OpenStack中ipv6的設計與使用的一些理論分析(未測試)( by quqi99 )

作者:張華  發表於:2013-03-29
( )

refer, Linux 用作 IPv6 閘道器

l3-agent don't support ipv6
IPv4 address exhaustion, especially in Asia Pacific region.
- support assignment of only IPv6 address to VM.
- Configuration flag to select IPv4 mode or IPv6 mode or dual stack mode.
- Each VIF of VM is assigned both IPv6 global unicast address
- Pass-through IPv6 packets on L3-agent node.
- Firewall rule management for IPv6 traffic
- Support DNSv6
- Support IPv6 connections to all API layers.

- NTP poisoning

IPv6 evolution History


1, NAT66, 即仿造現有的OpenStack IPv4實現中的NAT方式

2, ND proxy方式,本文將要敘述的

3, 路由方式,採用動態路由協議交換路由

ipv6 process
WAN: br-ex (GW: 2001:2:3:4500::1/56,  IP: 2001:2:3:45ff:ff:ff:ff:ff/128 )
LAN: br-int
VM1: 2001:2:3:4501::/64, 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f
VM2: 2001:2:3:4502::/64

br-ex: 2001:2:3:45ff:ff:ff:ff:ff/128

in physical router:

ip-6 route add 2001:2:3:4500::/56 via 2001:2:3:4500::1

in l3-agent

ip -6 route add default 2001:2:3:4500::0/56 dev qg-interface  ( for every tenant router)

ip -6 route add 2001:2:3:4501::/64 dev gw-tenant1
ip -6 route add 2001:2:3:4502::/64 dev gw-tenant2

ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64 dev gw-tenant1

ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4501::1 dev qg-interface
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4502::1 dev qg-interface

             --------- physical router 2001:2:3:4500::1/56 -------------

.           ----------. 2001:2:3:4500::2/56   .---------------.
sixxs                        |  br-ex   (qg-interface)

.----------.                                    .---------------.
|  br-eth1   |veth______________veth|    br-int     |
|          |eth0                  |               |
*----------*                      *---------------*
                           gw-tenant1 |        | gw-tenant2
                                      |        |
                   2001:2:3:4501::/64 |        | 2001:2:3:4502::/64
                                      |        |
                                 tap1 |        | tap2
                                    [VM1]   [VM2]

                          VM1: 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64

1) open ipv6 function and install radvd in the l3-agent node to allocate the ipv6 address for VM.

( dhcp-range=tag:br0,::1,::FFFF,constructor:br0, ra-names, 12h
  enable-ra )

cat /etc/radvd.conf

interface gw-tenant1 {     
   AdvSendAdvert on;
   AdvManagedFlag off;
   AdvOtherConfigFlag off;         # tell client vm if use DHCPv6 to allocate ip.
   Prefix 2001:2:3:4501::/64{      # broadcast ipv6 prefix.
     AdvOnLink on;
     AdvAutonomous on;
     AdvRouterAddr off;


interface gw-tenant2 {     
   AdvSendAdvert on;
   AdvManagedFlag off;
   AdvOtherConfigFlag off;         # tell client vm if use DHCPv6 to allocate ip.
   Prefix 2001:2:3:4502::/64{      # broadcast ipv6 prefix.
     AdvOnLink on;
     AdvAutonomous on;
     AdvRouterAddr off;
if useing DHCPv6 to allocate ip, dhcp6s only provide ip, not provide prefix, so it needs to collaborate with radvd:
cat /etc/dhcp6s.conf
interface br-lan {
        address-pool pool1 86400;
pool pool1 {
        range 2001:2:3:4500:aaaa::1 to 2001:2:3:4500:aaaa::ffff ;


enable-ra, 告訴dnsmasq使用ipv6字首
   ra-only, dnsmasq發RA廣播,但不使用DHCPv6
   slaac, dnsmasq發RA廣播,並設定A-bit這樣客戶端能生成SLAAC地址

   ra-stateless, dnsmasq發RA廣播,並設定O-bit與A-bit這樣客戶端生成SLAAC地址並使用DHCP檢索其他資訊

ND協議包中有三個位(Auto, Managed, Other):

  • M bit (Managed Address Configuration), M bit 如果是 1,表示 Clients 要另外再去跟 DHCPv6 要 IPv6 Prefix
  • O bit (Other Configuration), O bit 如果是 1,表示 Clients 要去跟 DHCPv6 要 DNS 等等資訊.


