

The university has seven academic divisions:dentistry, economics and business, humanities, law, medicine, science, andsocial and behavioral sciences. The school's academic calendar issemester-based. The primary language of instruction for bachelor’s programs is Dutch, though several English-taught programs are available. Many master'sprograms are taught in English. Around one-fourth of the University ofAmsterdam's research is conducted in one of the institution’s 20 researchpriority areas, which include infection and immunity, behavioral economics, andprivate and public European law. Some of the university’s research institutesinclude the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Labour Studies, the Institute forBiodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics and the Anton Pannekoek Institute forAstronomy. The university also manages two institutes – one in Athens, Greece, and the other in Saint Petersburg, Russia – that are members of the Dutch Scientific InstitutesAbroad network. The institutes support Dutch staff and students who conductresearch overseas.

The university has seven main academicdivisions: geosciences; humanities; law, economics and governance; medicine;science; social and behavioral sciences; and veterinary medicine. Additionally,there are two university colleges – University College Roosevelt and UniversityCollege Utrecht – focused on liberal arts education for undergraduates as wellas a center for teaching and learning. All told, the university offers around45 bachelor’s degree programs and more than 130 master’s degree programs. Dutchis the primary language of instruction, though a handful of bachelor’s programsand more than 80 master's programs are English-taught. Examples of master'sprograms taught in English are those in banking and finance, the culturalhistory of modern Europe and religious studies.
Much of the research at Utrecht University isstructured around the four strategic themes of dynamics of youth, institutionsfor open societies, life sciences and sustainability. Some of the university’sresearch institutes are the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development andthe Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research.

The university has seven academic divisions:economics; law; social sciences; medicine; philosophy; history, culture andcommunication; and management. There are also three academic institutes – theInstitute of Health Policy and Management, the International Institute ofSocial Studies and the Institute for Housing and Urban DevelopmentStudies. The primary language of instruction for bachelor’s programs isDutch, but some English-taught undergraduate programs are offered. A number ofthe university's graduate courses of study are also taught in English,including a master's program in strategic entrepreneurship as well as aninternational MBA program. Education and research activities at the universityare primarily focused on four key areas of study: health, wealth (economics andbusiness), governance and culture. Some of the university's research institutesand centers are the Erasmus University Rotterdam Institute for Behaviorand Biology, the Rotterdam Institute for Shipping and Transport Law and theCentre for Historical Culture.

The university has seven main academicdivisions: archaeology, governance and global affairs, humanities, law,medicine, science, and social and behavioral sciences. In all, the universityoffers upward of 40 bachelor’s and 70 master’s programs. Most Leiden Universitybachelor’s programs are taught in Dutch, though a handful of English-taughtprograms are available. The primary language of instruction for graduateprograms is English. The university’s academic calendar is semester-based.Leiden University has 11 research focus areas, including brain function anddysfunction over the lifespan, interaction between legal systems and languagediversity in the world. The university is involved with the Leiden Bio SciencePark – a cluster of more than 170 businesses, research institutes and otherorganizations focused in large part on drug research and development. Some ofthe university’s facilities are located in the science park, including thefaculties of science and social sciences, as well as the Leiden University Medical Center.


