Awave Studio v7.0的破解
Awave Studio v7.0的破解
工具:TRW2000和Wdasm 8.93 Gold版(
Awave Studio v7.0是用Asprotect加的殼,無法直接用Wdasm反彙編,只有先找到它的OEP,再從記憶體
中Dump出脫離殼後的檔案映像(無需重建Import Table),具體過程可參看《論壇精華 II》中的教程!
執行Wdasm 8.93(Gold版)反彙編Dump出來的檔案,在String Data References中會看到"Registered to:%s"
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\FMJ-Software\Awave Studio]
啟動TRW2000,載入Awave Studio,點選"Load"按鈕。進入到TRW2000環境,下指令"faults off",
再打"G 0046E22C",即可!
:0046E22C E82F140000 call 0046F660
:0046E231 84C0
test al, al <----al=0,則為註冊版!
:0046E233 7410
je 0046E245
:0046E235 8B06
mov eax, dword ptr [esi]
:0046E237 6A00
push 00000000
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Unregistered copy"
:0046E239 689CD34C00 push 004CD39C
:0046E23E 8BCE
mov ecx, esi
:0046E240 FF500C
call [eax+0C]
:0046E243 EB44
jmp 0046E289
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0046E245 68ADF04D00 push 004DF0AD
:0046E24A 8D4C2444 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+44]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Registered to: %s"
:0046E24E 6888D34C00 push 004CD388
:0046E253 51
push ecx
:0046E254 E826810300 call 004A637F
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0046E22C , :0046EAC5 , :0046EB17
:0046F660 53
push ebx
:0046F661 56
push esi
:0046F662 68E8030000 push 000003E8
:0046F667 E82F6A0300 call 004A609B
:0046F66C 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:0046F66F 8BF0
mov esi, eax
:0046F671 E81A000000 call 0046F690
:0046F676 8AD8
mov bl, al
:0046F678 A05CF44D00 mov al,
byte ptr [004DF45C]
:0046F67D 56
push esi
:0046F67E 84C0
test al, al
:0046F680 E80B6A0300 call 004A6090
:0046F685 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:0046F688 8AC3
mov al, bl
:0046F68A 5E
pop esi
:0046F68B 5B
pop ebx
:0046F68C C3
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0046F690 E80B000000 call 0046F6A0
:0046F695 F6D8
neg al
:0046F697 1BC0
sbb eax, eax
:0046F699 40
inc eax
:0046F69A C3
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:0046F6A0 B9D0E34D00 mov ecx,
:0046F6A5 C6055CF44D0001 mov byte ptr [004DF45C],
:0046F6AC E81F95FFFF call 00468BD0
:0046F6B1 F6D8
neg al
:0046F6B3 1BC0
sbb eax, eax
:0046F6B5 40
inc eax
:0046F6B6 C3
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:0046445C , :00466ECC , :0046BB9C , :0046F6AC , :0047E6CC
:00468BD0 83EC1C
sub esp, 0000001C
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Qj?c4UNk菥?V'`骸?"
