DLL Show V4.4 註冊演算法分析
標 題:DLL Show V4.4 註冊演算法分析
時 間:2003年10月01日 02:35
DLL Show V4.4 註冊演算法分析
上個世紀買的軟體光碟現在被我當成破解專用了,第一可以省下上網的MONEY,第二是因為那時候的軟體比較痛快,沒有現在這麼多亂七八糟的保護手段,所以推薦初學者多找找這樣的東東練手。好了,看我們今天要破的這個軟體,這個老古董居然是FOR WIN95的(好遙遠的時代...)
:0040D5AF 6A67 push 00000067
:0040D5B1 55 push ebp
:0040D5B2 E8B9810000 call 00415770
:0040D5B7 8D4C2440 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+40]
:0040D5BB 51 push ecx
:0040D5BC E8559C0000 call 00417216
:0040D5C1 56 push esi <--ESI處為使用者名稱,壓入堆疊作為CALL的引數
:0040D5C2 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
:0040D5C4 E837810000 call 00415700 <--這個CALL是一個關鍵(見下文)
:0040D5C9 83C438 add esp, 00000038
:0040D5CC 3D92A71901 cmp eax, 0119A792 <--把結果與一個軟體內定值比較
:0040D5D1 7518 jne 0040D5EB <--相等的話就成功了(這應該是作者除錯用的"萬能碼")
* Reference To: KERNEL32.lstrcpyA, Ord:0302h
:0040D5D3 8B1D28F14100 mov ebx, dword ptr [0041F128]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Gregory Braun"
:0040D5D9 68D42E4200 push 00422ED4
:0040D5DE 56 push esi
:0040D5DF FFD3 call ebx
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Software Design"
:0040D5E1 68C42E4200 push 00422EC4
:0040D5E6 57 push edi
:0040D5E7 FFD3 call ebx
:0040D5E9 EB07 jmp 0040D5F2
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040D5EB 3D3CCE5F0D cmp eax, 0D5FCE3C <--這裡又一個比較,沒有仔細研究
:0040D5F0 750C jne 0040D5FE
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040D5F2 57 push edi
:0040D5F3 56 push esi
:0040D5F4 E8A77B0000 call 004151A0
:0040D5F9 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0040D5FC 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040D5FE 57 push edi
:0040D5FF 56 push esi
:0040D600 E89B7B0000 call 004151A0 <--關鍵的CALL,進入
:0040D605 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:0040D608 3BD8 cmp ebx, eax <--EBX為假碼,把結果和假碼比較
:0040D60A 5F pop edi
:0040D60B 741D je 0040D62A <--這裡跳過去就OK了
:0040D60D 68CFEA0000 push 0000EACF
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=05000: " Register DLL Show for Windows 95"
:0040D612 6888130000 push 00001388
:0040D617 55 push ebp
:0040D618 E8A3C8FFFF call 00409EC0
:0040D61D 83C40C add esp, 0000000C
:0040D620 5E pop esi
:0040D621 5D pop ebp
:0040D622 5B pop ebx
:0040D623 81C400010000 add esp, 00000100
:0040D629 C3 ret
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0040CACD , :0040D462 , :0040D5F4 , :0040D600
:004151A0 8B442404 mov eax, dword ptr [esp+04]
:004151A4 56 push esi
:004151A5 8B3594D24200 mov esi, dword ptr [0042D294] <--這是一個常量DB95DB95h
:004151AB 50 push eax <--把NAME作為引數傳給CALL
:004151AC 81CE78030000 or esi, 00000378 <--ESI=(DB95DB95h or 378h)
:004151B2 E849050000 call 00415700 <--關鍵的CALL
:004151B7 8B4C2410 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:004151BB 03F0 add esi, eax <--ESI=ESI+CALL的計算結果
:004151BD 51 push ecx <--把公司名作為引數傳給CALL
:004151BE E83D050000 call 00415700 <--和上面CALL相同
:004151C3 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:004151C6 03C6 add eax, esi <--再加上CALL的計算結果
:004151C8 5E pop esi
:004151C9 C3 ret
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0040D5C4 , :004151B2 , :004151BE
