用Julia 0.51操作sqlite資料庫
按照 http://blog.csdn.net/wowotuo/article/details/41909955 的提示操作,結果報錯。
julia> using SQLite; ERROR: ArgumentError: Module SQLite not found in current path. Run `Pkg.add("SQLite")` to install the SQLite package. in require at .\loading.jl:365 julia> Pkg.add("SQLite") INFO: Initializing package repository C:\Users\qiwang\.julia\v0.5 INFO: Cloning METADATA from https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl ERROR: GitError(Code:ERROR, Class:OS, failed to send request: 無法解析伺服器的名稱或地址
julia> Pkg.add("SQLite") INFO: Initializing package repository C:\Users\qiwang\.julia\v0.5 INFO: Cloning METADATA from https://github.com/JuliaLang/METADATA.jl INFO: Cloning cache of BinDeps from https://github.com/JuliaLang/BinDeps.jl.git INFO: Cloning cache of BufferedStreams from https://github.com/BioJulia/BufferedStreams.jl.git INFO: Cloning cache of CategoricalArrays from https://github.com/JuliaData/CategoricalArrays.jl.git ... INFO: Installing BinDeps v0.4.7 INFO: Installing BufferedStreams v0.3.2 INFO: Installing CategoricalArrays v0.1.3 INFO: Installing Compat v0.21.0 INFO: Installing DataArrays v0.3.12 INFO: Installing DataFrames v0.9.0 INFO: Installing DataStreams v0.1.3 INFO: Installing DataStructures v0.5.3 INFO: Installing FileIO v0.3.1 INFO: Installing GZip v0.3.0 INFO: Installing LegacyStrings v0.2.1 INFO: Installing LibExpat v0.2.5 INFO: Installing Libz v0.2.4 INFO: Packages to install: libwinpthread1, libgcc_s_sjlj1, libsqlite3-0 INFO: Downloading: libwinpthread1 INFO: Extracting: libwinpthread1 INFO: Downloading: libgcc_s_sjlj1 INFO: Extracting: libgcc_s_sjlj1 INFO: Downloading: libsqlite3-0 INFO: Extracting: libsqlite3-0 INFO: Complete INFO: Package database updated
大小:103 MB (108,602,457 位元組) 佔用空間:222 MB (233,005,056 位元組) 包含31,129 個檔案,19,581 個資料夾
julia> using SQLite; INFO: Precompiling module SQLite. julia> db=SQLiteDB("d:\\sqlite\\testsqlite.db"); ERROR: UndefVarError: SQLiteDB not defined
help?> SQLite search: SQLite No documentation found. Displaying the README.md for the module instead.
julia> using SQLite julia> db = SQLite.DB("Chinook_Sqlite.sqlite") julia> # using SQLite's in-built syntax julia> SQLite.query(db, "SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employee WHERE LastName REGEXP 'e(?=a)'") 1x2 ResultSet | Row | "FirstName" | "LastName" | |-----|-------------|------------| | 1 | "Jane" | "Peacock" |
sqlite> create table test(a int,b varchar(10)); sqlite> insert into test values(1,'a'); sqlite> select * from test; 1|a sqlite> .save testsqlite.db
julia> db=SQLite.DB("d:\\sqlite\\testsqlite.db"); julia> SQLite.query(db, "SELECT * from test") 1××2 DataFrames.DataFrame ││ Row ││ a ││ b ││ ├├──────────┼┼──────┼┼──────────┤┤ ││ 1 ││ 1 ││ "a" ││ julia> SQLite.query(db, "insert into test values(2,'b')"); julia> SQLite.query(db, "SELECT * from test") 2××2 DataFrames.DataFrame ││ Row ││ a ││ b ││ ├├──────────┼┼──────┼┼──────────┤┤ ││ 1 ││ 1 ││ "a" ││ ││ 2 ││ 2 ││ "b" ││
sqlite> select * from test; 1|a sqlite> .open testsqlite.db sqlite> select * from test; 1|a 2|b
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