:00468BD3 C705B8F14D00D8AC4C00 mov dword ptr [004DF1B8], 004CACD8
:00468BDD 53
push ebx
:00468BDE 55
push ebp
:00468BDF 8BE9
mov ebp, ecx
:00468BE1 57
push edi
:00468BE2 6A06
push 00000006
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"@DATE="
:00468BE4 68ACB54C00 push 004CB5AC
:00468BE9 8D9DDD0C0000 lea ebx, dword
ptr [ebp+00000CDD]
:00468BEF 53
push ebx
:00468BF0 E8AB930400 call 004B1FA0
:00468BF5 83C40C
add esp, 0000000C
:00468BF8 85C0
test eax, eax <----eax=1
:00468BFA 0F85B1000000 jne 00468CB1
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00468BFA(C), :00468CA6(C)
:00468CB1 8B0DB8F14D00 mov ecx, dword
ptr [004DF1B8]
:00468CB7 8B95610D0000 mov edx, dword
ptr [ebp+00000D61]
:00468CBD 51
push ecx
:00468CBE 8BFB
mov edi, ebx
:00468CC0 83C9FF
or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:00468CC3 33C0
xor eax, eax
:00468CC5 81C5210D0000 add ebp, 00000D21
:00468CCB 52
push edx
:00468CCC F2
:00468CCD AE
:00468CCE F7D1
not ecx
:00468CD0 49
dec ecx
:00468CD1 55
push ebp
:00468CD2 51
push ecx
:00468CD3 53
push ebx
:00468CD4 E807BB0300 call 004A47E0
:00468CD9 85C0
test eax, eax
:00468CDB 5F
pop edi
:00468CDC 5D
pop ebp
:00468CDD 0F95C0
setne al
:00468CE0 5B
pop ebx
:00468CE1 83C41C
add esp, 0000001C
:00468CE4 C3
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00468CD4 , :00468DEE
:004A47E0 81ECD0000000 sub esp, 000000D0
:004A47E6 8D442438 lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+38]
:004A47EA 56
push esi
:004A47EB 50
push eax
:004A47EC E84F010000 call 004A4940
:004A47F1 8D44243C lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+3C]
:004A47F5 8B8C24DC000000 mov ecx, dword ptr
:004A47FC 8B9424D8000000 mov edx, dword ptr
:004A4803 51
push ecx
:004A4804 52
push edx
:004A4805 50
push eax
:004A4806 E865010000 call 004A4970
:004A480B 8BB424E4000000 mov esi, dword ptr
:004A4812 83FE40
cmp esi, 00000040
:004A4815 760F
jbe 004A4826 <-----跳轉!!
:004A4817 B899090000 mov eax,
:004A481C 5E
pop esi
:004A481D 81C4D0000000 add esp, 000000D0
:004A4823 C21400
ret 0014
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A4826 8D4C243C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+3C]
:004A482A 53
push ebx
:004A482B 8D54240C lea
edx, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:004A482F 51
push ecx
:004A4830 52
push edx
:004A4831 33DB
xor ebx, ebx <-----令ebx=0!!
:004A4833 E8E8010000 call 004A4A20
:004A4838 8D44240C lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:004A483C 8D4C241C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]
:004A4840 50
push eax
:004A4841 51
push ecx
:004A4842 E899000000 call 004A48E0
:004A4847 8D4C2408 lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+08]
:004A484B 8B9424EC000000 mov edx, dword ptr
:004A4852 8B8424E4000000 mov eax, dword ptr
:004A4859 52
push edx
:004A485A 56
push esi
:004A485B 50
push eax
:004A485C 8D9424A4000000 lea edx, dword ptr
:004A4863 51
push ecx
:004A4864 52
push edx
:004A4865 E8860C0000 call 004A54F0
:004A486A 85C0
test eax, eax
:004A486C 7540
jne 004A48AE <----將此處改為jne 004A48A1!
:004A486E 8B442408 mov
eax, dword ptr [esp+08]
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0022
:004A4872 B922000000 mov ecx,
:004A4877 3BC1
cmp eax, ecx <--------比對eax=22?
:004A4879 7545
jne 004A48C0
:004A487B 57
push edi
:004A487C 8D7C2420 lea
edi, dword ptr [esp+20]
:004A4880 8DB4249C000000 lea esi, dword ptr
:004A4887 33C0
xor eax, eax <---令eax=0!!
:004A4889 F3
:004A488A A6
cmpsb <-------EDI與ESI指向的內容,比對22個位元組!!
