本文作者Angus Croll是Twitter工程師、JavaScript迷、文學迷,並且非常喜歡作家海明威。他在夢中"夢見"一些名人編寫JavaScript程式碼,不同的作家呈現出各種程式設計風格,大家不妨一起來品嚐下。
最近,我做了一個夢,我請海明威和其他四位文學名人替我編寫JavaScript程式碼,一個函式返回一個給定長度的斐波納契數列。有趣地是,他們每個人都以不同的方式完成了這一題,並且都做的很好——只是我想說,每個解決方案工作起來都好比廣告(即使是Andre Breton的),後來我又請包括海明威在內的7名文豪用JavaScript來編寫階乘,似乎一切都那麼神奇,但他們都成功地完成了,大家不妨來看看結果吧。
1.歐內斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway 美國作家)
function fibonacci(size) { var first = 0, second = 1, next, count = 2, result = [first, second]; if(size < 2) return "the request was made but it was not good" while(count++ < size) { next = first + second; first = second; second = next; result.push(next); } return result; }
2.威廉·莎士比亞(William Shakespeare 英國詩人、戲劇家)
代表作: 《哈姆雷特》《奧賽羅》《李爾王》《羅密歐與朱麗葉》等
function theSeriesOfFIBONACCI(theSize) { //a CALCKULATION in two acts. //employ'ng the humourous logick of JAVA-SCRIPTE //Dramatis Personae var theResult; //an ARRAY to contain THE NUMBERS var theCounter; //a NUMBER, serv'nt to the FOR LOOP //ACT I: in which a ZERO is added for INITIATION //[ENTER: theResult] //Upon the noble list bestow a zero var theResult = [0]; //ACT II: a LOOP in which the final TWO NUMBERS are QUEREED and SUMM'D //[ENTER: theCounter] //Commence at one and venture o'er the numbers for (theCounter = 1; theCounter < theSize; theCounter++) { //By divination set adjoining members theResult[theCounter] = (theResult[theCounter-1]||1) + theResult[Math.max(0, theCounter-2)]; } //'Tis done, and here's the answer. return theResult; //[Exuent] }
3.安德烈·布勒東(Andre Breton 法國詩人)
function Colette(umbrella) { var staircase = 0, galleons = 0, brigantines = 1, armada = [galleons, brigantines], bassoon; Array.prototype.embrace = [].push; while(2 + staircase++ < umbrella) { bassoon = galleons + brigantines; armada.embrace(brigantines = (galleons = brigantines, bassoon)); } return armada; }
4.羅貝託·波拉尼奧(Roberto Bolano 智利小說家、詩人)
function LeonardoPisanoBigollo(l) { if(l < 0) { return "I'd prefer not to respond. (Although several replies occur to me)" } /**/ //Everything is getting complicated. for (var i=2,r=[0,1].slice(0,l);i<l;r.push(r[i-1]+r[i-2]),i++) /**/ //Here are some other mathematicians. Mostly it's just nonsense. rationalTheorists = ["Archimedes of Syracuse", "Pierre de Fermat (such margins, boys!)", "Srinivasa Ramanujan", "Rene Descartes", "Leonhard Euler", "Carl Gauss", "Johann Bernoulli", "Jacob Bernoulli", "Aryabhata", "Brahmagupta", "Bhaskara II", "Nilakantha Somayaji", "Omar Khayyám", "Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī", "Bernhard Riemann", "Gottfried Leibniz", "Andrey Kolmogorov", "Euclid of Alexandria", "Jules Henri Poincaré", "Srinivasa Ramanujan", "Alexander Grothendieck (who could forget?)", "David Hilbert", "Alan Turing", "von Neumann", "Kurt Gödel", "Joseph-Louis Lagrange", "Georg Cantor", "William Rowan Hamilton", "Carl Jacobi", "Évariste Galois", "Nikolay Lobachevsky", "Rene Descartes", "Joseph Fourier", "Pierre-Simon Laplace", "Alonzo Church", "Nikolay Bogolyubov"] /**/ //I didn't understand any of this, but here it is anyway. return r /**/ //Nothing happens here and if it does I'd rather not talk about it. }
5. 查爾斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens 英國小說家)
代表作:《匹克威克外傳》《霧都孤兒》《 雙城記 》等
function mrFibbowicksNumbers(enormity) { var assortment = [0,1,1], tally = 3, artfulRatio = 1.61803; while(tally++ < enormity) { //here is an exceedingly clever device assortment.push(Math.round(assortment[tally-2] * artfulRatio)); } //should there be an overabundance of elements, a remedy need be applied return assortment.slice(0, enormity); }
1. 傑克·凱魯亞克(Jack Kerouac 美國小說家)
