



1)Understanding Battery Drain





2)Battery Historian

Battery Historian是Android 5.0開始引入的新API。通過下面的指令,可以得到裝置上的電量消耗資訊:

$ adb shell dumpsys batterystats > xxx.txt  //得到整個裝置的電量消耗資訊
$ adb shell dumpsys batterystats > > xxx.txt //得到指定app相關的電量消耗資訊


$ python xxx.txt > xxx.html


3)Track Battery Status & Battery Manager


// It is very easy to subscribe to changes to the battery state, but you can get the current  
// state by simply passing null in as your receiver.  Nifty, isn't that?  
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED);  
Intent batteryStatus = this.registerReceiver(null, filter);  
int chargePlug = batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1);  
boolean acCharge = (chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC);  
if (acCharge) {  
    Log.v(LOG_TAG,“The phone is charging!”);  

在上面的例子演示瞭如何立即獲取到手機的充電狀態,得到充電狀態資訊之後,我們可以有針對性的對部分程式碼做優化。比如我們可以判斷只有當前手機為AC充電狀態時 才去執行一些非常耗電的操作。

 * This method checks for power by comparing the current battery state against all possible 
 * plugged in states. In this case, a device may be considered plugged in either by USB, AC, or 
 * wireless charge. (Wireless charge was introduced in API Level 17.) 
private boolean checkForPower() {  
    // It is very easy to subscribe to changes to the battery state, but you can get the current  
    // state by simply passing null in as your receiver.  Nifty, isn't that?  
    IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(Intent.ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED);  
    Intent batteryStatus = this.registerReceiver(null, filter);  

    // There are currently three ways a device can be plugged in. We should check them all.  
    int chargePlug = batteryStatus.getIntExtra(BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED, -1);  
    boolean usbCharge = (chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_USB);  
    boolean acCharge = (chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_AC);  
    boolean wirelessCharge = false;  
        wirelessCharge = (chargePlug == BatteryManager.BATTERY_PLUGGED_WIRELESS);  
    return (usbCharge || acCharge || wirelessCharge);  

4)Wakelock and Battery Drain




這正是JobScheduler API所做的事情。它會根據當前的情況與任務,組合出理想的喚醒時間,例如等到正在充電或者連線到WiFi的時候,或者集中任務一起執行。我們可以通過這個API實現很多免費的排程演算法。
5)Network and Battery Drain



Full power: 能量最高的狀態,行動網路連線被啟用,允許裝置以最大的傳輸速率進行操作。
Low power: 一種中間狀態,對電量的消耗差不多是Full power狀態下的50%。
Standby: 最低的狀態,沒有資料連線需要傳輸,電量消耗最少。

下圖是一個典型的3G Radio State Machine的圖示


通過前面學習到的Battery Historian我們可以得到裝置的電量消耗資料,如果資料中的移動蜂窩網路(Mobile Radio)電量消耗呈現下面的情況,間隔很小,又頻繁斷斷續續的出現,說明電量消耗效能很不好:



那麼如何才能夠把任務快取起來,做到批量化執行呢?下面就輪到Job Scheduler出場了。

6)Using Job Scheduler

使用Job Scheduler,應用需要做的事情就是判斷哪些任務是不緊急的,可以交給Job Scheduler來處理,Job Scheduler集中處理收到的任務,選擇合適的時間,合適的網路,再一起進行執行。

下面是使用Job Scheduler的一段簡要示例,需要先有一個JobService:

public class MyJobService extends JobService {  
    private static final String LOG_TAG = "MyJobService";  

    public void onCreate() {  
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "MyJobService created");  

    public void onDestroy() {  
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "MyJobService destroyed");  

    public boolean onStartJob(JobParameters params) {  
        // This is where you would implement all of the logic for your job. Note that this runs  
        // on the main thread, so you will want to use a separate thread for asynchronous work  
        // (as we demonstrate below to establish a network connection).  
        // If you use a separate thread, return true to indicate that you need a "reschedule" to  
        // return to the job at some point in the future to finish processing the work. Otherwise,  
        // return false when finished.  
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Totally and completely working on job " + params.getJobId());  
        // First, check the network, and then attempt to connect.  
        if (isNetworkConnected()) {  
            new SimpleDownloadTask() .execute(params);  
            return true;  
        } else {  
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, "No connection on job " + params.getJobId() + "; sad face");  
        return false;  

