MagicWin 98 Release 1.20 破解手記 (20千字)
MagicWin 98 Release 1.20 破解手記
Cracked by
4.05 For Win9X
執行MagicWin 98,在註冊視窗輸入 Your Name:WksWlj999
Serial Number:MGW45146-10(程式預設自動填入)
然後在SoftICE裡下斷點"bpx getdlgitemtext"(為何在16位API函式下斷點呢,因為我用w32dasm8.93檢視過MagicWin
98的函式輸入表啊!),然後點"Register",SoftICE攔截並中斷跳出,按F11返回MagicWin 98的領空。
* Possible
Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0001, CONTROL_ID:006E, ""
:0047.0408 6A6E
push 006E
:0047.040A 16
push ss
:0047.040B 8D46E4
lea ax, [bp-1C]
:0047.040E 50
push ax
6A1C push 001C
:0047.0411 9AFFFF0000 call USER.GETDLGITEMTEXT
:0047.0416 56
push si //按F11返回後停在此處
:0047.0434 50
push ax
:0047.0435 680001
push 0100
:0047.0438 9AFFFF0000
:0047.043D 837E0800
cmp word ptr [bp+08], 0000
7503 jne 0446
:0047.0443 E9BC00 jmp 0502
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
* Possible Reference to Menu: MenuID_0001
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0001
* Possible Reference to String
Resource ID=00001: "ASCII"
6A01 push 0001
:0047.0504 16
push ss
:0047.0505 8D86C8FE
lea ax, [bp+FEC8]
:0047.0509 50
push ax //輸入的Your
:0047.050A 16
push ss
:0047.050B 8D46C8
lea ax, [bp-38]
:0047.050E 50
push ax
//輸入的假Registration Code:"369369369369"進棧,以下簡稱"Code"
16 push ss
:0047.0510 8D46E4
lea ax, [bp-1C]
:0047.0513 50
push ax //程式預設的Serial
:0047.0514 9AFFFF0000
call 0037.03ABh //這個緊跟的Call很可疑,按F8跟進
:0047.0519 83C40E add sp,
* Possible Reference to Menu: MenuID_0001
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0001
:0047.051C 3D0100
cmp ax, 0001 //比較AX與0001(根據call
:0047.051F 7558
jne 0579 //AX=1則跳到註冊錯誤對話方塊
:0047.0521 9AFFFF0000 call 0044.0073h
:0047.0526 52
push dx
:0047.0527 50
push ax
:0047.0528 9AFFFF0000
call 0044.002Dh
:0047.052D 52
push dx
50 push ax
:0047.052F 1E
push ds
接call 0037.03ABh,F8進入後,F8單步跟蹤
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0037.03AB 55
push bp
:0037.03AC 8BEC
mov bp, sp
:0037.03AE 81EC8600
sub sp, 0086
:0037.03B2 56
push si
57 push di
:0037.03B4 C746FE0000 mov word ptr
[bp-02], 0000
:0037.03B9 66FF7606
push word ptr [bp+06] //Serial進棧,d
:0037.03BD 9AFFFF0000
call KERNEL.LSTRLEN //計算長度置入AX=Bh
:0037.03C2 50
push ax //長度AX=Bh進棧儲存
:0037.03C3 66FF760A push
word ptr [bp+0A] //假Code進棧,d *(bp+0A)可看到"369369369369"
:0037.03C7 9AFFFF0000 call KERNEL.LSTRLEN
:0037.03CC 5A
pop dx
:0037.03CD 3BD0
cmp dx, ax
:0037.03CF 7E25
jle 03F6
66FF760A push word ptr [bp+0A]
1E push ds
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional
Jump at Addresses:
|:0037.03CF(C), :0037.03E0(C), :0037.03F1(C)
:0037.03F6 C45E0A les bx,
:0037.03F9 26803F00
cmp byte ptr es:[bx], 00 //假Code是否為空?
