




【英文】Beijing Second Prison is on the outskirts of the city for which it is named, and you can drive past the drab compound without ever noticing it.




【英文】Inside the waiting room, adjoining the gate, I stow my purse and cell phone in a locker, present my documents, and wait to be called.




【英文】his eyes were rheumy and infected, his hands and face were swollen, and his fingernails were purple, evidently from poor circulation and nutrition.


【筆記】 注意“poor circulation”這個詞,circulation通常指“流通、發行”,引申為“正常的生活”,比如in circulation表示“積極參與社交活動”,get back into circulation表示“恢復社交生活”。




【英文】the officer peered at the head shot of the gloomy foreigner, but didn’t know who he was.


【筆記】head shot是頭像,snapshot是用小照相機拍下的照片,mug shot則是在警察局拍下的大頭照。


【英文】The novelist Wang Meng, who was then the Minister of Culture, got out of it by claiming ill health and checking into a hospital himself.


【英文】He was leaning on a Jetta, smoking a cigarette, when I got out of the prison snack shop.


【英文】we had got off the expressway and had entered the maw of downtown traffic.


【筆記】這三句中的got out of 和got off的涵義,都不完全一樣,但又差得不多。


【英文】“Good thing you’re still here,” I said as I got into the car, “or I’d have had a long walk to the bus stop.”


【筆記】 I’d have had a long walk to the bus stop.這句是虛擬語氣。


【英文】Though we were just a forty-minute drive from the city, everywhere you looked there were old factories, low piles of rubble, industrial-waste dumps, half-deserted farm villages on the brink of being bulldozed and “developed.”




【英文】This gave me a start.


【筆記】這句與to my surprise同義,但不可以說to my start。後文中的take aback、I am appalled和she was flabbergasted,都表示震驚的意思。


【英文】“ Most important thing is: get some guns! How can you beat the Communist Party? Only by armed struggle!”

“That’s an interesting idea,” I said, taken aback and trying to hide it. “But then China would be in a war. It would make for bloody chaos.”

“That would be great!” the driver said.

I was appalled. “If that happened, don’t you worry that the biggest victims would be ordinary people?”

“The ordinary people are the biggest victims already!” the driver replied, his face mottled with fury. “You look at this city—at what kind of life the officials and the rich people have, and what kind of shitty life we have.”



【英文】On both sides of Chang’an Avenue, new skyscrapers and giant billboards stood under a murky sky.




【英文】He had even taken to carrying around a toothbrush.


【筆記】注意,這裡使用了take to這個片語,意思是“喜歡,養成習慣”,所以後面跟了carrying這個動名詞形式。


【英文】my brother is frozen, with his unchanging, unchangeable vision of what is to be done.


【筆記】注意unchanging, unchangeable這樣的用法。


【筆記】一些政治詞彙:subvert,round up, ransack, suppress, purge, crackdown。


【筆記】這篇文章的題目是《Enemy of the State》,表面是指主人公因為反對政府而被判刑,實際上有更深的涵義。這個國家的敵人是誰?我覺得,是理想主義。一個理想主義者就是這個國家的敵人,他無法在這個國家生存。這塊土地的使命就是消滅理想主義。




青面獠牙 a green-faced, long-toothed monster
排成一隊 in single file
有幾分 kind of
某某人 so-and-so
體力勞動 manual work
一次性筷子 disposable chopsticks
抄家 ransack
歡送會 going-away party
貧窮落後 poverty and backwardness
政治表現 political record
黑紗 black gauze
鄉巴佬 country bumpkin
部門 section
滄桑的 weather-beaten
小賣部 snack shop
工業垃圾 industrial-waste
解僱費 severance pay
遊手好閒 goof off
眨眼之間 in the blink of an eye
咬緊牙關 clench one's teeth
風雨飄搖 float in wind and storm
一蹴而就 throw a switch
政治局 politburo
主流報刊 major publication
哀其不幸,怒其不爭 sorry for him, and angry at him
名人效應 name-dropping
忠孝不能兩全 One must choose between loyalty and filial devotion
自我膨脹 inflated self-regard
振作精神 prop up one's spirit
弱勢群體 disadvantaged people
和平崛起 peaceful rising
建設和諧社會 building a harmonious society
不以成敗論英雄 Do not judge a hero by victory or defeat
千瘡百孔 a hundred holes and a thousand wounds
