破解 WinRescue 98 v4.16


作者:Sun Bird [CCG](我,Sun Bird 屬於破解團體 China Cracking Group ^_^)


    屬於著名破解團體 CiA(Crackers in Action)的 LW2000 撰寫了使用 W32Dasm 破解
WinRescue 98 v4.16 的教程。不好意思,我自作主張地用我那蹩腳的 E 文和糟糕的中文將
之 Translate 了(無關緊要的部分就省略了,因為我只會使用全拼……)^_^

Name      : WinRescue 98

Version  : 4.16

Editor    : Super Win Software (http://superwin.com/)

Target    : Rescue98.exe

Tools    : W32Dasm & Brain

Cracker  : LW2000
破解人:    LW2000(屬於國際著名破解團體 CiA)

翻譯人:    Sun Bird [CCG](我 Sun Bird 屬於破解團體 China Cracking Group ^_^)

日期:      2000年3月17日

For educational purposes only!
I hold no responsibility of the mis-used of this material!

    (1) Ok, try to register the program. *BOOM* 'WARNING - Incorrect Key Entered'
Mhmm, seems that we have found a bug, lets fix it!
        嘗試註冊軟體時蹦出“WARNING - Incorrect Key Entered”提示。

        Load the Program into W32Dasm and search in the SDR for the string.
        用 W32Dasm 反編譯,搜尋字串“WARNING - Incorrect Key Entered”

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
|:0046A422(C)  <-- here we go

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"WARNING - Incorrect Key Entered"
:0046A451 B84CA54600              mov eax, 0046A54C
:0046A456 E84940FDFF              call 0043E4A4
:0046A45B A14CAA4900              mov eax, dword ptr [0049AA4C]
:0046A460 8B00                    mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:0046A462 E89961FCFF              call 00430600

    (2) OK, go to 0046A422.
        到地址 0046A422 去看看。

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"SvetCHRISTA"
:0046A416 B8F8A44600              mov eax, 0046A4F8
:0046A41B E8949BF9FF              call 00403FB4
:0046A420 85C0                    test eax, eax
:0046A422 742D                    je 0046A451 <-- Bad Boy
:0046A424 33D2                    xor edx, edx
:0046A426 8B83F4010000            mov eax, dword ptr [ebx+000001F4]
:0046A42C E82B60FBFF              call 0042045C

* Possible StringData Ref from Code Obj ->"Registration Key Accepted"
:0046A431 B80CA54600              mov eax, 0046A50C
:0046A436 E86940FDFF              call 0043E4A4
:0046A43B A1F8AA4900              mov eax, dword ptr [0049AAF8]
:0046A440 8B00                    mov eax, dword ptr [eax]
:0046A442 8B8014020000            mov eax, dword ptr [eax+00000214]
:0046A448 C7400C64000000          mov [eax+0C], 00000064
:0046A44F EB16                    jmp 0046A467

    (3) Mhmm, 'SvetCHRISTA' what could this be *g*. Another plaintext coded serial...
Try the serial or patch the program by NOPing the je at :0046A422.
        “SvetCHRISTA”是什麼?一個正確的明碼註冊碼嗎?試試使用這串明碼或者將 :0046A422
處的 je 改為空指令。

Congratulation! You are a registered user.

FINISH! Easy, or?                    