:0037.03FD 7503
jne 0402
:0037.03FF E9C801
jmp 05CA
* Referenced
by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0037.0402 16
push ss
:0037.0403 8D867AFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7A]
:0037.0407 50
push ax
:0037.0408 66FF7606
push word ptr [bp+06]
:0037.040C 9AFFFF0000
:0037.0411 16
push ss
:0037.0412 8D867AFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7A]
:0037.0416 50
push ax
//"d ax"可看到複製來的Serial:"MGW45146-10"
:0037.041C 8BF8
mov di, ax
* Possible Reference
to Menu: MenuID_0003
* Possible
Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0003
* Possible Reference to String Resource ID=00003: "ChineseGuoBiao"
:0037.041E BA0300
mov dx, 0003
:0037.0421 8D867DFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7D] //將[bp+FF7D]地址傳入AX,即Serial第4位的地址
:0037.0425 8BF0
mov si, ax
:0037.0427 EB4C
jmp 0475 //跳到0475,將Serial執行換位操作
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at
:0037.0429 8BC2
mov ax, dx //0429-0479處程式碼功能是保持Serial Number的前3位不變,然後依次將其
:0037.042B 050400 add ax,
0004 第4位與第8位互換位置,第5位與第9位互換,第6位與第10位互換,第7位
:0037.042E 3BC7
cmp ax, di 與第11位互換,第8位與第9位互換,第9位與第10位互換,第10位與第11位互換
:0037.0430 7D1E
jge0450 比如:Serial是"XXX12345678",則換位結束後得到"XXX56782341"
:0037.0432 368A0C mov cl
, ss:[si]
:0037.0435 8D867EFF
leaax, [bp+FF7E] //經驗證,換位規則是:當Serial長度小於等於3時,不換位,直接在Serial後加上
8BDA mov bx,dx Name的長度與其各位ASC碼值的和(十進位制),即為正確的Code;當Serial長度
:0037.043B 03D8
add bx, ax 大於3時,從第4位開始,先將位數加4,值在Serial長度範圍內,則將此位與其
:0037.043D 368A07
mov al , ss:[bx] 位數加4所在位互換位置,然後順序執行下一位的判斷;若其值超出Serial長度
:0037.0440 368804 mov ss:[si],
al 範圍,則判斷此位的下一位數是否在Serial長度範圍內,若在則將此位與
:0037.0443 8D867EFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7E] 其下一位互換,然後順序執行下一位的判斷,若超出則換位結束。
:0037.0447 8BDA
mov bx, dx
:0037.0449 03D8
add bx, ax
:0037.044B 36880F
mov ss:[bx], cl
:0037.044E EB23
jmp 0473
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0037.0450 8BC2
mov ax, dx
:0037.0452 40
inc ax
:0037.0453 3BC7
cmp ax, di
7D1C jge 0473
:0037.0457 368A0C mov cl
, ss:[si]
:0037.045A 8D867BFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7B]
:0037.045E 8BDA
mov bx, dx
:0037.0460 03D8
add bx, ax
:0037.0462 368A07
mov al , ss:[bx]
:0037.0465 368804
mov ss:[si], al
8D867BFF lea ax, [bp+FF7B]
:0037.046C 8BDA
mov bx, dx
:0037.046E 03D8
add bx, ax
:0037.0470 36880F
mov ss:[bx], cl
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0037.044E(U), :0037.0455(C)
:0037.0473 46
inc si
:0037.0474 42
inc dx
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional
Jump at Address:
:0037.0475 36803C00
cmp byte ptr ss:[si], 00 //ss:[si]處位元組是否為空,即比較是否Serial
:0037.0479 75AE
jne 0429 //不空則跳至0429繼續換位
* Possible Reference to Menu: MenuID_0003
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0003
* Possible Reference to String Resource
ID=00003: "ChineseGuoBiao"
BA0300 mov dx, 0003
:0037.047E 3BD7
cmp dx, di
:0037.0480 7D19
jge 049B
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional
Jump at Address:
:0037.0482 8D867AFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7A]
//此句過後緊跟著下"d AX"命令可看到換位後的Serial Number="MGW6-105144"
8BDA mov bx, dx
:0037.0488 03D8
add bx, ax
//位置調整到Serial Number的第dx位
:0037.048A 8BF3
mov si, bx
368A07 mov al , ss:[bx]
//取Serial Number的第4位
:0037.048F 02C2
add al , dl
:0037.0491 0410
add al, 10
:0037.0493 368804
mov ss:[si], al
:0037.0496 42
inc dx
:0037.0497 3BD7
cmp dx, di
:0037.0499 7CE7
jl 0482
//0482-0499處程式碼功能是取換位後的Serial Number的第4位到第11位,將它們的
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0037.049B 66FF760E
push word ptr [bp+0E] //Your
Name:="WksWlj999"進棧,d *(bp+0e)在資料窗可看到
:0037.049F 9AFFFF0000
call KERNEL.LSTRLEN //計算長度,AX=9h
:0037.04A4 8BC8
mov cx, ax //CX=AX=9h
:0037.04A6 660FBFC1
movsx eax, ecx
:0037.04AA 668946FA
mov [bp-06], eax
:0037.04AE 33D2
xor dx, dx //dx=0
:0037.04B0 8B760E mov si,
:0037.04B3 3BD1
cmp dx, cx //dx大於等於Your
:0037.04B5 7D15
jge 04CC //大於等於則跳到04CC,否則繼續
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0037.04B7 8E4610
