Trust Region Policy Optimization
In this article, we first prove that minimizing a certain surrogate objective function guarantees policy improvementwith non-trivial step sizes. Then we make a series of approximations to the theoretically-justified algorithm, yielding a practical algorithm, which we call trust region pol-icy optimization (TRPO).

Note thatLπ uses the visitation frequency ρπ rather than ρ ̃π, ignoring changes in state visitation density due to changes in the policy.

let πold denote the current policy, and let π′= arg maxπ′ Lπold(π′). The new policy π new was defined to be the following mixture

Kakade and Langford derived the following lower bound

Monotonic Improvement Guarantee forGeneral Stochastic Policies

we note the following relationship between the to-tal variation divergence and the KL divergence

Trust region policy optimization, which we propose in the following section, is an approximation to Algorithm 1,
Optimization of Parameterized Policies

In practice, if we used the penalty coefficient Crecom-mended by the theory above, the step sizes would be very small. One way to take larger steps in a robust way is to use a constraint on the KL divergence between the new policy and the old policy, i.e., a trust region constraint:

Instead, we can usea heuristic approximation which considers the average KLdivergence:

Sample-Based Estimation of the Objective and Constraint
The previous section proposed a constrained optimizationproblem on the policy parameters (Equation (12)), which optimizes an estimate of the expected total rewardηsub-ject to a constraint on the change in the policy at each update. This section describes how the objective and con-straint functions can be approximated using a Monte Carlo simulation.

All that remains is to replace the expectations by sample averages and replace the value for an empirical estimate.The following sections describe two different schemes for performing this estimation.
Single Path

Practical Algorithm

Connections with Prior Work
Natural Policy Gradient
The natural policy gradient (Kakade, 2002) can be obtained as a special case of the update in Equation(12) by using a linear approximation to L and a quadratic approximation to the DKL constraint

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