Struts 和Spring ioc 整合


Sewis ia a framework that extends with Struts that integrates Spring Ioc.Struts is a very popular framework for web development based Java servlet and jsp;Spring is a j2ee framework which includes many function like aop,ejb,transcation etc,Ioc(Inversion of control) is the core of Spring framework.using Ioc JavaBean can freely inject into application.
Now all kinds of web-based enterprise application development is very popular,dealing with data is important in the enterprise application .The trend for enterprise application is layering, which can devide different layer in a J2ee application,presentation layer, bussiness layer and persistent layer.How to decople two layers?
what is the project aim,that is decouping layers and based Struts and Spring, and make more easyily to develop reusable application. for example, defining service JavaBean to configure dynamically in xml format file in presentation layer and persistent layer can decouple the two layers.
現在剛開始,已經發布了1.0版,把Struts 和Spring的ioc框架整合到一起了。
這個專案的主要是在基於struts的WEB的分層系統的應用中,把不同的layers透過service delegate(Proxy )模式進行解耦,具體實現則將採用Spring的Ioc框架來實現。
以後可能要對Struts 進行擴充套件,現在已經擴充套件了serviceAction.
