                         Offsets:  146 to  147                                                      Dba:0x01000083
fd1e                                                                                                        l ..
<48 bytes per line>

BBED> dump /v offset 148 count 2
File: /u01/app/oracle11g/oradata/test/users01.dbf (4)
Block: 131                                                         Offsets:  148 to  149                                                      Dba:0x01000083
f21e                                                                                                        l ..
<48 bytes per line>

SCOTT@test> @16to10 1ef2
16 to 10 DEC

SCOTT@test> @16to10 1efd
16 to 10 DEC

BBED> set offset 8022
        OFFSET          8022

BBED> x /rn
rowdata[4]                                  @8022
flag@8022:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8023:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x85  0x00  0x01
data key:
col    0[2] @8031: 70

BBED> set offset 8033
        OFFSET          8033

BBED> x /rn
rowdata[15]                                 @8033
flag@8033:     0x00 (NONE)
lock@8034:     0x00
keydata[6]:    0x01  0x00  0x05  0x85  0x00  0x00
data key:
col    0[2] @8042: 60


來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/267265/viewspace-1291768/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