  • slaas, Stateless autoconfiguration, A=1, M=0, O=0, 主機將只得到 Router 給的 Prefix,無法取得 DNS 等資訊,其他必須自己填寫.
  • dhcpv6-stateful, A=0, M=1, O=1, 所有資訊(IPv6 prefix, DNS等)都通過DHCPv6獲得類似於 IPv4 的 DHCP ,客戶端主要使用 UDP port 546 而伺服器端使用 UDP port 547 

  • dhcpv6-stateless,A=1, M=0, O=1, 除了使用 RA 裡面的 Prefix,其他如 DNS 等等資訊會由 DHCPv6 取得. 如下圖所示:

  • ipv6_ra_mode: 置位slaas, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless後即使用Neutron radvd, 不置位使用外部路由器
  • ipv6_address_mode: 置位slaas, dhcpv6-stateful, dhcpv6-stateless決定上述ND協議包中的三個位.

neutron net-create public --router:external
neutron subnet-create --name public-subnet --allocation-pool start=,end= public

neutron subnet-create --ip-version=6 --name=public-v6-subnet --allocation-pool start=2001:db8:cafe:d::5,end=2001:db8:cafe:d:ffff:ffff:ffff:fffe --disable-dhcp public 2001:db8:cafe:d::/64

neutron net-create private
neutron subnet-create --ip-version=6 --name=private_v6_subnet --ipv6-address-mode=slaac --ipv6-ra-mode=slaac private 2001:db8:cafe::/64

neutron net-create private-dhcpv6
neutron subnet-create --ip-version=6 --name=private_dhcpv6_subnet --ipv6-address-mode=dhcpv6-stateful --ipv6-ra-mode=dhcpv6-stateful private-dhcpv6 2001:db8:cafe:1::/64 --dns-nameserver 2001:db8:cafe:a::e

neutron net-create private-dhcpv6-stateless
neutron subnet-create --ip-version=6 --name=private_dhcpv6_stateless_subnet --ipv6-address-mode=dhcpv6-stateless --ipv6-ra-mode=dhcpv6-stateless private-dhcpv6-stateless 2001:db8:cafe:2::/64 --dns-nameserver 2001:db8:cafe:a::e

neutron router-create router
neutron router-gateway-set router public
neutron router-interface-add router private_v4_subnet
neutron router-interface-add router private_v6_subnet

2) configure router for VM
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1
ip -6 addr add 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64  dev tap1

ip -6 addr add 2001:2:3:45ff:ff:ff:ff:ff/128  dev qg-interface
ip -6 route add default 2001:2:3:4500::1/56 dev qg-interface

ip address add 2001:2:3:4501::1 dev gw-tenant1
ip address add 2001:2:3:4502::1 dev gw-tenant2
ip -6 route add 2001:2:3:4501::/64 dev gw-tenant1
ip -6 route add 2001:2:3:4502::/64 dev gw-tenant2

ip -6 route list

3) install NDP protocal in the l3-agent node to tell it's address space to upstream network
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp=1
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64 dev gw-tenant1

# is prepared for the hardware router in the front of br-ex
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4501::1 dev br-ex
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4502::1 dev br-ex

if no haredware router, we can continue to demo this env user radvd.
ifconfig eth0 promisc

how to test,
1) curl --verbose -6http://localhost
2) tcpdump -ni <interface> ip6

noteson openstack ipv6 support (untested)
1, ipv6 support is not activated in /etc/nova/nova.conf, --use_ipv6=True
2, fixed ip,
nova-manage network create--label=myown \
--vlan=2511 \
--fixed_range_v6=2a01:4f8:161:5304::0/64 \
--gateway_v6=fe80::1 \
3, floating ip,
nova-manage floating create --pool=v6pool --ip_range=2a01:4f8:161:5304::10--interface=eth0

if useing DHCPv6 to allocate ip, dhcp6s only provide ip, not provide prefix, so it needs to collaborate with radvd:
cat /etc/dhcp6s.conf
interface br-lan {
        address-pool pool1 86400;
pool pool1 {
        range 2001:2:3:4500:aaaa::1 to 2001:2:3:4500:aaaa::ffff ;