:00415700 51 push ecx
:00415701 53 push ebx
:00415702 8B5C240C mov ebx, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:00415706 56 push esi
:00415707 33F6 xor esi, esi
:00415709 53 push ebx
:0041570A 8974240C mov dword ptr [esp+0C], esi
* Reference To: KERNEL32.lstrlenA, Ord:0308h
:0041570E FF15B4F04100 Call dword ptr [0041F0B4] <--得到字串(使用者名稱或公司名)的長度N
:00415714 85DB test ebx, ebx
:00415716 744F je 00415767
:00415718 85C0 test eax, eax
:0041571A 744B je 00415767
:0041571C 33D2 xor edx, edx
:0041571E 85C0 test eax, eax
:00415720 7E45 jle 00415767
:00415722 55 push ebp
:00415723 57 push edi
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"|b!pz*ls;rn|lf$vi^Axpe)rx5aic&9/2m5lsi4@0dmZw9"
:00415724 BEA44D4200 mov esi, 00424DA4
:00415729 BF01000000 mov edi, 00000001
:0041572E 2BF3 sub esi, ebx
:00415730 8BCB mov ecx, ebx
:00415732 2BFB sub edi, ebx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
| <--迴圈開始
:00415734 0FBE1C0E movsx ebx, byte ptr [esi+ecx] <--從ESI處開始依次取字元
ESI=424DA4,記憶體中為字串 |b!pz*ls;rn|lf$vi^Axpe)rx5aic&9/2m5lsi4@0dmZw94cmqpfhw
:00415738 0FBEAC106C4D4200 movsx ebp, byte ptr [eax+edx+00424D6C]<--從424D6C+長度N處取字元
:00415740 0FAFDD imul ebx, ebp <--相乘
:00415743 8D2C0F lea ebp, dword ptr [edi+ecx]
:00415746 0FAFDD imul ebx, ebp <--再乘以迴圈變數
:00415749 0FBE29 movsx ebp, byte ptr [ecx] <--依次取字串(使用者名稱或公司名)中的字元
:0041574C 0FAFDD imul ebx, ebp <--再相乘
:0041574F 8B6C2410 mov ebp, dword ptr [esp+10]
:00415753 03EB add ebp, ebx <--把結果累加在EBP中
:00415755 42 inc edx
:00415756 41 inc ecx
:00415757 3BD0 cmp edx, eax <--是否到最後一個字元
:00415759 896C2410 mov dword ptr [esp+10], ebp
:0041575D 7CD5 jl 00415734 <--迴圈結束
:0041575F 8BC5 mov eax, ebp <--結果放在EAX
:00415761 5F pop edi
:00415762 5D pop ebp
:00415763 5E pop esi
:00415764 5B pop ebx
:00415765 59 pop ecx
:00415766 C3 ret
:00424D60 44 72 61 77 50 69 63 74 DrawPict
:00424D68 75 72 65 00 23 73 65 72 ure.#ser
:00424D70 42 26 6E 7A 7C 6D 66 4D B&nz|mfM
:00424D78 31 2F 35 28 21 73 64 24 1/5(!sd$
:00424D80 4D 71 2E 7B 73 5D 2B 73 Mq.{s]+s
:00424D88 46 6A 74 4B 70 7A 53 64 FjtKpzSd
:00424D90 74 7A 6F 58 71 6D 62 5E tzoXqmb^
:00424D98 41 6C 40 64 76 3A 73 3F Al@dv:s?
:00424DA0 78 2F 00 00 7C 62 21 70 x/..|b!p
:00424DA8 7A 2A 6C 73 3B 72 6E 7C z*ls;rn|
:00424DB0 6C 66 24 76 69 5E 41 78 lf$vi^Ax
:00424DB8 70 65 29 72 78 35 61 69 pe)rx5ai
:00424DC0 63 26 39 2F 32 6D 35 6C c&9/2m5l
:00424DC8 73 69 34 40 30 64 6D 5A si4@0dmZ
:00424DD0 77 39 34 63 6D 71 70 66 w94cmqpf
:00424DD8 68 77 00 00 55 52 4C 3A hw..URL:
:00424DE0 20 25 73 0D 0D 43 61 6E %s..Can
一個序號產生器: (Borland Pascal 7.0)正在努力學Win32彙編,下一次一定要用匯編寫!
Program CrackDllShow;
var st1,st2,name,company:string;
code :real; //好像沒有32位無符號數,只好用REAL代替
Function R(st:string):real;
var p:integer;
for p:=1 to length(st) do
st2:='#serB&nz|mfM1/5(!sd$Mq'; //這裡我只截了一段,因為還有一個不可顯示的字元很麻煩
write('please input your name:');
write('please input your company:');
code:=3684031485.0; //(DB95DB95h or 378h)的結果
writeln('Crack by RoBa Thank you');
ORG : China
CODE: 3707936057
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