Rust Reference Cycles: Resolving and Avoiding them


In Rust, reference cycles occur when two or more objects mutually reference each other, forming a circular chain. In this situation, the reference count between objects never becomes zero, leading to memory leaks and resource leaks. This blog post will discuss the concept, problems, and solutions of reference cycles in Rust in detail, and demonstrate how to avoid reference cycles through code examples.

Definition and Problems of Reference Cycles

Reference cycles are a common programming error in Rust that can cause resources to not be properly released, resulting in memory leaks and other potential issues. Reference cycles typically occur when there are mutual references, i.e., object A references object B, and object B also references object A, forming a closed loop.

struct Node {
    data: i32,
    next: Option<Box<Node>>,

fn main() {
    let node1 = Node {
        data: 1,
        next: None,
    let node2 = Node {
        data: 2,
        next: Some(Box::new(node1)), // node2 references node1
    // node1 references node2
    let node1_next =;
    let node1_next_data =;

In the above example, we define a simple linked list structure Node, where each node contains data and a pointer of type Option<Box<Node>> to point to the next node. Note that node2 references node1, and node1 references node2, forming a reference cycle.

Since node1 and node2 form a reference cycle, when they go out of scope, the memory cannot be properly released due to non-zero reference counts between them, resulting in memory leaks.

Solution: Using Weak References

To solve the problem of reference cycles, Rust provides the Weak reference type. Unlike the Rc smart pointer, Weak does not increase the reference count. It allows creating a weak reference to an Rc without affecting the increment and decrement of the reference count.

use std::rc::{Rc, Weak};
use std::cell::RefCell;

struct Node {
    data: i32,
    next: Option<Weak<RefCell<Node>>>,

fn main() {
    let node1 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node {
        data: 1,
        next: None,
    let node2 = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node {
        data: 2,
        next: Some(Rc::downgrade(&node1)), // node2 weakly references node1
    // node1 weakly references node2
    let node1_next = node2.borrow().next.as_ref().unwrap().upgrade();
    if let Some(node1_next) = node1_next {
        let node1_next_data = node1_next.borrow().data;
        println!("Data: {}", node1_next_data);

In the above example, we use Rc<RefCell<Node>> instead of Option<Box<Node>>, and create a weak reference from node2 to node1 using the Rc::downgrade method. By using Rc::downgrade, we can break the reference cycle and ensure that the reference counts between node1 and node2 can be properly decremented.

When using Weak references, we need to call the upgrade method before using them to check if the referenced object has been released. If the upgrade method returns Some, it means the referenced object still exists and can be safely accessed.

Other Solutions to Reference Cycles

Apart from using Weak references, reference cycles can also be avoided by changing the design of data structures. Some solutions include using auxiliary types, lazy loading, etc. The choice of a specific solution depends on the application scenario and the requirements of the data structure.


This blog post discussed the concept and problems of reference cycles in Rust in detail, and introduced the method of using Weak references to solve reference cycles. Reference cycles are a common programming error that can easily lead to memory leaks and resource leaks, so special attention is needed when writing Rust code.
