

From Metalink.


RAID  Type of RAID        Control       Database        Redo Log        Archive Log

                            File          File            File            File


0     Striping             Avoid*          OK*           Avoid*           Avoid*     


1     Shadowing             OK             OK          Recommended       Recommended


0+1   Striping +            OK         Recommended       Avoid            Avoid     

      Shadowing                           (1)                                                         


3     Striping with         OK           Avoid           Avoid            Avoid     

      Static Parity                       (2)                                                                    


5     Striping with         OK           Avoid           Avoid            Avoid     

      Rotating Parity                     (2)



*   RAID 0 does not provide any protection against failures. It requires a strong backup


(1) RAID 0+1 is recommended for database files because this avoids hot spots and gives 

    the best possible performance during a disk failure.  The disadvantage of RAID 0+1 

    is that it is a costly configuration.

(2) When heavy write operation involves this datafile

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/6906/viewspace-21663/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
