Crack the snowflake3d screen save doc.
Use W32asm open the file snowflake3d.scr
1,find the string "Registration" will go to...
Name: DialogID_006C, # of Controls=002, Caption:"Registration", ClassName:""
001 - ControlID:0001, Control Class:"BUTTON" Control Text:"OK"
002 - ControlID:FFFF, Control Class:"STATIC" Control Text:"Registration
Name: DialogID_006D, # of Controls=003, Caption:"Registration", ClassName:""
001 - ControlID:0002, Control Class:"BUTTON" Control Text:"OK"
002 - ControlID:FFFF, Control Class:"STATIC" Control Text:"Registration
Code Invalid!"
003 - ControlID:FFFF, Control Class:"STATIC" Control Text:"You
must enter the exact same information as you used to purchase this softwar"
Name: DialogID_006E, # of Controls=003, Caption:"Message", ClassName:""
2,find the dialog 6c&6d you go to ....
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
|:00401412(C) <----------c
:004014CA 8B1598654200 mov edx, dword
ptr [00426598]
:004014D0 6A00
push 00000000
:004014D2 6820124000 push
:004014D7 53
push ebx
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_006D
:004014D8 6A6D
push 0000006D
:004014DA 52
push edx
:00401408 E883100000 call
:0040140D 83C410
add esp, 00000010
:00401410 85C0
test eax, eax
:00401412 0F84B2000000 je 004014CA
3,modify 1 with jne xxxx
4,runing,regist,press any code,you will ok
5,the world cleaned.