created by Tom Kyte.
Tablespace Name : name of tablespace, leading '*' indicates a good locally managed tablespace, leading blank means it is a bad dictionary managed tablespace. Second character of A implies ASSM managed storage, second character of M implies manually managed (pctused, freelists, etc are used to control space utilization)
Kbytes : allocated space of the tablespace, sum of kbytes consumed by all datafiles associated with tablespace.
Used : space in the tablespace that is used by some segment.
Free : space in the tablespace not allocated to any segment.
%Used : ratio of free to allocated space
largest : mostly useful with dictionary managed tablespaces, the size of the largest contigously set of blocks available. If this number in a dictionary managed tablespace is smaller than the next extent for some object, that object could fail with "out of space" even if the FREE column says there is lots of free space.
MaxPoss Kbytes: the autoextend max size (note CAN be smaller than the allocated size!!!! you can set the maxsize to be less than the current size of a file)
%Max Used : how much of the maximum autoextend size has been used so far
set linesize 200
-- free.sql
-- This SQL Plus script lists freespace by tablespace
column dummy noprint
column pct_used format 999.9 heading "%|Used"
column name format a19 heading "Tablespace Name"
column Kbytes format 999,999,999 heading "KBytes"
column used format 999,999,999 heading "Used"
column free format 999,999,999 heading "Free"
column largest format 999,999,999 heading "Largest"
column max_size format 999,999,999 heading "MaxPoss|Kbytes"
column pct_max_used format 999.9 heading "%|Max|Used"
break on report
compute sum of kbytes on report
compute sum of free on report
compute sum of used on report
select (select decode(extent_management,'LOCAL','*',' ') ||
decode(segment_space_management,'AUTO','a ','m ')
from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name) ||
nvl(a.tablespace_name,'UNKOWN')) name,
kbytes_alloc kbytes,
kbytes_alloc-nvl(kbytes_free,0) used,
nvl(kbytes_free,0) free,
kbytes_alloc)*100 pct_used,
nvl(largest,0) largest,
nvl(kbytes_max,kbytes_alloc) Max_Size,
decode( kbytes_max, 0, 0, (kbytes_alloc/kbytes_max)*100) pct_max_used
from ( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_free,
max(bytes)/1024 largest,
from sys.dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name ) a,
( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
sum(maxbytes)/1024 Kbytes_max,
from sys.dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name
union all
select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
sum(maxbytes)/1024 Kbytes_max,
from sys.dba_temp_files
group by tablespace_name )b
where a.tablespace_name (+) = b.tablespace_name
order by &1
column dummy noprint
column pct_used format 999.9 heading "%|Used"
column name format a19 heading "Tablespace Name"
column Kbytes format 999,999,999 heading "KBytes"
column used format 999,999,999 heading "Used"
column free format 999,999,999 heading "Free"
column largest format 999,999,999 heading "Largest"
column max_size format 999,999,999 heading "MaxPoss|Kbytes"
column pct_max_used format 999.9 heading "%|Max|Used"
break on report
compute sum of kbytes on report
compute sum of free on report
compute sum of used on report
select (select decode(extent_management,'LOCAL','*',' ')
from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name) ||
nvl(a.tablespace_name,'UNKOWN')) name,
kbytes_alloc kbytes,
kbytes_alloc-nvl(kbytes_free,0) used,
nvl(kbytes_free,0) free,
kbytes_alloc)*100 pct_used,
nvl(largest,0) largest,
nvl(kbytes_max,kbytes_alloc) Max_Size,
decode( kbytes_max, 0, 0, (kbytes_alloc/kbytes_max)*100) pct_max_used
from ( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_free,
max(bytes)/1024 largest,
from sys.dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name ) a,
( select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
sum(maxbytes)/1024 Kbytes_max,
from sys.dba_data_files
group by tablespace_name
union all
select sum(bytes)/1024 Kbytes_alloc,
sum(maxbytes)/1024 Kbytes_max,
from sys.dba_temp_files
group by tablespace_name )b
where a.tablespace_name (+) = b.tablespace_name
order by &1
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/6906/viewspace-21766/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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