mov es, [bp+10] //04B7-04CA處程式碼功能將Your
:0037.04BA 268A04
mov al , es:[si]
:0037.04BD 98
:0037.04BE 660FBFC0
movsx eax, eax
:0037.04C2 660146FA
add [bp-06], eax
:0037.04C6 46
inc si
:0037.04C7 42
inc dx
3BD1 cmp dx, cx
:0037.04CA 7CEB
jl 04B7
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0037.04CC 66FF76FA
push word ptr [bp-06] //將和進棧,d
*(bp-06)可看到資料窗中"16 03 00 00"即和是0316h(16進位制)
:0037.04D0 1E
push ds
* Possible
StringData Ref from Data Seg 069 ->"%"
:0037.04D1 681F1E
push 1E1F
:0037.04D4 8D867AFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7A] //將"MGWIAFFLIMN"的首地址入ax
:0037.04D8 8BD7
mov dx, di //將"MGWIAFFLIMN"的長度Bh入dx
:0037.04DA 03D0
add dx, ax //dx=dx+ax,此時dx指向的是緊跟"MGWIAFFLIMN"後的位置
:0037.04DC 16
push ss //USER._WSPRINTF函式的引數1進棧
:0037.04DD 52
push dx //USER._WSPRINTF函式的引數2進棧
:0037.04DE 9AFFFF0000 call USER._WSPRINTF
83C40C add sp, 000C
:0037.04E6 16
push ss
:0037.04E7 8D867AFF
lea ax, [bp+FF7A]
:0037.04EB 50
push ax
//"d ax"可看到真的Registration Code="MGWIAFFLIMN790"
:0037.04EC 66FF760A push
word ptr [bp+0A] //"d *(bp+0a)"可看到輸入的假Registration
:0037.04F0 9AFFFF0000
call USER.LSTRCMP //關鍵的比較!!!註冊碼正確置ax=0,錯誤置ax=1
:0037.04F5 0BC0
or ax, ax
:0037.04F7 7425
je 051E //關鍵的跳轉!!!ax=0則跳轉到註冊正確程式段,可在此處使用"r
fl z"命令
:0037.04F9 66FF760A
push word ptr [bp+0A] 使ZF標誌位=1,則跳到051E,註冊就成功了.然後程式會自動將正確的Serial
:0037.04FD 1E
push ds
和計算出的真Registration Code以及你輸入的Name一起寫到MagicWin.ini中儲存起來
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Seg 069 ->"B"
:0037.04FE 68231E
push 1E23
:0037.0501 9AFFFF0000
:0037.0506 0BC0
or ax, ax
:0037.0508 7414
je 051E
:0037.050A 66FF760A
push word ptr [bp+0A]
1E push ds
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Seg 069 ->"M"
:0037.050F 68E11D
push 1DE1
:0037.0512 9AFFFF0000
:0037.0517 0BC0
or ax, ax
:0037.0519 7403
je 051E
E9AC00 jmp 05CA
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
:0037.0508(C), :0037.0519(C)
:0037.051E 66FF760A
push word ptr [bp+0A]
:0037.0522 1E
push ds
Your Name:WksWlj999
Registration Code:MGWIAFFLIMN790
[Software Lock]
Serial No=MGW45146-10
Second Lock=47974l //這個值不曉得做什麼用,好象註冊成功後把它刪除,程式也能正常使用
Count=5 //這個是未註冊前已使用的次數
根據上面的除錯結果寫出MagicWin 98 Release
----------------SATART CODE-----------------------------------
Dim myname As String '定義變數
Dim serial As String
Dim mycode As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim ADD As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
serial = Text1.Text '獲取輸入的Serial Number
myname = Text2.Text '獲取輸入的Your Name
If Len(serial) <= 3 Then
mycode = serial
mycode = Serial_Change(serial)
mycode = Serial_PLUS(mycode)
End If
'計算Your Name每位的ASC碼值之總和並加上其本身長度,存入ADD變數中
For i = 1 To Len(myname)
ADD = ADD + Asc(Mid$(myname, i, 1))
Next i
ADD = ADD + Len(myname)
'組合出完整的Registration Code
mycode = mycode + CStr(ADD)
Text3.Text = mycode
End Sub
'對Serial Number進行換位操作,不明白的話可參見":0037.0429"處的註釋
Function Serial_Change(ByVal OPR_Serial As String) As String
Dim tempinteger As Integer
ReDim a(4 To Len(serial)) As Integer '重定義陣列
'對陣列a(4 to Len(serial))賦值為與其下標號相同的正整數,即a(4)=4,a(5)=5......
For i = 4 To Len(serial)
a(i) = i
Next i
i = 4
Do While i + 4 <= Len(serial)
tempinteger = a(i)
a(i) = a(i + 4)
a(i + 4) = tempinteger
i = i + 1
Do While i + 1 <= Len(serial)
tempinteger = a(i)
a(i) = a(i + 1)
a(i + 1) = tempinteger
i = i + 1
OPR_Serial = Left$(OPR_Serial, 3)
For i = 4 To Len(serial)
OPR_Serial = OPR_Serial + Mid$(serial, a(i), 1)
Next i
Serial_Change = OPR_Serial
End Function
'將換位後的Serial Number的第4位到末位的ASC碼值依次分別加上19d(13h),20d(14h)......
Function Serial_PLUS(ByVal CHG_Serial As String) As String
Dim tempstring As String
tempstring = CHG_Serial
CHG_Serial = Left$(CHG_Serial, 3)
i = 1
Do While i + 3 <= Len(tempstring)
CHG_Serial = CHG_Serial + Chr$(Asc(Mid$(tempstring, i + 3, 1)) + 18 + i)
i = i + 1
Serial_PLUS = CHG_Serial
End Function
----------------END CODE-------------------------------------
最後補充一下,你可以任意輸入Serial Number,可以包含所有的可顯示字元,但要注意的一點是其ASC碼值經變換加值後再轉換為字元
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