cache buffer chain latch可以以只讀模式共享
當多個程式請求同一類別的同一個latch時,是需要發生等待的,同一類別的同一latch是互斥的,即都是x模式的。只有cache buffer chain latch比較特殊,ORACLE宣稱,9I以後這種latch如果只是只讀操作,可以被共享。
可是我們實驗發現(實驗放在最後面,有需要的看下),只讀也會產生cache buffer chain latch。這是怎麼回事呢?
我們知道cache buffer chain latch保護的是cache buffer chain,這個cache buffer chain上串了同一hash值的buffer header。
當我們需要讀取一個資料塊的時候,ORACLE首先需要獲得cache buffer chain latch,然後在cache buffer chain上找header,找到header後,需要獲得 buffer lock,然後就可以讀資料塊了。大概就是這麼一個過程。
既然只讀是可以共享的,那為什麼還能產生cache buffer chain latch。
問題就出在了找到header後,程式訪問buffer的時候,需要修改header的資訊。這個時候需要以x模式獲得cache buffer chain latch。因此導致瞭如果有其他程式有讀取請求,也會產生cache buffer chain latch等待。
BH (0xa5f72538) file#: 9 rdba: 0x02400e81 (9/3713) class: 1 ba: 0xa514c000
set: 10 bsz: 8192 bsi: 0 sflg: 0 pwc: 0, 25 lid: 0x00000000,0x00000000
dbwrid: 0 obj: 12224 objn: 12224 tsn: 5 afn: 9
hash: [0x9ecd8740,0x9ecd8740] lru: [0xa9070438,0xa5fa1c98]
ckptq: [NULL] fileq: [NULL] objq: [0x681f5218,0x681f5218]
use: [0xb30892b8,0xb30892b8] wait: [NULL]
st: XCURRENT md: SHR tch: 3
LRBA: [0x0.0.0] LSCN: [0x0.0] HSCN: [0xffff.ffffffff] HSUB: [65535]
cr pin refcnt: 0 sh pin refcnt: 0
重點關注一下use: [0xb30892b8,0xb30892b8] wait: [NULL]
st: XCURRENT md: SHR tch: 3,use是當前使用者列表,wait是當前等待著列表,MD是mode的意思,可以取的值有excl,代表獨佔模式,如dml操作。SHR代表shared模式,如select操作。TCH是touch的意思,是lru演算法的核心內容。
當獲取buffer lock的時候,需要短暫的以x模式獲得cache buffer chain latch,去修改buffer header上的一些metadata資訊。同樣的,釋放buffer lock的瞬間,也需要以x模式,短暫的獲得cache buffer chain latch。
分別在三個會話裡執行如下查詢,object_id 為198,194,199的都位於同一個資料塊,在會話一中開啟10046:
c number;
for i in 1 ..600000 loop
select count(*) into c from wxh_tbd where object_id=198;
end loop;
c number;
for i in 1 ..600000 loop
select count(*) into c from wxh_tbd where object_id=194;
end loop;
c number;
for i in 1 ..600000 loop
select count(*) into c from wxh_tbd where object_id=199;
end loop;
Elapsed times include waiting on following events:
Event waited on Times Max. Wait Total Waited
---------------------------------------- Waited ---------- ------------
latch: cache buffers chains 257 0.02 0.19
latch: library cache 13 0.00 0.01
latch: library cache pin 6 0.00 0.00
As far as I can tell, the shared read latch has only limited benefit for the cache buffers chains
On a typical 'get', the session has to acquire a
'pin' structure on the buffer header before reading the
buffer. (The sequence is: get latch, search chain, pin buffer header, drop latch, read buffer, get
latch unpin buffer header, drop latch), so most buffer reads start with a buffer header write and
therefore the latch get is an exclusive write, not a shared read.
There are 'consistent gets - examination' which I believe are buffer reads whilst holding the
latch, and these can use shared read. Typical cases for this are reads of index root block, reads
of undo blocks, and reads of single table hash cluster blocks with no collisions.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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