


  1. Python程式設計:從入門到實踐(新)
     Python Crash Course: A Hands-On, Project-Based Introduction to Programming
     同時使用Python 2.X和3.X講解

  2. Python基礎教程(第2版·修訂版) [HOT]
     Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional,2E
     Python 2.5

  3. Python語言及其應用 [HOT]
     Introducing Python: Modern Computing in Simple Packages
     Python 3.X

  4. Python程式設計入門(第3版)
     Python: Visual QuickStart Guide
     Python 3.X

  5. 父與子的程式設計之旅:與小卡特一起學Python [HOT]
     Hello World! Computer Programming for Kids and Other Beginners
     Python 2.X

  6. 程式設計導論(Python)
     Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python
     Python 2.7


  1. Python網路程式設計攻略 [HOT]
     Python Network Programming Cookbook
     Python 2.7

  2. Python效能分析與優化 (新)
     Mastering Python High Performance
     Python 2.7

  3. 精通Python設計模式 (新)
     Mastering Python Design Patterns
     Python 3.X

  4. Flask Web開發:基於Python的Web應用開發實戰 [HOT]
     Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python
     Python 2.7和3.3

  5. Python Web開發:測試驅動方法(Django、Selenium)
     Test-Driven Development with Python
     相關部分使用Python 3.3講解

  6. 《Python網路程式設計(第3版)》 (新)
     Foundations of Python Network Programming
    相關部分使用Python 3講解


  1. 資料科學入門(Python)[HOT]
     Data Science from Scratch: First Principles with Python
     Python 2.7

  2. 資料科學實戰(R/Python)
      Doing Data Science: Straight Talk from the Frontline

  3. 機器學習實戰(Python)[HOT]
     Machine Learning in Action
     Python 2.7

  4. 機器學習系統設計(Python)
     Building Machine Learning Systems with Python
     Python 2.7及以上

  5. 命令列中的資料科學(Python/Bash/R)
     Data Science at the Command Line
     Python 2.7

  6. Python資料分析基礎教程:NumPy學習指南(第2版)
     NumPy Beginner's Guide, Second Edition
     Python 2.7

  7. Python資料探勘:入門與實踐
     Learning Data Mining with Python
     Python 3.4

  8. Python網路資料採集 [HOT]
     Web Scraping with Python: Collecting Data from the Modern Web
     Python 3.X

  9. Python資料分析實戰 (新)
    Python Data Analytics: Data Analysis and Science using PANDAs, matplotlib and the Python Programming Language
    Python 2.X

  10. Python計算機視覺程式設計
     Programming Computer Vision with Python: Tools and algorithms for analyzing images
     Python 2.6 及以上