    public boolean onStopJob(JobParameters params) {  
        // Called if the job must be stopped before jobFinished() has been called. This may  
        // happen if the requirements are no longer being met, such as the user no longer  
        // connecting to WiFi, or the device no longer being idle. Use this callback to resolve  
        // anything that may cause your application to misbehave from the job being halted.  
        // Return true if the job should be rescheduled based on the retry criteria specified  
        // when the job was created or return false to drop the job. Regardless of the value  
        // returned, your job must stop executing.  
        Log.i(LOG_TAG, "Whelp, something changed, so I'm calling it on job " + params.getJobId());  
        return false;  

     * Determines if the device is currently online. 
    private boolean isNetworkConnected() {  
        ConnectivityManager connectivityManager =  
                (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);  
        NetworkInfo networkInfo = connectivityManager.getActiveNetworkInfo();  
        return (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected());  

     *  Uses AsyncTask to create a task away from the main UI thread. This task creates a 
     *  HTTPUrlConnection, and then downloads the contents of the webpage as an InputStream. 
     *  The InputStream is then converted to a String, which is logged by the 
     *  onPostExecute() method. 
    private class SimpleDownloadTask extends AsyncTask<JobParameters, Void, String> {  

        protected JobParameters mJobParam;  

        protected String doInBackground(JobParameters... params) {  
            // cache system provided job requirements  
            mJobParam = params[0];  
            try {  
                InputStream is = null;  
                // Only display the first 50 characters of the retrieved web page content.  
                int len = 50;  

                URL url = new URL("");  
                HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();  
                conn.setReadTimeout(10000); //10sec  
                conn.setConnectTimeout(15000); //15sec  
                //Starts the query  
                int response = conn.getResponseCode();  
                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "The response is: " + response);  
                is = conn.getInputStream();  

                // Convert the input stream to a string  
                Reader reader = null;  
                reader = new InputStreamReader(is, "UTF-8");  
                char[] buffer = new char[len];  
                return new String(buffer);  

            } catch (IOException e) {  
                return "Unable to retrieve web page.";  

        protected void onPostExecute(String result) {  
            jobFinished(mJobParam, false);  
            Log.i(LOG_TAG, result);  


public class FreeTheWakelockActivity extends ActionBarActivity {  
    public static final String LOG_TAG = "FreeTheWakelockActivity";  

    TextView mWakeLockMsg;  
    ComponentName mServiceComponent;  

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {  

        mWakeLockMsg = (TextView) findViewById(;  
        mServiceComponent = new ComponentName(this, MyJobService.class);  
        Intent startServiceIntent = new Intent(this, MyJobService.class);  

        Button theButtonThatWakelocks = (Button) findViewById(;  

        theButtonThatWakelocks.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {  
            public void onClick(View v) {  

     * This method polls the server via the JobScheduler API. By scheduling the job with this API, 
     * your app can be confident it will execute, but without the need for a wake lock. Rather, the 
     * API will take your network jobs and execute them in batch to best take advantage of the 
     * initial network connection cost. 
     * The JobScheduler API works through a background service. In this sample, we have 
     * a simple service in MyJobService to get you started. The job is scheduled here in 
     * the activity, but the job itself is executed in MyJobService in the startJob() method. For 
     * example, to poll your server, you would create the network connection, send your GET 
     * request, and then process the response all in MyJobService. This allows the JobScheduler API 
     * to invoke your logic without needed to restart your activity. 
     * For brevity in the sample, we are scheduling the same job several times in quick succession, 
     * but again, try to consider similar tasks occurring over time in your application that can 
     * afford to wait and may benefit from batching. 
    public void pollServer() {  
        JobScheduler scheduler = (JobScheduler) getSystemService(Context.JOB_SCHEDULER_SERVICE);  
        for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {  
            JobInfo jobInfo = new JobInfo.Builder(i, mServiceComponent)  
                    .setMinimumLatency(5000) // 5 seconds  
                    .setOverrideDeadline(60000) // 60 seconds (for brevity in the sample)  
                    .setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_ANY) // WiFi or data connections  

            mWakeLockMsg.append("Scheduling job " + i + "!\n");  
