[筆記]Oracle9i Monitoring Automated SQL Execution Memory Management
0.The following query returns a percentage of work areas used with optimal memory size.
trunc (
(sum(case when name like 'workarea executions - optimal'
then value else 0 end) *100) /
sum(case when name like 'workarea executions - optimal'
then value else 0 end) +
sum(case when name like 'workarea executions - one pass'
then value else 0 end) +
sum(case when name like 'workarea executions - multipass'
then value else 0 end)
) optimal_percent
from v$sysstat
where name like 'workarea executions - %'
1. Finding top ten work areas requiring the most cache memory:
select *
(select workarea_address, operation_type, policy, estimated_optimal_size
from v$sql_workarea
order by estimated_optimal_size DESC)
where ROWNUM <=10;
2. Finding the percentage of work areas using maximum memory:
select operation_type, total_executions * 100 / optimal_executions "%cache"
From v$sql_workarea
Where policy='AUTO'
And optimal_executions > 0
Order By operation_type;
3. Finding the top ten biggest work areas currently allocated in the system:
select c.sql_text, w.operation_type, top_ten.wasize
From (Select *
From (Select workarea_address, actual_mem_used wasize
from v$sql_workarea_active
Order by actual_mem_used)
Where ROWNUM <=10) top_ten,
v$sql_workarea w,
v$sql c
Where w.workarea_address=top_ten.workarea_address
And c.address=w.address
And c.child_number = w.child_number
And c.hash_value=w.hash_value;
4. Finding the percentage of memory that is over and under allocated:
select total_used,
under*100/(total_used+1) percent_under_use,
over*100/(total_used+1) percent_over_used
( Select
sum(case when expected_size > actual_mem_used
then actual_mem_used else 0 end) under,
sum(case when expected_size<> actual_mem_used
then actual_mem_used else 0 end) over,
sum(actual_mem_used) total_used
From v$sql_workarea_active
Where policy='AUTO') usage;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/6906/viewspace-21624/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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