本文由碼農網 – 小峰原創,轉載請看清文末的轉載要求,歡迎參與我們的付費投稿計劃!
- 可靠的分散式 Java 快取
- 通過複製實現高可用性
- 支援泛型的快取 API
- 可與 ORM 框架整合
- 使用資料分割槽實現負載均衡
- 支援非多播網路
- 高效能運算
- 快速的本地 Java 快取
- 分散式鎖機制
<?xml version ="1.0"?> <cacheonix xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <server> <listener> <tcp port="8879" buffer="128k"/> </listener> <broadcast> <multicast multicastAddress="" multicastPort="9998" multicastTTL="0"/> </broadcast> <partitionedCache name="customer.cache"> <store> <lru maxElements="10000" maxBytes="10mb"/> <expiration idleTime="120s"/> </store> </partitionedCache> <partitionedCache name="invoice.cache"> <store> <lru maxElements="10000" maxBytes="10mb"/> <expiration idleTime="120s"/> </store> </partitionedCache> <partitionedCache name="search.results.cache"> <store> <lru maxBytes="5mb"/> </store> </partitionedCache> </server> </cacheonix>
/** * Tester for CacheManager. */ public final class CacheonixTest extends TestCase { private Cacheonix cacheonix; /** * Tests getting an instance of CacheManager using a default Cacheonix configuration. */ public void testGetInstance() { assertNotNull("Cacheonix created in setUp() method should not be null", cacheonix); } /** * Sets up the fixture. This method is called before a test is executed. * <p/> * Cacheonix receives the default configuration from a <code>cacheonix-config.xml</code> found in a class path or * using a file that name is defined by system parameter <code>cacheonix.config.xml<code>. */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); // Get Cacheonix using a default Cacheonix configuration. The configuration // is stored in the conf/cacheonix-config.xml cacheonix = Cacheonix.getInstance(); } /** * Tears down the fixture. This method is called after a test is executed. */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // Cache manager has be be shutdown upon application exit. // Note that call to shutdown() here uses unregisterSingleton // set to true. This is necessary to support clean restart on setUp() cacheonix.shutdown(ShutdownMode.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN, true); cacheonix = null; super.tearDown(); } }
Cacheonix cacheonix = Cacheonix.getInstance(); Cache<String, String> cache = cacheonix.getCache("my.cache"); String cachedValue = cache.get("my.key");
Cacheonix cacheonix = Cacheonix.getInstance(); Cache<String, String> cache = cacheonix.getCache("my.cache"); String replacedValue = cache.put("my.key", "my.value");
Cacheonix cacheonix = Cacheonix.getInstance(); Cache<String, String> cache = cacheonix.getCache("my.cache"); String removedValue = cache.remove("my.key");
本文作者:碼農網 – 小峰
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