:004A488B 5F
pop edi
:004A488C 7405
je 004A4893
:004A488E 1BC0
sbb eax, eax
:004A4890 83D8FF
sbb eax, FFFFFFFF
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A4893 85C0
test eax, eax <---eax=0
:004A4895 7529
jne 004A48C0
:004A4897 8D442440 lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+40]
:004A489B 50
push eax
:004A489C E89F000000 call 004A4940
:004A48A1 8BC3
mov eax, ebx <----eax=ebx=0(註冊成功的標誌)
:004A48A3 5B
pop ebx
:004A48A4 5E
pop esi
:004A48A5 81C4D0000000 add esp, 000000D0
:004A48AB C21400
ret 0014
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A48AE BB88080000 mov ebx,
:004A48B3 8BC3
mov eax, ebx
:004A48B5 5B
pop ebx
:004A48B6 5E
pop esi
:004A48B7 81C4D0000000 add esp, 000000D0
:004A48BD C21400
ret 0014
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
:004A54F0 8B442410 mov
eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
:004A54F4 83EC40
sub esp, 00000040
:004A54F7 83F840
cmp eax, 00000040
:004A54FA 0F878B000000 ja 004A558B
:004A5500 8B4C2454 mov
ecx, dword ptr [esp+54]
:004A5504 8B54244C mov
edx, dword ptr [esp+4C]
:004A5508 51
push ecx
:004A5509 50
push eax
:004A550A 8D442458 lea
eax, dword ptr [esp+58]
:004A550E 52
push edx
:004A550F 8D4C240C lea
ecx, dword ptr [esp+0C]
:004A5513 50
push eax
:004A5514 51
push ecx
:004A5515 E886000000 call 004A55A0
:004A551A 85C0
test eax, eax
:004A551C 7572
jne 004A5590
:004A551E 837C245040 cmp dword
ptr [esp+50], 00000040 <----[esp+50]=40
:004A5523 7566
jne 004A558B
:004A5525 8A442400 mov
al, byte ptr [esp] <-----[esp]=0
:004A5529 84C0
test al, al
:004A552B 755E
jne 004A558B
:004A552D 807C240101 cmp byte
ptr [esp+01], 01<------[esp+01]=1
:004A5532 7557
jne 004A558B
:004A5534 B802000000 mov eax,
:004A5539 B1FF
mov cl, FF
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A553B 384C0400 cmp
byte ptr [esp+eax], cl <-----[esp+eax]=FF
:004A553F 7506
jne 004A5547
:004A5541 40
inc eax
:004A5542 83F83F
cmp eax, 0000003F <---比對27次!eax=1d
:004A5545 72F4
jb 004A553B
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A5547 8A540400 mov
dl, byte ptr [esp+eax] <-------dl=0
:004A554B 40
inc eax <-----eax=1d+1=1e
:004A554C 84D2
test dl, dl
:004A554E 753B
jne 004A558B
:004A5550 8B542448 mov
edx, dword ptr [esp+48]
* Possible Reference to Dialog: DialogID_0040
:004A5554 B940000000 mov ecx,
:004A5559 2BC8
sub ecx, eax <-----ecx=22,eax=1e
:004A555B 890A
mov dword ptr [edx], ecx
:004A555D 8D510B
lea edx, dword ptr [ecx+0B]
:004A5560 83FA40
cmp edx, 00000040
:004A5563 7726
ja 004A558B
:004A5565 85C9
test ecx, ecx
:004A5567 741A
je 004A5583
:004A5569 56
push esi
:004A556A 8D740404 lea
esi, dword ptr [esp+eax+04]
:004A556E 8BC1
mov eax, ecx
:004A5570 57
push edi
:004A5571 8B7C244C mov
edi, dword ptr [esp+4C]
:004A5575 C1E902
shr ecx, 02
:004A5578 F3
:004A5579 A5
:004A557A 8BC8
mov ecx, eax
:004A557C 83E103
and ecx, 00000003
:004A557F F3
:004A5580 A4
:004A5581 5F
pop edi
:004A5582 5E
pop esi
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A5583 33C0
xor eax, eax
:004A5585 83C440
add esp, 00000040
:004A5588 C21400
ret 0014
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:004A54FA(C), :004A5523(C), :004A552B(C), :004A5532(C), :004A554E(C)
:004A558B B801000000 mov eax,
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004A5590 83C440
add esp, 00000040
:004A5593 C21400
ret 0014
法破解它是非常容易的,只需將004A486C處的jne 004A48AE改為jne 004A48A1,即可!
