With Microsoft Visual C++ installed, and properly configured for commandline use (you will likely need to source VCVARS32.BAT in AUTOEXEC.bAT or somewhere similar) you should be able to use the provided makefile.vc.
C:\LIBTIFF\LIBTIFF> nmake /f makefile.vc C:\LIBTIFF\LIBTIFF> cd ..\tools C:\LIBTIFF\TOOLS> nmake /f makefile.vcThis will build the library file LIBTIFF\LIBTIFF\LIBTIFF.LIB. This can be used in Win32 programs. If used in a project using the /MD compiler switch (using the runtime C library), it may be necessary to modify the CFLAGS macro in makefile.vc to correspond.
The makefile also builds a DLL (libtiff.dll) with an associated import library (libtiff_i.lib). Any builds using libtiff will need to include the LIBTIFF\LIBTIFF directory in the include path.
The libtiff\tools\makefile.vc should build .exe's for all the standard TIFF tool programs.
NOTE: The contents of the contrib/win32 directory should no longer be needed, and are kept in the distribution temporarily.
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