java 實現微控制器與PC串列埠通訊
Java 實現微控制器與PC串列埠通訊
package commPort;
import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
import javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier; import javax.comm.PortInUseException; import javax.comm.SerialPort;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEvent;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener;
import javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException; /**
* <dl>
* <dt><b>類說明:</b></dt><dd> *
* </dd> * </dl>
* @copyright :Copyright 2012. All right reserved. *【Update History】
* Version Date Time Company Name
* ------- ---------- ------------ --------- ---------- ----------- * 1.00 2012-12-27 上午8:13:18 Jason Wei
public class Read_Write { /**
* @param args */
public static void main(String[] args) { CommUtils commUtil=new CommUtils("COM12");
String str1;
var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; document.body.appendChild(script);
String str2; java.util.Scanner in=new Scanner(; while(true) {
str1=in.nextLine(); commUtil.write(str1);; //; // System.out.print(str2);
class CommUtils implements SerialPortEventListener, Runnable { CommPortIdentifier portId; Enumeration<?> portList; SerialPort serialPort; InputStream inputStream; OutputStream outputStream; String str_reader; String str_writer; Thread readThread; String[] commPortList;
public CommUtils(String commName) { portList = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers(); while (portList.hasMoreElements()) { CommPortIdentifier temp; // portList.
temp = (CommPortIdentifier) portList.nextElement();
if (temp.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL) { if (temp.getName().equals(commName)) { portId = temp; System.out.println("connecting to " + commName);
} }
try { serialPort = (SerialPort), 2000);
} catch (PortInUseException e) {
var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;
// TODO: handle exception
System.out.println(e); } try { inputStream = serialPort.getInputStream(); outputStream = serialPort.getOutputStream(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception
} try {
serialPort.addEventListener(this); } catch (TooManyListenersException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }
serialPort.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); try { serialPort.setSerialPortParams(115200, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);// } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) { }
readThread = new Thread(this); readThread.start();
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) { switch (event.getEventType()) { case SerialPortEvent.BI: case SerialPortEvent.OE: case SerialPortEvent.FE: case SerialPortEvent.PE: case SerialPortEvent.CD: case SerialPortEvent.CTS: case SerialPortEvent.DSR: case SerialPortEvent.RI:
case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY: break; case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE: byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2000]; try { while (inputStream.available() > 0) {;
str_reader = new String(readBuffer).trim();
System.out.println(str_reader); }
} catch (IOException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
public String read() { return str_reader;
public void write(String str) { try { outputStream.write(str.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();
public boolean isOwned() { return portId.isCurrentlyOwned(); }
public void closePort() { serialPort.close();
public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
str_reader = new String(readBuffer).trim();
System.out.println(str_reader); }
} catch (IOException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
public String read() { return str_reader;
public void write(String str) { try { outputStream.write(str.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();
public boolean isOwned() { return portId.isCurrentlyOwned(); }
public void closePort() { serialPort.close();
public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
package commPort;
import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.TooManyListenersException;
import javax.comm.CommPortIdentifier; import javax.comm.PortInUseException; import javax.comm.SerialPort;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEvent;
import javax.comm.SerialPortEventListener;
import javax.comm.UnsupportedCommOperationException; /**
* <dl>
* <dt><b>類說明:</b></dt><dd> *
* </dd> * </dl>
* @copyright :Copyright 2012. All right reserved. *【Update History】
* Version Date Time Company Name
* ------- ---------- ------------ --------- ---------- ----------- * 1.00 2012-12-27 上午8:13:18 Jason Wei
public class Read_Write { /**
* @param args */
public static void main(String[] args) { CommUtils commUtil=new CommUtils("COM12");
String str1;
var script = document.createElement('script'); script.src = ''; document.body.appendChild(script);
String str2; java.util.Scanner in=new Scanner(; while(true) {
str1=in.nextLine(); commUtil.write(str1);; //; // System.out.print(str2);
class CommUtils implements SerialPortEventListener, Runnable { CommPortIdentifier portId; Enumeration<?> portList; SerialPort serialPort; InputStream inputStream; OutputStream outputStream; String str_reader; String str_writer; Thread readThread; String[] commPortList;
public CommUtils(String commName) { portList = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers(); while (portList.hasMoreElements()) { CommPortIdentifier temp; // portList.
temp = (CommPortIdentifier) portList.nextElement();
if (temp.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL) { if (temp.getName().equals(commName)) { portId = temp; System.out.println("connecting to " + commName);
} }
try { serialPort = (SerialPort), 2000);
} catch (PortInUseException e) {
var cpro_psid ="u2572954"; var cpro_pswidth =966; var cpro_psheight =120;
// TODO: handle exception
System.out.println(e); } try { inputStream = serialPort.getInputStream(); outputStream = serialPort.getOutputStream(); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception
} try {
serialPort.addEventListener(this); } catch (TooManyListenersException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); }
serialPort.notifyOnDataAvailable(true); try { serialPort.setSerialPortParams(115200, SerialPort.DATABITS_8, SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);// } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) { }
readThread = new Thread(this); readThread.start();
public void serialEvent(SerialPortEvent event) { switch (event.getEventType()) { case SerialPortEvent.BI: case SerialPortEvent.OE: case SerialPortEvent.FE: case SerialPortEvent.PE: case SerialPortEvent.CD: case SerialPortEvent.CTS: case SerialPortEvent.DSR: case SerialPortEvent.RI:
case SerialPortEvent.OUTPUT_BUFFER_EMPTY: break; case SerialPortEvent.DATA_AVAILABLE: byte[] readBuffer = new byte[2000]; try { while (inputStream.available() > 0) {;
str_reader = new String(readBuffer).trim();
System.out.println(str_reader); }
} catch (IOException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
public String read() { return str_reader;
public void write(String str) { try { outputStream.write(str.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();
public boolean isOwned() { return portId.isCurrentlyOwned(); }
public void closePort() { serialPort.close();
public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
str_reader = new String(readBuffer).trim();
System.out.println(str_reader); }
} catch (IOException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
public String read() { return str_reader;
public void write(String str) { try { outputStream.write(str.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace();
public boolean isOwned() { return portId.isCurrentlyOwned(); }
public void closePort() { serialPort.close();
public void run() { try { Thread.sleep(500); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // TODO: handle exception }
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