當然,改法不止這一種!由於Awave Studio被Asprotect加了殼,而最新的Asprotect的
脫殼軟體Caspr v0.952對它脫殼不完整,造成脫殼後,Awave Studio執行出錯!所以,無法
; tasm32 /ml loader.asm
; tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c loader,loader,, <path to> import32.lib
; 以上兩行是編譯命令,需用到TASM 5.0!
model flat,stdcall
Extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
Extrn WaitForInputIdle:PROC
Extrn WriteProcessMemory:PROC
Extrn ReadProcessMemory:PROC
Extrn CreateProcessA:PROC
Extrn CloseHandle:PROC
Extrn ExitProcess:PROC
;-=-Normal data-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
CSiR_Tag db 'Awave Studio v7.0 (Loader),by
sUpErbOss ',0
CSiR_Error db 'Error!!!',0
CSiR_Error1 db 'Something wrong!!...',0
OpenERR_txt db 'CreateProcess Error :(',0
ReadERR_txt db 'ReadProcessMemory Error :(',
WriteERR_txt db 'WriteProcessMemory Error :P',0
VersionERR_txt db 'Incorrect Version of application :(',0
CSiR_ProcessInfo dd 4 dup (0) ;process handles
CSiR_StartupInfo db 48h dup (0) ;startup info for the process were opening
CSiR_RPBuffer db 2h dup (0) ;read buffer, for checking data
;-=-Patch datas-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
CSiR_AppName db 'Awave.EXE',0
AwaveVer dd 004a486ch ; address to read data from for version checking
sizeof dd 2 ; in the new process
checkbytes db 075h,040h ; the bytes to check for
; if there not there, we have the wrong version??
patch_data_1 db 033h
patch_size_1 dd 1
patch_addr_1 dd 004a486dh
push offset CSiR_Tag
mov dword ptr [CSiR_StartupInfo],44h ; (the size in bytes of the structure)
push offset CSiR_ProcessInfo ; Typedef struct _PROCESS_INFORMATION
push offset CSiR_StartupInfo ; Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
push 0
push 0
push 20h ; Creation flags
push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push offset CSiR_AppName ; Pointer to name of executable mod
call CreateProcessA
test eax,eax
jz OpenERR
push 500 ; 此處的時間等待值請根據自己的機器配置調整,俺的是賽揚566、128M記憶體!
; Timeout (in milliseconds, -1 = infinate)
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]
call WaitForInputIdle
push 0 ; BytesRead
push dword ptr [sizeof] ; Length
push offset CSiR_RPBuffer ; Destination (to read them to)
push dword ptr [AwaveVer] ; Source
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ; Process whose memory we are to read
call ReadProcessMemory
test eax,eax
jz ReadERR
lea esi, CSiR_RPBuffer
lea edi, checkbytes
mov ecx, 2
rep cmpsb
jnz VersionERR
push 0 ; Pointer to byteswritten (i like null though)
push dword ptr [patch_size_1] ; Length
push offset patch_data_1 ; Source
push dword ptr [patch_addr_1] ; Destination
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo] ; Process whose memory we are to patch
call WriteProcessMemory ; Call Kernel32!WriteProcessMenory
test eax,eax
jz WriteERR
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo]
call CloseHandle
push dword ptr [CSiR_ProcessInfo+4]
call CloseHandle
Push LARGE-1
Call ExitProcess
lea eax, VersionERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, ReadERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, OpenERR_txt
jmp abort
lea eax, WriteERR_txt
push 0
push offset CSiR_Error ; Title
push eax ; Message
push 0
call MessageBoxA
jmp Close_This_app
end Main
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