Nowadays, 'people are united in their need to be connected to theInternet anywhere, anyhow, anytime. Thanks to the evolution of Informationcommunication technologies (ICT) more and more exclusive services (smart homes,telemedicine, e-Health applications etc.) are available for the users throughheterogeneous Internet of Things (IoT) networks, driven by machine to machine(M2M) communication. Although,the communication is established primarily by using devices, the human usersare real “generators” and “consumers” of the input and output information.Thus, the human user has to be considered as a “smart” IoT object, thus he/sheshould be identified, authenticated, authorized. The process of useridentification is considered to be very delicate due to the concerns for the people’s willingness ofsharing private information and data. At the same time, the utilized by a certainuser devices, should be taken into consideration. Within this context there isa need of attractive user identification and Identity Management (IdM)mechanisms, involving all of the objects in IoT. Furthermore, the active roleof the user in the creation of the rules of identification, and having alwaysresponsive services, are extremely important and slightly moving the focus tothe concept of ‘Internet of People’. The presentmaster thesis addresses the problems of user identification and proposes the designof a novel Single Thing Sign On (STSO) IdM system where the end-user is in themiddle of a user-centered services ecosystem. The proposed scheme enables userrecognition and assigned services access only by identification of one of the“things” related to the user (personal computing devices, sensors etc).Besides, the author proposes a novel user identification method driven bycomputing device recognition algorithm (CDR algorithm). The proposed CDRalgorithm and IdM system were evaluated through a set of technical and businessanalytical methodologies in order to proof the concept. The discussion confirmsthe importance of the researched matter and further clarifies the objectives.
1 引言
2 使用者識別
3 異構物聯網路中的識別方案
4 識別管理系統
5 結論與未來工作
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