public boolean compress(CompressFormat format, int quality, OutputStream stream) {}
public enum CompressFormat { JPEG (0), PNG (1), WEBP (2); CompressFormat(int nativeInt) { this.nativeInt = nativeInt; } final int nativeInt; }
public byte [] compressBitmap(Bitmap bitmap,int max){ int quality = 100; ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG,quality,byteArrayOutputStream); while (byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray().length / 1024 > max){ byteArrayOutputStream.reset(); quality = quality -10; bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG,quality,byteArrayOutputStream); } return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray(); }
public static Bitmap decodeFile(String pathName, Options opts) { Bitmap bm = null; InputStream stream = null; try { stream = new FileInputStream(pathName); bm = decodeStream(stream, null, opts); } catch (Exception e) { /* do nothing. If the exception happened on open, bm will be null. */ Log.e("BitmapFactory", "Unable to decode stream: " + e); } finally { if (stream != null) { try { stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // do nothing here } } } return bm; }
/** * If set to true, the decoder will return null (no bitmap), but * the out... fields will still be set, allowing the caller to query * the bitmap without having to allocate the memory for its pixels. */ public boolean inJustDecodeBounds; /** * If set to a value > 1, requests the decoder to subsample the original * image, returning a smaller image to save memory. The sample size is * the number of pixels in either dimension that correspond to a single * pixel in the decoded bitmap. For example, inSampleSize == 4 returns * an image that is 1/4 the width/height of the original, and 1/16 the * number of pixels. Any value <= 1 is treated the same as 1. Note: the * decoder uses a final value based on powers of 2, any other value will * be rounded down to the nearest power of 2. */ public int inSampleSize;
第二個屬性inSampleSize表示縮放比例,大於1表示縮小了原來的多少,比如inSampleSize == 4,就表示縮小了原來的四分之一,如果小於1則和1相同。
private Bitmap getimage(String srcPath) { BitmapFactory.Options newOpts = new BitmapFactory.Options(); //開始讀入圖片,此時把options.inJustDecodeBounds 設回true了 newOpts.inJustDecodeBounds = true; Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(srcPath,newOpts);//此時返回bm為空 newOpts.inJustDecodeBounds = false; int w = newOpts.outWidth; int h = newOpts.outHeight; //現在主流手機比較多是800*480解析度,所以高和寬我們設定為 float hh = 800f;//這裡設定高度為800f float ww = 480f;//這裡設定寬度為480f //縮放比。由於是固定比例縮放,只用高或者寬其中一個資料進行計算即可 int be = 1;//be=1表示不縮放 if (w > h && w > ww) {//如果寬度大的話根據寬度固定大小縮放 be = (int) (newOpts.outWidth / ww); } else if (w < h && h > hh) {//如果高度高的話根據寬度固定大小縮放 be = (int) (newOpts.outHeight / hh); } if (be <= 0) be = 1; newOpts.inSampleSize = be;//設定縮放比例 //重新讀入圖片,注意此時已經把options.inJustDecodeBounds 設回false了 bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(srcPath, newOpts); return bitmap; }
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