error:unable to get logical block size for spfile
Below is their response to my SR:
Ok, after reviewing everything there seems to be no problem to fix. All configurations are correct. We believe these errors are benign and can be ignored.
- The ASM Instance is Online.
- The Diskgroup: +XXXXXX_SYSTEM is mounted and has both physical and logical sector size of 512 bytes.
- No error messages in ASM Alert log.
Considering the above facts, the message "ERROR: Unable to get logical block size for spfile" looks benign and can be ignored.
However, to avoid getting these messages, as a workaround, you can try creating pfile from the spfile '+XXXXXX_SYSTEM/XXXXXX/spfileXXXXXX.ora' and then again try creating spfile in diskgroup +XXXXXX_SYSTEM using this pfile.
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