--//上午除錯bash shell時遇到的問題。
$ sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<< '@ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2 x 1' >| /tmp/xx.txt
$ cat /tmp/xx.txt
old 1: select decode(lower('&&5'),'s',8,'x',16,'8',8,'16',16) vmode from dual
new 1: select decode(lower('x'),'s',8,'x',16,'8',8,'16',16) vmode from dual
old 1: SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='&&1'
new 1: SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='test shared non-parent l0'
Statement processed.
Function returned 1
Function returned 0
--//如果我直接這樣寫sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba @ shared_latch.txt "test shared non-parent l0" 1 1 2 x 1
$ cat shared_latch.txt
/* 引數如下: @ shared_latch.txt latch_name willing why where mode sleep_num */
--//connect / as sysdba
col laddr new_value laddr
col vmode new_value vmode
select decode(lower('&&5'),'s',8,'x',16,'8',8,'16',16) vmode from dual ;
SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='&&1';
oradebug setmypid
oradebug call kslgetsl_w 0x&laddr &&2 &&3 &&4 &vmode
host sleep &&6
oradebug call kslfre 0x&laddr
$ cat p7.sh
#! /bin/bash
vdate=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
echo $vdate
echo $a
source peek.sh "$1" 20 | timestamp.pl >| /tmp/peekx_${vdate}.txt &
sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<EOF >| /tmp/latch_free_${vdate}.txt &
$(seq 20 | xargs -I {} echo -e '@latch_free \n host sleep 1')
sleep 1
# 引數如下: @ exclusive_latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< '@ shared_latch.txt "$a" 1 4 5 x 10' >| /tmp/xx.txt &
strace -fttT -p $p -o /tmp/pp_${vdate}_${p}.txt > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< '@ shared_latch.txt "$a" 1 6 7 s 5' >> /tmp/xx.txt &
strace -fttT -p $p -o /tmp/pp_${vdate}_${p}.txt > /dev/null &
--//檢查 /tmp/xx.txt 內容,可以發現帶入的內容並沒有轉換。
old 1: SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='&&1'
new 1: SELECT addr laddr FROM v$latch_parent WHERE NAME='$a'
$ cat p7.sh
#! /bin/bash
vdate=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
echo $vdate
echo $a
source peek.sh "$1" 20 | timestamp.pl >| /tmp/peekx_${vdate}.txt &
sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba <<EOF >| /tmp/latch_free_${vdate}.txt &
$(seq 20 | xargs -I {} echo -e '@latch_free \n host sleep 1')
sleep 1
# 引數如下: @ exclusive_latch.txt latch_name willing why where sleep_num
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ shared_latch.txt '"$a"' 1 4 5 x 10" > /dev/null &
strace -fttT -p $p -o /tmp/pp_${vdate}_${p}.txt > /dev/null &
sleep 2
sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ shared_latch.txt '"$a"' 1 6 7 s 5" > /dev/null &
strace -fttT -p $p -o /tmp/pp_${vdate}_${p}.txt > /dev/null &
$ . p7.sh "test shared non-parent l0"
test shared non-parent l0
Process 35246 attached - interrupt to quit
Process 35249 attached
Process 35252 attached
Process 35246 suspended
Process 35255 attached - interrupt to quit
Process 35257 attached
Process 35246 resumed
Process 35252 detached
Process 35276 attached
Process 35255 suspended
Process 35246 detached
Process 35249 detached
Process 35255 resumed
Process 35276 detached
Process 35255 detached
Process 35257 detached
[1] Done source peek.sh "$1" 20 | timestamp.pl >|/tmp/peekx_${vdate}.txt
[3] Done sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ shared_latch.txt '"$a"' 1 4 5 x 10" > /dev/null
[4] Done strace -fttT -p $p -o /tmp/pp_${vdate}_${p}.txt > /dev/null
[5]- Done sqlplus / as sysdba <<< "@ shared_latch.txt '"$a"' 1 6 7 s 5" > /dev/null
[6]+ Done strace -fttT -p $p -o /tmp/pp_${vdate}_${p}.txt > /dev/null
[2]+ Done sqlplus -s -l / as sysdba >|/tmp/latch_free_${vdate}.txt <<EOF
$(seq 20 | xargs -I {} echo -e '@latch_free \n host sleep 1')
$ grep sem /tmp/pp_20190419153743_352*
/tmp/pp_20190419153743_35246.txt:35249 15:37:54.919702 semctl(315588608, 34, SETVAL, 0x1) = 0 <0.000029>
/tmp/pp_20190419153743_35255.txt:35257 15:37:46.890699 semop(315588608, 0x7fff45fe1820, 1) = 0 <8.029049>
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