use c2
select [name] from sysObjects where xtype='U' and [name] <> 'dtproperties' order by[name]
Select [name] From sysObjects Where xtype='V' And [name]<>'syssegments' And [name]<>'sysconstraints' Order By [name]
c.name As '列名',
t.name As '列型別'
From syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o
Where c.xtype = t.xusertype
And c.id = o.id
And o.name='base_dict' --指定表名
Order By c.colorder
--獲取當前資料庫指定列名在那些表中 [ 在修改資料庫中的某個欄位,但這個欄位又有關聯其他表,用這種方式一幕瞭然就能看出哪張表用了我這個欄位 ]
m.name AS '表名',
c.name As '列名',
t.name As '列型別'
From syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o , ( select [name] from sysObjects where xtype='U' and [name] <> 'dtproperties' ) m
Where c.xtype = t.xusertype
And c.id = o.id
And o.name =m.name
And c.name='product_id' --指定列名
Order By m.name
m.name AS '表名',
c.name As '列名',
t.name As '列型別'
From syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o , ( select [name] from sysObjects where xtype='U' and [name] <> 'dtproperties' ) m
Where c.xtype = t.xusertype
And c.id = o.id
And o.name =m.name
Order By m.name
use c2
select [name] from sysObjects where xtype='U' and [name] <> 'dtproperties' order by[name]
Select [name] From sysObjects Where xtype='V' And [name]<>'syssegments' And [name]<>'sysconstraints' Order By [name]
c.name As '列名',
t.name As '列型別'
From syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o
Where c.xtype = t.xusertype
And c.id = o.id
And o.name='base_dict' --指定表名
Order By c.colorder
--獲取當前資料庫指定列名在那些表中 [ 在修改資料庫中的某個欄位,但這個欄位又有關聯其他表,用這種方式一幕瞭然就能看出哪張表用了我這個欄位 ]
m.name AS '表名',
c.name As '列名',
t.name As '列型別'
From syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o , ( select [name] from sysObjects where xtype='U' and [name] <> 'dtproperties' ) m
Where c.xtype = t.xusertype
And c.id = o.id
And o.name =m.name
And c.name='product_id' --指定列名
Order By m.name
m.name AS '表名',
c.name As '列名',
t.name As '列型別'
From syscolumns c, systypes t, sysobjects o , ( select [name] from sysObjects where xtype='U' and [name] <> 'dtproperties' ) m
Where c.xtype = t.xusertype
And c.id = o.id
And o.name =m.name
Order By m.name
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