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Implementthe classesas shownin thefollowing diagram.You canuse anyprogramming languagewhich supportsobject orientedprogramming suchas Java/C++for implementation.

Youneed to:

  1. Providean implementation of all the classes.

  1. Inthe mainmethod ofTravelAgency class:

    1. createfour instancesof Airplane(such asA380)

    2. createcertain numberof Seatfor eachairplane (suchas F4)

    3. createtwo instancesof AirlineCompany(such asAmerican Airline)

    4. assignairplanes toairline companies

    5. createinstances offive customers

    6. alloeevery customerbuy twotickets

  2. Inthe displayTickets()method, foreach airplane:

    1. displaythe airlinecompany nameof theticket

    2. displaythe airplaneinformation ofthe ticket

    3. displaythe seatsinformation inthe airplane

    4. displaythe nameof passengerif theseat isnot vacancy

Thefull namein ticketisairlineCompany.getID()+airplane.getID()+seat.getID().

Forinstance, UA888F4 meansairline companyidUA,airplane id888andseat idF4.

  1. Inthe displayCustomer() method,for eachcustomer display:

      1. Thecustomer nameand age

      2. Thetickets thatthe customerbought


Butwhen wedo notwant todisplay studentsinformation fora givencourse

Thedifference iswhen astudent wantsto registera course,he/she hasto putthe courseobject inenrolls[] arrayand putstudent.thistohave[] arrayfor thefirst figure.We justneed toput courseobject inenrolls[] arrayfor thesecond figure.
