If you are starting a brand-new set, you can send the configuration to any member in
the set. If you are starting with data on one of the members, you must send the configuration
to the member with data. You cannot initiate a set with data on more than one
Note that, in both of the use cases above, you need at most one arbiter. You do not need
an arbiter if you have an odd number of nodes. A common misconception seems to be
that you should add extra arbiters “just in case.” However, it doesn’t help elections go
any faster or provide any data safety to add extra arbiters.
Suppose you have a three members set. Two members are required to elect a primary.
If you add an arbiter, you’ll have a four member set, so three members will be required
to choose a primary. Thus, your set is potentially less stable: instead of requiring 67%
of your set to be up, you’re now requiring 75%.
Having extra members can also make elections take longer. If you have an even number
of nodes because you added an arbiter, your arbiters can cause ties, not prevent them.
the set. If you are starting with data on one of the members, you must send the configuration
to the member with data. You cannot initiate a set with data on more than one
Note that, in both of the use cases above, you need at most one arbiter. You do not need
an arbiter if you have an odd number of nodes. A common misconception seems to be
that you should add extra arbiters “just in case.” However, it doesn’t help elections go
any faster or provide any data safety to add extra arbiters.
Suppose you have a three members set. Two members are required to elect a primary.
If you add an arbiter, you’ll have a four member set, so three members will be required
to choose a primary. Thus, your set is potentially less stable: instead of requiring 67%
of your set to be up, you’re now requiring 75%.
Having extra members can also make elections take longer. If you have an even number
of nodes because you added an arbiter, your arbiters can cause ties, not prevent them.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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