public interface Interceptor extends Serializable {
* Called to let an interceptor clean up any resources it has allocated.
void destroy();
* Called after an interceptor is created, but before any requests are processed using
* {@link #intercept(com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionInvocation) intercept} , giving
* the Interceptor a chance to initialize any needed resources.
void init();
* Allows the Interceptor to do some processing on the request before and/or after the rest of the processing of the
* request by the {@link ActionInvocation} or to short-circuit the processing and just return a String return code.
* @param invocation the action invocation
* @return the return code, either returned from {@link ActionInvocation#invoke()}, or from the interceptor itself.
* @throws Exception any system-level error, as defined in {@link com.opensymphony.xwork2.Action#execute()}.
String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception;
intercept(ActionInvocation invocation):該方法是使用者需要實現的攔截動作。就像Action的execute()方法一樣,intercept方法會返回一個字串作為邏輯檢視。如果該方法直接返回了一個字串,系統將會跳轉到該邏輯檢視對應的實際檢視資源,不會呼叫被攔截的Action。該方法的ActionInvocation引數包含了被攔截的Action的引用,可以通過呼叫該引數的invoke方法,將控制權轉交給下一個攔截器,或者轉給Action的execute方法。
public abstract class AbstractInterceptor implements Interceptor {
* Does nothing
public void init() {
* Does nothing
public void destroy() {
* Override to handle interception
public abstract String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation) throws Exception;
public class SimpleInterceptor
extends AbstractInterceptor
// 簡單攔截器的名字
private String name;
// 為該簡單攔截器設定名字的setter方法
public void setName(String name)
this.name = name;
public String intercept(ActionInvocation invocation)
throws Exception
// 取得被攔截的Action例項
LoginAction action = (LoginAction)invocation.getAction();
// 列印執行開始的時間
System.out.println(name + " 攔截器的動作---------" +
"開始執行登入Action的時間為:" + new Date());
// 取得開始執行Action的時間
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
// 執行該攔截器的後一個攔截器
// 如果該攔截器後沒有其他攔截器,則直接執行Action的被攔截方法
String result = invocation.invoke();
// 列印執行結束的時間
System.out.println(name + " 攔截器的動作---------" +
"執行完登入Action的時間為:" + new Date());
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
System.out.println(name + " 攔截器的動作---------" +
"執行完該Action的時間為" + (end - start) + "毫秒");
return result;
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