def f(m): if m < 3: return m k = 0 # remainders[ r ] is the smallest n, which is composed from at most # k digits (0, 1, 2) and which satisfies n % m == r remainders = {0:0} best = None while best == None: k += 1 for i in list(remainders.values()): for d in range(3): n = 10*i+d r = n % m if r not in remainders or n < remainders[ r ] : remainders[ r ] = n # Find the smallest integer n with at most 2*k digits composed # from the digits 0, 1 and 2 which satisfies n % m == 0. mult = (-pow(10, k, m))%m for r in remainders: u = r * mult % m #;print(u) if u in remainders: n = 10**k * remainders[ r ] + remainders[ u ] if best == None or n < best: if n != 0: best = n return best
function f(m) if m < 3 return m end k = 0 # remainders[ r ] is the smallest n, which is composed from at most # k digits (0, 1, 2) and which satisfies n % m == r remainders = Dict{Int,Int64}();remainders[0]=0 max64=typemax(Int64) best = max64 while best == max64 k += 1 rl=[i for (_,i) in remainders] for i in rl #remainders value list for d in 0:2 n = Int64(10)*i+d r = n % m if get(remainders,r,-1)==-1 || n < remainders[ r ] remainders[ r ] = n end end end # Find the smallest integer n with at most 2*k digits composed # from the digits 0, 1 and 2 which satisfies n % m == 0. mult = (m-powermod(Int64(10), k, m))%m for (r,_) in remainders u = r * mult % m if get(remainders,u,-1)>-1 n = Int128(10)^k * remainders[ r ] + remainders[ u ] if best == max64 || n < best if n != 0 best = n end end end end #for end #while return best end
程式碼行數增加了不少。主要是Julia需要end語句,還不支援None和value 語句,還有一個區別是取模運算的符號依賴於第一個運算元。所以,執行速度也變慢了。
help?> values search: values SSAValue values(a::Associative) Return an iterator over all values in a collection. collect(values(a)) returns an array of values. Since the values are stored internally in a hash table, the order in which they are returned may vary. But keys(a) and values(a) both iterate a and return the elements in the same order. julia> a = Dict('a'=>2, 'b'=>3) Dict{Char,Int64} with 2 entries: 'b' => 3 'a' => 2 julia> collect(values(a)) 2-element Array{Int64,1}: 3 2 julia> collect(keys(a)) 2-element Array{Char,1}: 'b' 'a'
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