2) configure router for VM




注: 路由器是按最大字元長度匹配演算法來匹配路由的, 所以字首相同, 子網長度不同的子網算不同的網段. 所以對於不同子網, 加了路由之後, 下面的就不需要再加ndp_proxy了.

外面發給虛機(2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64)的包, 由於前56位是可以路由的,所以先發給br-ex(2001:2:3:4500::2/56),然後br-ex介面所在路由器上沒有2001:2:3:4501:221::0/64的轉發表,所以它認為該目的IP為
2001:2:3:4500::0/56網路下的主機,直接向2001:2:3:4500::2/56網路組播NS包,ND proxy發現該包是通向自己內部的主機,於是對該NS進行代理 ,將其轉發到內部網路2001:2:3:4501:221::0/64中的主機,這樣ND proxy就可以獲得目的主機的MAC,本地路由器就可以獲得ND proxy的MAC,因此,資料包就可以傳送到內網虛擬機器。

sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1

ip -6 addr add 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64  dev tap1

ip -6 addr add 2001:2:3:45ff:ff:ff:ff:ff/128  dev qg-interface
ip -6 route add default 2001:2:3:4500::1/56 dev qg-interface

ip address add 2001:2:3:4501::1 dev gw-tenant1
ip address add 2001:2:3:4502::1 dev gw-tenant2

ip -6 route add 2001:2:3:4501::/64 dev gw-tenant1
ip -6 route add 2001:2:3:4502::/64 dev gw-tenant2

ip -6 route list

3) install NDP protocal in the l3-agent node to tell it's address space to upstream network
sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.proxy_ndp=1
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4501:221:70ff:fec0:ef3f/64 dev gw-tenant1

ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4501::1 dev qg-interface
ip -6 neigh add proxy 2001:2:3:4502::1 dev qg-interface

ifconfig eth0 promisc

how to test,
1) curl --verbose -6http://localhost
2) tcpdump -ni <interface> ip6

noteson openstack ipv6 support (untested)
1, ipv6 support is not activated in /etc/nova/nova.conf, --use_ipv6=True

2, fixed ip,
nova-manage network create--label=myown \
--vlan=2511 \
--fixed_range_v6=2a01:4f8:161:5304::0/64 \
--gateway_v6=fe80::1 \

3, floating ip,

nova-managefloating create --pool=v6pool --ip_range=2a01:4f8:161:5304::10--interface=eth0


1, 測試環境準備

因為家中是移動寬頻,沒有公網IP,所以網上的一些ipv6 6to4 tunnel是用不了的。為此將openwrt中的WAN6口刪除,然後點選"Network -> Interfaces"選單配置IPv6 ULA-Prefix=2001:2:3:4500::/56(它會修改配置/etc/config/radvd),並在WAN口中配置IPv6 Setting(Router Advertisement-Service=server mode, DHCPv6-Service
=server mode, NDP-Proxy=disabled [5], DHCPv6-Mode=stateless+stateful)。
這樣家中的電腦會獲取到類似2001:2:3:4500:c12c:6b76:fa2e:74ee/64的IPv6地址, 同時openwrt的br-lan口會有閘道器地址2001:2:3:4500::1/60

vi /etc/network/interfaces
allow-ovs br-phy 
iface br-phy inet dhcp 
ovs_type OVSBridge 
ovs_ports eth0 

2, devstack配置

#IPv6 tenant network
#IPv6 management network

3, 環境變數

export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=password
export OS_TENANT_NAME=demo
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://[2001:2:3:4500:fa32:e4ff:febe:87cd]/v2.0
export OS_AUTH_STRATEGY=keystone

