在 Debian / Ubuntu 系統
apt-get install mutt apt-get install swaks apt-get install mailx apt-get install sharutils
在基於Red Hat的系統,如 CentOS 或者 Fedora
yum install mutt yum install swaks yum install mailx yum install sharutils
1) 使用 mail / mailx
$ man mail
mailx [-BDdEFintv~] [-s subject] [-a attachment ] [-c cc-addr] [-b bcc-addr] [-r from-addr] [-h hops] [-A account] [-S variable[=value]] to-addr . . .
如果你看到它支援-a的選項(-a 檔名,將檔案作為附件新增到郵件)和-s選項(-s 主題,指定郵件的主題),那就是支援的。可以使用如下的幾個例子傳送郵件。
a) 簡單的郵件
執行mail命令,然後mailx會等待你輸入郵件內容。你可以按回車來換行。當輸入完成後,按Ctrl + D,mailx會顯示EOT表示結束。
$ mail user@example.com HI, Good Morning How are you EOT
b) 傳送有主題的郵件
$ echo "Email text" | mail -s "Test Subject" user@example.com
c) 從檔案中讀取郵件內容併傳送
$ mail -s "message send from file" user@example.com < /path/to/file
d) 將從管道獲取到的echo命令輸出作為郵件內容傳送
$ echo "This is message body" | mail -s "This is Subject" user@example.com
e) 傳送帶附件的郵件
$ echo “Body with attachment "| mail -a foo.tar.gz -s "attached file" user@example.com
2) mutt
a) 帶有主題,從檔案中讀取郵件的正文,併傳送
$ mutt -s "Testing from mutt" user@example.com < /tmp/message.txt
b) 通過管道獲取echo命令輸出作為郵件內容傳送
$ echo "This is the body" | mutt -s "Testing mutt" user@example.com
c) 傳送帶附件的郵件
$ echo "This is the body" | mutt -s "Testing mutt" user@example.com -a /tmp/foo.tar.gz
d) 傳送帶有多個附件的郵件
$ echo "This is the body" | mutt -s "Testing" user@example.com -a foo.tar.gz –a bar.tar.gz
3) swaks
Swaks(Swiss Army Knife,瑞士軍刀)是SMTP服務上的瑞士軍刀,它是一個功能強大、靈活、可程式設計、面向事務的SMTP測試工具,由John Jetmore開發和維護。你可以使用如下語法傳送帶附件的郵件:
$ swaks -t "foo@bar.com" --header "Subject: Subject" --body "Email Text" --attach foo.tar.gz
(LCTT 譯註:原文此處少了 sharutils 的相關介紹,而多了 uuencode 的介紹。)
4) uuencode
郵件傳輸系統最初是被設計來傳送7位編碼(類似ASCII)的內容的。這就意味這它是用來傳送文字內容,而不能發會使用8位的二進位制內容(如程式檔案或者圖片)。uuencode(“UNIX to UNIX encoding”,UNIX之間使用的編碼方式)程式用來解決這個限制。使用uuencode,傳送端將二進位制格式的轉換成文字格式來傳輸,接收端再轉換回去。
$ uuencode example.jpeg example.jpeg | mail user@example.com
#!/bin/bash FROM="" SUBJECT="" ATTACHMENTS="" TO="" BODY="" # 檢查檔名對應的檔案是否存在 function check_files() { output_files="" for file in $1 do if [ -s $file ] then output_files="${output_files}${file} " fi done echo $output_files } echo "*********************" echo "E-mail sending script." echo "*********************" echo # 讀取使用者輸入的郵件地址 while [ 1 ] do if [ ! $FROM ] then echo -n -e "Enter the e-mail address you wish to send mail from:/n[Enter] " else echo -n -e "The address you provided is not valid:/n[Enter] " fi read FROM echo $FROM | grep -E '^.+@.+$' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then break fi done echo # 讀取使用者輸入的收件人地址 while [ 1 ] do if [ ! $TO ] then echo -n -e "Enter the e-mail address you wish to send mail to:/n[Enter] " else echo -n -e "The address you provided is not valid:/n[Enter] " fi read TO echo $TO | grep -E '^.+@.+$' > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ] then break fi done echo # 讀取使用者輸入的郵件主題 echo -n -e "Enter e-mail subject:/n[Enter] " read SUBJECT echo if [ "$SUBJECT" == "" ] then echo "Proceeding without the subject..." fi # 讀取作為附件的檔名 echo -e "Provide the list of attachments. Separate names by space. If there are spaces in file name, quote file name with /"." read att echo # 確保檔名指向真實檔案 attachments=$(check_files "$att") echo "Attachments: $attachments" for attachment in $attachments do ATTACHMENTS="$ATTACHMENTS-a $attachment " done echo # 讀取完整的郵件正文 echo "Enter message. To mark the end of message type ;; in new line." read line while [ "$line" != ";;" ] do BODY="$BODY$line/n" read line done SENDMAILCMD="mutt -e /"set from=$FROM/" -s /"$SUBJECT/" / $ATTACHMENTS -- /"$TO/" <<< /"$BODY/"" echo $SENDMAILCMD mutt -e "set from=$FROM" -s "$SUBJECT" $ATTACHMENTS -- $TO <<< $BODY
** 指令碼輸出 **
$ bash send_mail.sh ********************* E-mail sending script. ********************* Enter the e-mail address you wish to send mail from: [Enter] test@gmail.com Enter the e-mail address you wish to send mail to: [Enter] test@gmail.com Enter e-mail subject: [Enter] Message subject Provide the list of attachments. Separate names by space. If there are spaces in file name, quote file name with ". send_mail.sh Attachments: send_mail.sh Enter message. To mark the end of message type ;; in new line. This is a message text ;;
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