標 題: IDA字串顯示中文
作 者: pmma
時 間: 2007-12-17 16:18
Ida pro 裡的中文字串
// the following characters are allowed in ASCII strings, i.e.
// in order to find end of a string IDA looks for a character
// which doesn't belong to this array:
// (cp866 version)
AsciiStringChars =
" !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"
// (full version)
//AsciiStringChars =
// "\r\n\a\v\b\t\x1B"
// " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"
// "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"
// "?
// "ぅΗī氨渤吹鬥腹夯冀究"
// "懶旅吶魄壬仕掏蝸醒矣哉腫剄譙茌捱"
// "噌懺溴驍栝覿祉鉺瘃蝮趲鱝?";
// the following characters are allowed in user-defined names:
把// (cp866 version) 到// (full version)之間的行用 '//'註釋掉
把// (full version) // the following characters are allowed ..之間的行前面的 '//'去掉,儲存,重新執行IdaPro,呵呵,漢字真好...