4, 問題, memcached中報錯:ValueError: Unable to parse connection string: [2001:2:3:4500:fa32:e4ff:febe:87cd]:11211

diff --git a/lib/keystone b/lib/keystone
index 5695004..55b581f 100644
--- a/lib/keystone
+++ b/lib/keystone
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ function configure_auth_token_middleware {
     iniset $conf_file $section auth_uri $KEYSTONE_SERVICE_URI
     iniset $conf_file $section cafile $SSL_BUNDLE_FILE
     iniset $conf_file $section signing_dir $signing_dir
-    iniset $conf_file $section memcached_servers $SERVICE_HOST:11211
+    iniset $conf_file $section memcached_servers inet6:${SERVICE_HOST}:11211


Tenant使用Tenant Private IPv6 network的話由於沒有floating ip功能子網之間無法互聯,可以用多個public IPv6 prefixes建立一個subnet-pool, 在物理路由器上配置這些IPv6 prefixes之間互聯,並且配置物理dhcp伺服器採用prefix delegation(不支援dhcpv6-stateful)自動給虛機分配IPv6 prefixes. 另一種方式是採用基於BGP的動態路由。

#Create two pools default-pool-ip6(2001:db8:1234::/48) and public-pool(2001:db8:4321:42::/64).
neutron address-scope-create --shared address-scope-ip6 6
neutron subnetpool-create --address-scope address-scope-ip6 --shared --pool-prefix 2001:db8:1234::/48 --default-prefixlen 64 --max-prefixlen 64 --is-default true default-pool-ip6 
neutron subnetpool-create --address-scope address-scope-ip6 --pool-prefix 2001:db8:4321:42::/64 --default-prefixlen 64 public-pool

#Create our public network and the IPv6 subnet on the two pools:
neutron net-create --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network external --router:external=True public
neutron subnet-create --name public-ip6 --ip_version 6 --subnetpool public-pool public
neutron net-create pronet
neutron subnet-create --name subnet6 --ip_version 6 --use-default-subnetpool --ipv6-address-mode slaac --ipv6-ra-mode slaac pronet

#Create router and VM
neutron router-create router1
neutron router-interface-add <router1 pronet_subnet_id>
neutron router-gateway-set router1 public
nova boot --flavor 1 --image cirros vm1

1, neutron.conf
service_plugins = bgp, router

2, BGP setup
neutron bgp-speaker-create --ip-version 6 --local-as 65001 --advertise-floating-ip-host-routes false bgp1
neutron bgp-speaker-network-add bgp1 public
neutron bgp-peer-create --peer-ip 2001:db8:4321:e0::1 --remote-as 65001 bgp-peer1
neutron bgp-speaker-peer-add bgp1 bgp-peer1

3, BGP agent
sudo apt install neutron-bgp-dragent python-ryu
neutron bgp-dragent-speaker-add <bgp-agent-id> bgp1
vi /etc/neutron/bgp_dragent.ini
# BGP speaker driver class to be instantiated. (string value)
bgp_speaker_driver =
# 32-bit BGP identifier, typically an IPv4 address owned by the system running
# the BGP DrAgent. (string value)
bgp_router_id =

4, 驗證, bird配置檔案如下:
protocol bgp {
  local as 65001;
  neighbor 2001:db8:4321:e0::42 as 65001;
bird> show proto bgp1
name     proto    table    state  since       info
bgp1     BGP      master   up     12:06:50    Established   
bird> show route 2001:db8:1234:1::/64
2001:db8:1234:1::/64 via 2001:db8:4321:2::5 on ens3 [bgp1 12:06:50 from 2001:db8:4321:e0::42] * (100/0) [i]
router01:~$ ping6 -c3  2001:db8:1234:1:f816:3eff:fecd:6bf4
PING 2001:db8:1234:1:f816:3eff:fecd:6bf4(2001:db8:1234:1:f816:3eff:fecd:6bf4) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2001:db8:1234:1:f816:3eff:fecd:6bf4: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=1.80 ms

