Python3.4 Tutorial11 - Brief Tour of the Standard Library – Part II


11 標準庫簡介 - 第二部分


11.1 輸出格式化


>>> import reprlib
>>> reprlib.repr(set('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'))
"set(['a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', ...])"


>>> import pprint
>>> t = [[[['black', 'cyan'], 'white', ['green', 'red']], [['magenta',
...     'yellow'], 'blue']]]
>>> pprint.pprint(t, width=30)
[[[['black', 'cyan'],
   ['green', 'red']],
  [['magenta', 'yellow'],


>>> import textwrap
>>> doc = """The wrap() method is just like fill() except that it returns
... a list of strings instead of one big string with newlines to separate
... the wrapped lines."""
>>> print(textwrap.fill(doc, width=40))
The wrap() method is just like fill()
except that it returns a list of strings
instead of one big string with newlines
to separate the wrapped lines.


>>> import locale
>>> locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'English_United States.1252')
'English_United States.1252'
>>> conv = locale.localeconv()          # get a mapping of conventions
>>> x = 1234567.8
>>> locale.format("%d", x, grouping=True)
>>> locale.format_string("%s%.*f", (conv['currency_symbol'],
...                      conv['frac_digits'], x), grouping=True)

11.2 模板(Templating)



>>> from string import Template
>>> t = Template('${village}folk send $$10 to $cause.')
>>> t.substitute(village='Nottingham', cause='the ditch fund')
'Nottinghamfolk send $10 to the ditch fund.'


>>> t = Template('Return the $item to $owner.')
>>> d = dict(item='unladen swallow')
>>> t.substitute(d)
Traceback (most recent call last):
KeyError: 'owner'
>>> t.safe_substitute(d)
'Return the unladen swallow to $owner.'


>>> import time, os.path
>>> photofiles = ['img_1074.jpg', 'img_1076.jpg', 'img_1077.jpg']
>>> class BatchRename(Template):
...     delimiter = '%'
>>> fmt = input('Enter rename style (%d-date %n-seqnum %f-format):  ')
Enter rename style (%d-date %n-seqnum %f-format):  Ashley_%n%f

>>> t = BatchRename(fmt)
>>> date = time.strftime('%d%b%y')
>>> for i, filename in enumerate(photofiles):
...     base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
...     newname = t.substitute(d=date, n=i, f=ext)
...     print('{0} --> {1}'.format(filename, newname))

img_1074.jpg --> Ashley_0.jpg
img_1076.jpg --> Ashley_1.jpg
img_1077.jpg --> Ashley_2.jpg


11.3 使用二進位制資料記錄佈局


import struct

with open('', 'rb') as f:
    data =

start = 0
for i in range(3):                      # show the first 3 file headers
    start += 14
    fields = struct.unpack('<IIIHH', data[start:start+16])
    crc32, comp_size, uncomp_size, filenamesize, extra_size = fields

    start += 16
    filename = data[start:start+filenamesize]
    start += filenamesize
    extra = data[start:start+extra_size]
   print(filename, hex(crc32), comp_size, uncomp_size)

    start += extra_size + comp_size     # skip to the next header

11.4 多執行緒



import threading, zipfile

class AsyncZip(threading.Thread):
    def __init__(self, infile, outfile):
        self.infile = infile
        self.outfile = outfile
    def run(self):
        f = zipfile.ZipFile(self.outfile, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
        print('Finished background zip of:', self.infile)

background = AsyncZip('mydata.txt', '')
print('The main program continues to run in foreground.')

background.join()    # Wait for the background task to finish
print('Main program waited until background was done.')

    多執行緒應用程式最重要的挑戰是,協調執行緒間的共享資料或其他資源。為此,threading模組提供了許多原語,包括鎖(locks)、事件(events)、條件變數(condition variables)、訊號量(semaphores)。


11.5 日誌


import logging
logging.debug('Debugging information')'Informational message')
logging.warning('Warning:config file %s not found', 'server.conf')
logging.error('Error occurred')
logging.critical('Critical error -- shutting down')


WARNING:root:Warning:config file server.conf not found
ERROR:root:Error occurred
CRITICAL:root:Critical error -- shutting down



11.6 弱引用(Weak References)


    這種機制適用於大多數應用程式, 但也有偶然情況, 只有當它們被其它東西使用時才需要去跟蹤物件。不幸的是,僅是要追蹤它們也需要建立的一個引用,這會使它們永久存在(翻譯的可能有誤,原文:just tracking them creates a reference that makes them permanent)。weakref模組提供了不建立引用就可以跟蹤物件的工具。當物件不再需要時,它自動從弱引用表中刪除並通過回撥觸發弱引用物件。典型的應用包括快取那些建立開銷大的物件:

>>> import weakref, gc
>>> class A:
...     def __init__(self, value):
...         self.value = value
...     def __repr__(self):
...         return str(self.value)
>>> a = A(10)                   # create a reference
>>> d = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
>>> d['primary'] = a            # does not create a reference
>>> d['primary']                # fetch the object if it is still alive
>>> del a                       # remove the one reference
>>> gc.collect()                # run garbage collection right away
>>> d['primary']                # entry was automatically removed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    d['primary']                # entry was automatically removed
  File "C:/python34/lib/", line 46, in __getitem__
    o =[key]()
KeyError: 'primary'

11.7 使用Lists的工具


    array模組提供了一個array()物件,就像一個list,可以儲存同一型別的資料並且更緊湊(這裡應該是指記憶體開銷小)。下面這個例子演示了將一組數字以2byte的無符號二進位制數(型別碼 "H") 形式儲存為一個array,而不是常規的list儲存的每項16byte的Python整數物件(原文:The following example shows an array of numbers stored as two byte unsigned binary numbers (typecode "H") rather than the usual 16 bytes per entry for regular lists of Python int objects):

>>> from array import array
>>> a = array('H', [4000, 10, 700, 22222])
>>> sum(a)
>>> a[1:3]
array('H', [10, 700])


>>> from collections import deque
>>> d = deque(["task1", "task2", "task3"])
>>> d.append("task4")
>>> print("Handling", d.popleft())
Handling task1


unsearched = deque([starting_node])
def breadth_first_search(unsearched):
    node = unsearched.popleft()
    for m in gen_moves(node):
        if is_goal(m):
            return m


>>> import bisect
>>> scores = [(100, 'perl'), (200, 'tcl'), (400, 'lua'), (500, 'python')]
>>> bisect.insort(scores, (300, 'ruby'))
>>> scores
[(100, 'perl'), (200, 'tcl'), (300, 'ruby'), (400, 'lua'), (500, 'python')]


>>> from heapq import heapify, heappop, heappush
>>> data = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 0]
>>> heapify(data)                      # rearrange the list into heap order
>>> heappush(data, -5)                 # add a new entry
>>> [heappop(data) for i in range(3)]  # fetch the three smallest entries
[-5, 0, 1]

11.8 十進位制浮點運算


  • 金融應用和其他需要精確十進位制表示的地方
  • 需要精度控制
  • 需要控制四捨五入,以滿足法律或監管的要求
  • 需要跟蹤有意義的小數部分
  • 使用者期望應用的結果和手動計算的結果相匹配


>>> from decimal import *
>>> round(Decimal('0.70') * Decimal('1.05'), 2)
>>> round(.70 * 1.05, 2)



>>> Decimal('1.00') % Decimal('.10')
>>> 1.00 % 0.10

>>> sum([Decimal('0.1')]*10) == Decimal('1.0')
>>> sum([0.1]*10) == 1.0


>>> getcontext().prec = 36
>>> Decimal(1) / Decimal(7)