/*...the only numbers for me are the mad ones, take forty-three like a steam engine with a talky caboose at the end*/ n = 43, /*and that lanky fellow in a cocked fedora*/ r = 1 /*then back to our number, our mad number, mad to become one*/ while (n > 1) /*mad to descend*/ n--, /*mad to multiply*/ r = r * n /*and at the end, you see the blue center-light pop, and everybody goes 1.4050061177528801e+51...*/ r
2.塞繆爾·約翰遜(Samuel Johnson 英國作家、詩人)
# In which various NUMBERS are summon'd by # means of ELECTRONICK CONJURY factorial = (n) -> # All argument is against it; yet all belief is for it return 1 unless n # Ingenious sophistry to prove the palp'bly OBVIOUS return 1 if n is 1 # Recursion (n.) # a program that calls 'pon itself in the manner of # a dog returning unto its VOMIT return n * factorial n - 1
3.詹姆斯·喬伊斯(James Joyce 愛爾蘭作家、詩人)
function hacktorial(integette) { var nonthings = [undefined, null, false, 0, '', NaN]; var resultution = 1; if (integette == 0) { //behold the strangerous zeroine! resultution = 1; } else { while (integette > 1) //caligulate by multicapables resultution = resultution * integette--; } with(resultution) { var duodismal = Function('return this').call(toString(12)); var disemvowel = Function("n","return n?parseInt(n,12):'0'") return [ disemvowel(duodismal.slice(0,-1)), 'shillings and', disemvowel(duodismal[duodismal.length-1]), 'pence' ].join(' '); } //klikkaklakkaklaskaklopatzklatschabattacreppycrottygraddahappluddyappladdypkonpkot! }
hacktorial(3) //"0 shillings and 6 pence" hacktorial(4) //"2 shillings and 0 pence" hacktorial(7) //"420 shillings and 0 pence" hacktorial(21) //"4257578514309120000 shillings and 0 pence"
4.理查德·費曼(Richard Feynman美國物理學家)
//using Ramanujan's approximation function fractorail(n){ with(Math) { var r = sqrt(PI)*pow(n/E,n); r *= pow(8*pow(n, 3) + 4*(n*n) + n + 1/30, 1/6); return r; } }
fractorail(3); //6.00005 fractorail(1.1); //1.04671 fractorail(5.2); //169.40628
5. 阿瑟·柯南·道爾(Arthur Conan Doyle世界著名小說家)
"use strict"; //In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason backwards... //some things are easier known than explained! var caseHistory = new Object({2:2, 6:3}); function unfactorial(evidence){ //first, humility! if (evidence === 1) { return "Watson, I am at a loss!" } //second, logical precedence! if(caseHistory[evidence]){ //elementary! return caseHistory[evidence]; } //third, eliminate the impossible! if(evidence === 0 || evidence % 24 !== 0) { return "charlatans!"; } //fourth, deduction! var theDeduction, enumarator = evidence, denominator = 1; while(enumarator % denominator === 0) { enumarator = enumarator/denominator++; if (enumarator === denominator) { theDeduction = enumarator; } } theDeduction = theDeduction || "impostors"; //What one man can invent another can discover! caseHistory[evidence] = theDeduction; //What remains, however improbable, must be the truth! return theDeduction; }
正如大家想象的那樣, 柯南道爾的設計過程是精確和認真有序的,此外,大家可能注意到,他讓其應用程式在strict模式執行——容不得半點馬虎。
6.簡·奧斯汀(Jane Austen 英國小說家)
代表作:《理智與情感》 《傲慢與偏見》
factorial = (function() { //I declare... var ledger = {}; return function reckoning(quantity) { if (isNaN(quantity)) { console.log("I have not the pleasure of understanding you"); return; } //It is a truth universally acknowledged that two values //can only be adjudged truly agreeable by means of === if (quantity === 0) { return 1; } //Mr Crockford teaches that we be wary of inherited property... if (ledger.hasOwnProperty(quantity)) { return ledger[quantity]; } //Pray persist until an answer is furnished return ledger[quantity] = quantity * reckoning(quantity - 1); }; })();
Jane Austen解決方案的亮點之一是程式碼工藝和結構的完整性,主要體現在程式碼塊的整潔上,她呼叫模組模式,隱藏曆史資料(或ledger)在上層結構的資料夾裡;第二個則是體現了Jane Austen的俏皮,甚至是顛覆性的,對power的諷刺和荒謬的約定。
7. 歐內斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway 美國小說家)
//Economy. function factorial(n) { return n < 2 ? 1: factorial(n-1)*n; }
最優秀的英語作傢俱有著對規則的蔑視。——Steven Pinker
英文來源:Angus Croll部落格
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